
Swedish version
The Norwegian Streamer Series


Innovator: André Brun
Hook: M79580, #6-10
Tail: Olive grizzly marabou
Body: Cream yellow antron dubbing
Gills: Red wool yarn
Underwing: 4-5 peacock herls
Overwing: Olive grizzly marabou
Sides: Olive grizzly marabou
Head: Olive dubbed marabou
Minnow from The Norwegian Streamer Series

These streamers are imitations of common forage fish with a realistic silhouette and plenty of swimming action. The five streamers in the series are 1.Trout, 2.Sculpin, 3.Minnow, 4.Grayling and 5.Char. They are consistent flies for both lake and stream predators, such as trout and char. Even a huge grayling may hook up on you with one of these. Use the 5.Char in rivers and lakes with char or a char/trout population. The 2.Sculpin imitation is found to be the all purpose streamer of the series, but the 3.Minnow imitation shown on the pictures is also a great streamer for trout and has caught some 5-6lb brown trouts and even one over 7lb.


Tying instruction:
1) Tie in two feathers pointing toward each other for the tail (length: half the hook shank).




2) Dubb a rough body of antron.



3) Tie in 2-3 peaces of the red wool yarn to form the gills and tie in the underwing (length: half of the tail as shown on the picture).




4) Tie in the overwing in the same length as the underwing (half the length of the tail). Then tie in the sides in the same length as the hook shank.



5) For the head we spin a dubbing loop of grizzly marabou or better; ordinary marabou, and wrap it to form a large head as shown on the last picture.
Step one

Step two

Step three

Step four

Step five, finished fly

Text and photo:  André Brun © 2000


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© Mats Sjöstrand 2002

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Mats Sjöstrand, Sweden

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