Swedish version

Culture Night Sand

Presented by Jurij Shumakov

Culture Night Sand


Culture Night Sand
Originator: Jurij Shumakov
Tail: Fluor red floss with two strands of pearl flashabou
Antennas: Two fibres of Golden Pheasant central tail feather
Body: Cinnamon caddis hairline crystal dubbing in two sections
Body hackle: In three parts: rear and middle Golden Pheasant body yellow feather; front: yellow Golden Pheasant body feather with red tips, two strands of pearl flashabou almost the same length as fibres under middle hackle
Eyes: Clear or white pearl chain beads
Head: Cinnamon pearl sparkling dubbing


This fly I address to fly fishermen who are interested in coastal fishing for sea trout in Southern Sweden. Incredibly successful along the province of Skåne coastline.

Photo: Jurij Shumakov 2000 ©
May Garfish taken on Culture night Sand in
Viken bay (western Skåne, Sweden)

This fly that I developed by myself is based on the fly "89", and it was my and my fishing friends secret during three years, before I presented the fly for several fishermen in Malmö in the beginning of 1998. We were a lot of fishermen who caught several nice sea trout along the Skåne coastline. My best result last year was 17 sea trout in one day, near Abbekås in March 1997. The fly works fine both with the use of cast-dobb when spin fishing and in ordinary fly fishing, and especially if one use small Mustad SNAP hooks, these make the fly very flexible in the water. The fly also turned out to be outstanding in the fall for sea trout and perch fishing in the out-flow area of the river Saxån and river Löddeå.

Photo :Jurij Shumakov 2000 ©
May Garfish taken on Culture Night Sand
at Karakås (South-east Skåne, Sweden)

This fly have been named from the yearly fall festival in Lund, Skåne, Sweden. One festival evening we were walking around in the city when I on "Lilla Fiskaregatan" street found a small wad of black wool with a very interesting structure, from a commercial poster for a course in vegetable dying of wool. I used the wool as body dubbing for my fly. I have also tried to tie variants of the fly by using metal eyes and not to use eyes at all but they didn't work as well as the original.

Also check out one variant of this fly: Culture Night, (Kulturnatten)

© Text, Jurij Shumakov, 2000
© Photo, Lennart Delin, 2000, Jurij Shumakov, 2000


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© Mats Sjöstrand 2006

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Mats Sjöstrand, Sweden

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