Swedish version


My preferred flies
by Gianluca Nocetini

In many years of flyfishing I have
some flies that are always in my flybox


Emergent Hare's Ear

Emergent Hare's Ear, photo by Mats Sjöstrand

This is a generic pattern good in slow and fast water, it may be fished as a dry fly giving the floatant at the body, or as an emerger (moistening the body with the spittle)

Hook: DAICHI 1190 size 14,16,18
Thread: gray or yellow
Tail: Fibers Gallo Pardo
Body: Hare's Ear natural dubbing
Ribbing: Flat tinsel gold
Wing: CDC kaki



P.A. Emerging

P.A. Emerging, photo by Mats Sjöstrand

This is a French pattern and it is useful when trout are eating emerging flies (mayflies or caddis).

Hook: Tiemco 206 BL size: 14,16
Thread: Brown
Body: Lurex yarn yellow
Wing: CDC and Mallard wound and upright.



Olive Biot Dun

Olive Biot Dun, photo by Mats Sjöstrand

This is a variant of the pattern tied from the famous flytyer Marc Petijean. Varing the colour of the body and wings it may represent many types of mayflies from size 12 to 20. This is a excellent pattern for all the situations, in slow and fats water, it has a good floatibility and a good visibility.

Hook: Daichi 1190 size: 12,14,16,18,20
Thread: Olive
Tail: Microfibbets divided
Body: Turkey biot olive
Thorax: Substitute seal fur dark olive
Wings: CDC kaki divided


Microfibbets: Nylon fibers for tail on dry flies
Biots: come from the leading, or front, edge of the primary wing feathers from goose, turkey and other birds. On the feather, the biots lay against each other, leaning toward the tip of the wing. Come in different colors. It is easy to tell the biots apart from the rear fibers, as they are shorter, stiffer, and lay closer to the quill stem.
Gallo Pardo: a genetic Spanish rooster with very stiff hackle and beautiful colour
Kaki diveded: divided in two equal group with eight figure


Gianluca Nocetini © 2004
Flies tyed by Gianluca Nocetini
Photo by Mats Sjöstrand © 2004




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© Mats Sjöstrand 2004

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Mats Sjöstrand

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