Swedish version

R Nimph
By Agostino Roncallo

  For more than thirty years, I like to design and build artificial flies.

  After so many years, I think I've find that the right way for to obtain flies of good quality is the simplicity.

  I believe that the commonplace, according to which an assembly most is complicate and difficult to implement and more is valid is a stupidity.

  In my opinion, the model of a fly must to be born from a simple idea and should be easy to achieve.

  Flies with these features can be built using different materials, but  exists one that achieves amazing results: the Cul de Canard.

  When I started using it, I realized that it was naturally be followed by every fly I make, another representing its evolution and that another, following a logical process as simple as to seem natural.

  This process began when I created the Mirage that I consider the best fly among all those that I have tied until today.

  Having built the Mirage with a single feather of CDC, I thought that, with the same standard, maybe it was possible to construct other imitations, and the facts  gave me  reason why, using only one CDC feather, I got the imitations of the ant, the spider and the nymph emerging ephemeral.

On this occasion, I propose the emerging nymph imitation, which is make on the same basis of the Mirage, that is make bringing the CDC hackle barbs in a point to create the body and wings of imitation.

  In this case, in addition to the body of imitation, we also get the upper chest of the nymph.



1. I keep a CDC hackle by the tip and pull down his beard, in order to obtain a detached body.

2. Fixed the detached body on a hook grub.

3. Do converge beards CDC the point of attachment of the detached body and spring up with a few turns of wire mounting cross-eight.

4. Cut the beards of another CDC hackle to create  a dubbing which form the chest.

5. Down with the hackle on the chest, near the eye of the hook, fixed it and cut its surplus.

6. Cut off the hackle that excesses from the detached body, leaving two beards to imitate the tails. I perform the final node and the nymph is finished.

With his nymph I caught trout and grayling particularly difficult to catch and I  believe that its effectiveness born from its thinness. In fact, when it gets wet, is very similar to the nymphs emerging that seek to exit from the Exuvia.

When I tried the first few times, I was so pleased with the results I did precede the word Nimph the R of my last name.



By Agostino Roncallo 2010 ©


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© Mats Sjöstrand 2010

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Mats Sjöstrand, Sweden

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