Dawn Serie
Ismo Saastamoinen
Photo by Tomas

Tying descriptions for:
IQ Black Dawn |
IQ Blue Dawn |
IQ Dawn |
IQ Green Dawn
| IQ Red Dawn
IQ Thunder Dawn
| IQ Yellow Dawn
These flies are tied by
the originator Ismo Saastamoinen.

IQ Black Dawn

Oval gold tinsel lacquered
Tail: Fire orange hackle
Butt: Flour orange floss
Body: Rear half; flat gold tinsel, front half; black
and gold crystal seal
Ribbing: Oval gold tinsel and flour orange floss
Hackle: Black hackle over front half only.
Throat: Black heron or soft cock hackle extending
beyond hook bend.
Wing: 1 Fire orange hackle set back to back. 2. Two red
flash set one on each side.
3 Golden brown fox or raccoon body hair.
Head: Black with a stripe of flour orange floss.

IQ Blue Dawn

Tag: Oval
silver and blue floss lacquered
Tail: Blue, red and blue hackle set on top of each other.
Butt: Flour red floss
Body: Rear half; Flat silver tinsel, front half; Light blue
crystal seal
Ribbing: Oval silver tinsel and red floss.
Hackle: King fisher blue hackle over front half only.
Throat: king fisher blue extending to hook point.
Wing: 1. King fisher blue hackle set back to back. 2. Two
pearl flash set one on each side. 3. 1/3 golden brown fox or raccoon body
hair and 2/3 Brown fox
Head: Black with a stripe of flour orange floss.

IQ Dawn

Oval silver tinsel lacquered
Tail: Yellow hackle.
Butt: Flour orange floss.
Body: Rear half; flat silver tinsel, front half; black and
gold crystal seal.
Ribbing: Oval silver and flour green floss.
Hackle: Black hackle over front half only.
Throat: Yellow hackle extending to hook point.
Wing: 1. Hot orange hackle set back to back 2. Two pearl
flash set one on each side. 3. 1/3 green raccoon body, 2/3 brown
fox and a small bunch of golden brown fox or raccoon body hair.
Head: Black with a stripe of flour orange floss

IQ Green Dawn

Flat gold tinsel lacquered.
Tail: Green, orange and green hackle set on top of each
Butt: Flour green floss.
Body: Rear half; Flat gold tinsel, front half; green
highlander crystal seal.
Ribbing: Oval gold tinsel.
Hackle: Green hackle over front half only.
Throat: Green hackle extending to hook point.
Wing: 1. Yellow hackle set back to back. 2. Two pearl flash
set one on each side. 3. ¼ white fox, ¼ golden brown fox or
raccoon body hair and 2/4 brown fox.
Head: Black with a stripe of flour green floss.

IQ Red Dawn

Oval gold tinsel lacquered.
Tail: Red, fire orange and red hackle set on top of each
Butt: Flour orange floss.
Body: Rear half Flat gold tinsel, front half. Red crystal
Ribbing: Oval gold and flour orange floss.
Hackle: Black hackle over front half only.
Throat: Red hackle extending to hook point.
Wing: 1. Fire orange hackle set back to back. 2. two pearl
flash set one on each side. 3. 1/3 white fox, 1/3 golden brown
fox or raccoon body hair and 1/3 black fox.
Head: Black with a stripe of flour orange floss.

IQ Thunder Dawn

Oval gold tinsel and flour orange floss lacquered.
Tail: Hot orange hackle.
Butt: Flour red floss.
Body: Rear half; black floss, front half black crystal
Ribbing: Oval gold tinsel.
Hackle: Orange heron or soft long cock hackle over front
half only.
Throat: Blue guinea fowl.
Wing: 1. deep blue hackle set back to back. 2. Two pearl
flash set one on each side. 3. 1/3 golden brown fox or raccoon
body hair, 2/3 brown fox
Head: Black with a stripe of flour orange floss

IQ Yellow Dawn

Oval silver tinsel
Tail: Yellow, green and yellow hackle set on top of each
Butt: Flour red floss
Body: Rear half, Flat silver tinsel, front half yellow
crystal seal.
Ribbing: Oval silver tinsel.
Hackle: Yellow hackle over front half only.
Throat: Yellow hackle extending to hook point
Wing: 1. Yellow hackle set back to back 2. Two pearl flash
set one on each side. 3. 1/3 golden brown fox or raccoon body
hair and 2/3 brown fox.
Head: Red with a stripe of flour red floss.
