Dan Fallon Biography

Dan Fallon (standing) and Walton Powell
fishing on Fall River 1998
Fallon, 53 (2001), earned his associate's
degree at San Mateo Community College, and bachelor's degree at California State
University, San Francisco. He participated in the master's programs at San Francisco State
and California State University, Chico.
Among his credits are: creator and host
of the annual Connonball Cowboy Poetry Gathering in Mariposa Calif ; winner of two Golden
Poet Awards, World of Poetry, Sacramento, Calif.; 1989-89; Editor's Choice Award, North
American Open Poetry Contest, 1989 author of 15 poems published the last five years in
either anthology newspapers or magazines; author of feature articles published inWestern
Outdoors, Western Horseman and Appaloosa World; author of feature articles published in 25
newspapers in California and internationally; published in California History; master of
ceremonies at the Yosemite 100-year celebration in Wawona, Calif., which was video taped
and placed in the Smithsonian Institute's permanent archives; author of three major
American plays in the last six years, two of which are currently in production; publicist
for annual Mariposal County Pioneer Wagon Train, Mariposa, Calif.; speech writer and
publicist for four major California and national political campaigns; comedy writer and
performer in and around San Francisco and New York; and listed in 1990 Who's Who of
American Poets for poem, "Dan Quayle." He was Chairmen of the South Lake Tahoe
Arts Commission for three years and in the early 1980s he ran for mayor of San
Update 2017
Fly fishing world wide
especially Alaska and small private waters from Vermont USA down
to Cabo San Lucas have been a focus. Bamboo fly rods expensive
and rare have been constant companions. Oil painting and super
motorcycle riding in my home city San Francisco California have
been continued life long passions.
My fly fishing column begun in
1999 has run almost continuously. Fly column will be published
six times a year. On several occasions in last decade Quill
fiction almost became a movie. Talks continue. Paris France and
the small streams and creeks near the city have become
constants. Traveling and fly fishing, taking photos, oil
painting, chess are my usual activities as they have been since
early 1950s.
"Adventures Of Fletcher Quill"
has become one of the longest running fiction serials on the
world wide web. As of 2017 the only long running fly fiction in
the world. My life has been spent mostly alone fly fishing on
many of the most coveted waters on planet Earth.
Articles by
Dan Fallon published in
Rackelhanen Flyfishing Magazine:
Dan Fallon's monthly
colums; visit the table of contents
Eye of the Tiger
Butterfly & the
Lord of the Flies
Trout Take Over
Yosemite In Fall
