Sail Wing Dun
Sail Wing Dun
Innovator: André Brun
Hook: Mustad 94833
Size #10 - #18 |
Thread: Uni 8/0 |
Tail: Nymph
colored antron fibers |
Body: E.g. Fly-Rite
etc. |
Hackle: Ginger or Dun |
Wing: Gray Poly Yarn,
attached with the Sail Wing technique |
Tying instruction: |
1) Tie in a small bunch
of olive Antron fibers as a trailing shuck. |
2) Dub a tapered
abdomen, leaving ample room for the wing, thorax, and hackle. |
3) Now for the fun part
- the Sail Wing technique. A piece of poly yarn contains much more material than you need,
so use your dubbing needle to split a length of yarn into two or three pieces, according
to the size of the fly. Tie one of the pieces in front of the abdomen as shown, binding it
down with several snug wraps of thread. |
4) Raise the forward
end of the poly yarn and make several turns of thread in front of it, propping it upright. |
5) Tie in the hackle at
the rear of the thorax area. Spin some more dubbing on your thread and dub a thorax on the
fly. |
6) Make two wraps of
hackle between the wings and three wraps in front. Tie off the feather and clip the
excess. |
7) Trim the bottom of
the hackle. Gently brush the wing material and then trim the wing to length and shape.
Apply a drop of cement to the head. If necessary, trim the trailing shuck to length. |
André Brun lives in Gjøvik,
Norway. His wing design was first published in Fly Tyer, Volume 5, Number 1, Spring 1999.
Mr. Brun's Sail Wing technique can be used on any traditional medium size fly pattern. |

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other of the pages in the Rackelhanen Flyfishing Magazine. © Mats Sjöstrand 2002 |
you have any comments or questions about the Magazine, feel free to contact me. Webmaster
Mats Sjöstrand, Sweden |
excuse me if you find misspelled words or any other grammatical errors.
I will be grateful if you contact me
about the errors you find. |