I tied this fly under influence of "Black Spey" of my friend and a very good fly
tyer Richard Syren from Malmö. First time I checked it out on Mörrum in august 1998. The
fly gave me 8.1 kg pure silver sea-trout. In May-June 1999 I brought three Swedish fishers
to southern coast of Kola. We fished 6 different rivers. The fly showed tremendous success
on three rivers: Chapoma, Strelna and Chavonga. Nearly all my favourite flies I used
before on Kola were beaten by this pattern. After this I named it. The fly works very well
on both floating and intermediate lines, especially in those rivers with intensive deep
tea colour of water. May I add that almost 100% of sea trout at that trip were caught by
this fly too.

8.1 kg August sea-trout taken on Black Spey
(Chapoma Spey sister) at pool 17 in river Mörrumsån.
© Text, Jurij Shumakov,
© Photo, Lennart Delin, 2000, Jurij Shumakov, 2000
Shumakov tubes,
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