fly of "Last hope". Last autumn I have brought a team of Swedish fishermen to
Umba River. The conditions were really abnormal for September: water approx. half a meter
above normal summer level and temperature of water and air were too warm. For 10 days we
had only half a day of gloomy and rainy weather. Fresh salmon refused to stop in holding
pools to rest and followed by main stream upstream far from bank. Almost all my favourite
flies didnt work. The pattern I present here saved my "face" in a very
desperate situation and, in addition, gave me five salmon including top fresh runner at 9
kg. The fly worked outstandingly on intermediate and sink-tip lines on gliders mostly as
daylight fly. ©
Text, Jurij Shumakov, 2000

9 kg Umba fresh autumn runner taken on
Halfmuddler head. Photo Jurij Shumakov |