month in Yukon
Two years in a row
A TINCUP story by Padre
Photographs by Hans
van Klinken

Part 2,
continuation from page 1
Lake trout
were not as easy to reach with flies. They were much deeper and were more choosy. But in
the early morning hours they would come closer to the shore and it was possible to cast a
fly to them. One of the best methods was to use a 15-18 foot leader and a strike
indicator. A well tied Pheasant Tail, Hair s Ear, or even an AP nymph with only
minimum action and lots of pauses would get strikes. Carrot nymphs and Brian Chan s
Red Butt Chironomid also worked very well. However, the best fly for lake trout was the
Woolly Bugger on a sink tip line, retrieved slowly, with pauses and twitches. When trout
grabbed the fly during the retrieve, the take was very strong and decisive. At other times
the trout took the wooly bugger on the sink. Such takes were always careful, hesitant, as
if the trout was mouthing the fly.
Lake trout
have unique ways of fighting. Frequently, when initially hooked, they provide only token
resistance until they see you or the boat. Then all politeness goes out the window and a
real fight begins. Although they rarely become airborne, lake trout do make very strong
runs and demonstrate commendable strength. More than once they broke a brand new 5 lbs
tippet. Once they are brought closer to the boat or float tube, lakers change tactics.
Frequently they begin indescribable gyrations around a fixed point somewhere within their
heads. As a result they either wind themselves up completely with coils from the leader,
or they pull the fly out of their mouth and get away. I have seen lakers pull treble hooks
out of their mouths using this method. Another method, implemented by the trout when
brought toward shore, is to dive nose first into weeds or sand and thus rub the fly out of
their mouth.
Although I prefer fly fishing and consider other methods of fishing to be
less sporting and less fun, we nevertheless did try trolling and casting for fish. A depth
indicator frequently found very large lakers 20 or more meters below the surface far too
deep for effective fly fishing. Lake trout have a similar preference to that of Pacific
Salmon. They grab best when the spoon is twisting wildly. I once dragged an excellent
Rebel lure replica of a small fish for two hours up and down the lake without so much as a
bite. I switched sizes and colors and continued trolling Rebel lures. Still nothing
happened. But as soon as I changed to an enormous Crocodile Spoon, which makes exaggerated
twists and spins, and commenced trolling along the same section of the lake, trout
immediately grabbed the lure. I have no idea what the trout take these lures to be they
certainly don t look like anything edible that I can recognize.
Ernie Nagy believes that
these shiny, twisting lures somehow make the trout angry. They follow them from behind,
snapping at their tails which, of course, are not tales, but large barbless hooks. One
method used during trolling, which Ernie taught me, was to raise the rod and thus pull the
lure in, and then to drop the rod tip, thus forcing the lure to fall back. Frequently it
falls back right into the face of a following trout, which automatically grabs it and gets
hooked. Closer to shore, to my surprise, large plastic worms with wiggly tails also
attracted trout. However, the trout would bite the tail off and not get caught until I
began attaching cheater hooks. That solved the problem. Although because of the white
nights, there was no visible difference in the amount of light day or night; I found that
larger trout would bite more between 5:00 and 7:00 a. m. than at any other time.
Trout feed heavily on snails, nymphs, shrimp (scuds), and smaller fish.
Since they have only about 3 1/2 months to eat and store necessary fat for the coming 8
1/2 months of lean winter, they eat prolifically, utilizing any available protein; they
are even willing to scavenge. Thus, large lakers can be caught on the bottom by baiting a
hook with fish guts or pieces of meat left after cleaning fish. Not surprising, the larger
trout are usually found in deeper water. Lake trout are slightly different to clean than
rainbow trout. They have very sharp teeth and sharp growths on their gills. The meat may
be lighter or darker, depending on what the particular fish has been feeding on. If fried
with the skin left on, the meat tends to curl up in the frying pan. But if the skin is
taken off, then this does not happen. |
Living in the wilderness and
at times experiencing rather cold evenings and nights, we learned that fish heads, tails,
and fins are great for fish soup, which, in turn, is a very pleasant way in which to warm
up on a cold evening. We also learned that anointing the fish inside and out with
vegetable oil (preferably olive oil), sprinkling it with liberal amounts of lemon pepper,
wrapping it in aluminum foil, and dropping it into hot coals after a campfire provides a
delicious, warm finger food with easily detachable bones.
Since we spent four weeks in
the wilderness, fishing was by far not our only pass time. The day would frequently start
with myself getting up sometime around 5:00 in the morning, putting on the coffee pot, and
going out fishing or rowing for an hour or two. This was the time that I saw the most
animals. One animal, which became a regular friend, was the bald eagle. Early one morning,
soon after we arrived at Dogpack Lake, I released a grayling. Tired from the fight, it
rested on the surface, rather than immediately heading for deeper water. That was
its undoing, the eagle swooped down and picked it up. After that the eagle would
wait every morning, looking for a hand out. If I did not show up by 6:00 a.m., the eagle
would fly to a tree close to our tents and sometimes even call for breakfast. Fish
carelessly left near the camp sight before being cleaned, where also taken by the eagle.
Usually everybody was still asleep when I returned and had a second cup of coffee. After
breakfast our activities would begin.
We climbed some of the surrounding mountains and frequently went walking
along well-used moose trails; numerous times we hiked to a small lake, which had an
equally small island. Since this lake has no name on the map, so we named it "Island
Lake ". In order to get to this lake it was necessary to take off our boots and ford
an ice-cold, small, almost waist deep river with a rather strong current. There are no
fish in Island Lake it is too shallow for fish, being no more than 1 1/2 meters deep at
its lowest point. Thus, in the sever Yukon winters this whole lake turns into a solid
piece of ice and any fish would be killed. However, we saw more wildlife on Island Lake
than anywhere else. Mostly moose come to feed at its shores, but tracks indicated that the
wolf, the bear, the fox, and the badger also visit this lake. One fun activity is to make
Plaster of Paris casts of various animal and bird tracks. Back at home they are cleaned
up, put into frames, and hung in the family room along with other choice photographs as a
constant reminder of the wilderness.
During one of our visits my
wife and youngest daughter decided to explore the shores of Island Lake. This is a
leisurely 30-minute walk along the shore of this small body of water. When they returned
to where they had started and noticed their own footsteps in the moist ground they could
hardly believe what they were seeing a wolf had calmly followed my daughter, obviously
deliberately putting his paws directly into tracks left by her boots. Canadian Gray Wolves
are the stealthiest of all animals and are extremely difficult to see unless they choose
to be seen. We never saw him, although he was walking behind my daughter and wife! There
are also many shore birds and ducks, which frequent the lake. One shore bird would never
fails to raise a loud alarm call as soon as any large animal approached. It would scream
at us also, as we approached and then crossed over to the island. But as soon as we
settled down on the island, the bird would cease its alarm call. Once, while my girls were
quietly drawing on the island and I was reading, the bird began to call in alarm again. We
looked up and saw a gorgeous lynx walking out from the forest. Because we wear olive drab
clothing in the forest, and because the wind was coming toward us, the lynx was not aware
of our presence. Carefully it smelled the air and observed the lake. Then slowly and
majestically it walked out to the lake s edge, took a long drink, and lay down on
the warm sand. After a while it got up and calmly walked up a hill, finally disappearing
into the forest. We felt awed and privileged to have seen this rare and stealthy animal.
This was only the second time that we had seen lynx.
Another time, while hiking
toward this lake, the same shore bird again began its alarm call. That was surprising,
because we were still quite a distance away from the lake and the bird could not have seen
us. But as we walked around one of the hills we ran into a young grizzly bear, coming in
the opposite direction. That explained the bird s alarm call! Surprised, both the
bear and our party stopped some twenty meters from each other. The bear stood up on its
hind legs, almost as if to count how many of us where blocking his path, then turned
around and galloped back up the moose trail. I suppose that four of us were more than he
wanted to challenge! Because there are many grizzly bears in the area, we never went
hiking into the taiga without a fully loaded 7 mm rifle in our hands. |
Carrying this
heavy canon was extremely uncomfortable, but it was a wise safety precaution and it did
give us a sense of security. Thank God we never had to even point the rifle at any bear.
We did, however, have one very close encounter with a grizzly. It happened at 10:30 p. m.
We were already in our sleeping bags and my wife and oldest daughter were already asleep.
Suddenly there was the sound of heavy hoofs running right through our camp. It sounded
very much like a moose. Carelessly, without taking the rifle, I got up and went outside to
see what was going on; my youngest daughter joined me. We could see no moose, but some 50
meters away we saw the largest bear I had ever seen in my life, slowly walking away from
our camp. It was so huge that at first I thought there were two bears side by side. The
large male grizzly stopped, slowly sniffed the air, then turned around and came directly
toward us. We dove back into the tent, woke up my wife and other daughter, I grabbed the
rifle, pushed the safety off, and with adrenaline pumping, waited for the bear to rip open
our tent or to begin demolishing the second tent with all our food. I waited for about 15
minutes; nothing happened. Carefully I walked out the tent and checked for the bear. He
was nowhere to be seen. The next morning the tracks told us what had happened. The bear
had been chasing a moose, but the moose escaped by running through our camp and into a
swampy area west of our tents. Although a grizzly can outrun a racehorse, a moose, because
of its tall legs, can swim and go through swamps faster than any grizzly. When the moose
entered our camp and then ran off into the swampy area, the bear did not follow. It turned
and headed across the meadow toward a small ridge. Then it changed its mind, and came
back. The bear had come to within 15 meters of our camp. Following an old moose trail the
huge grizzly made a right turn and walked off into the forest. By walking past our camp,
so close to our tents, yet never touching them, the bear gave us a clear signal. It was
very much aware of our presence and of the presence of our food. But this was not an
American park bear, which are so used to people, that they have lost much of their natural
fear of humans and frequently do not hesitate to check our pocket contents, our cars, and
our freezers for a free meal. What we saw was an unusually large wilderness male grizzly,
which, despite being obviously aware of our food cache, had no desire to tangle with human
beings. Its message was clear: it was willing to tolerate our presence in its territory
and leave us alone as long as we left it alone. We subsequently saw this bear s
tracks many times, but the grizzly never bothered us.
Once, while up on a high mountain, my wife and daughters ran into the only
animal more dangerous than a grizzly a cow moose with a calf. This cow faced its
intruders, spread its front legs and looked directly at then. Again the message was clear:
protecting its calf, it would not permit my wife and children to cross the high alpine
meadow and reach the path leading down the mountain. This forced them to make a long
detour and a very difficult descent down a mountainside covered with thick alder and
aspen. At Larry Nagys invitation my oldest daughter and I undertook a hike to Tincup
Lake. We went around the south end, following a river. What we thought would be a
four-hour hike took us seven and a half hours just to get to their lake. There we got into
a canoe, which Ernie had left for us, and rowed another three or four miles. A strong wind
was blowing in our faces, and the lake was frothing with white caps. Although we are
experienced in canoeing, rowing against this wind was very difficult. Twice we stopped to
rest and eat a chewy bar for energy. Only when we were some 100 yards from the lodge did
Ernie spot us through a telescope and towed us in with one of the lodge boats. We were
exhausted, and no wonder the wind was so strong that none of the guests had gone out
fishing that day.
Larry flew into Dogpack Lake and brought my wife and other daughter to join
us at Tincup Lodge. We had a great supper together and an unforgettably wonderful evening
full of laughs, jokes, and sharing tales of wilderness experiences. In the morning, after
breakfast, Ernie took us by boat to the south end and we hiked back to Dogpack Lake.
During the hike the sky turned dark with ominous clouds, the winds picked up, and it
started to rain. Because we were in the forest, the wind did not bother us and we waited
out the rain under a big tree. When we got back to Dogpack Lake, we could hardly believe
our eyes: the whole lake was the color of coffee with milk and there were many freshly
broken branches and fallen trees all around. One tree fell within feet of our tent. Inside
the tent everything, which had been stored on the shelves was strewn on the floor. As we
subsequently found out, a hurricane-like storm had suddenly hit both lakes. Back at Tincup
Lake the heavy boats where tossed seven feet up the shore. Fortu Dogpack 18 nately, Larry
had flown off on business, otherwise his Helio floatplane would have been trashed. We went
boating, took tons of pictures, and gathered and dried as many of the local flowers as we
could. We found that with each week there were new flowers to be found, with bursts of new
colors and shapes. One week a meadow would be yellow and white with flowers. The next week
the Fire Weed bloomed, and the meadows turned reddish purple.
My wife is a professional artist and both my
daughters love to draw. Thus, they spent much time drawing from nature as well as creating
very amusing cartoons of some of the daily life in the wilderness. When they made their
daily entries into their diaries, they frequently peppered them with cartoons and
caricatures Almost every night we had a visitor the porcupine. It would crawl under the
wooden floor of the tent cabin and begin noisily gnawing on the plywood. This would
continue for hours. Sometimes two or three would come and create a ruckus, fighting and
arguing for hours. We tried to think of a way to chase the porcupines away without hurting
them. I tried bribing him with carrots, but he would only smell the carrot, click his
sharp incisors, and insulted me by trying to urinate on me! Finally we all agreed that we
had had enough; I came outside, leaned under the tent cabin, and sprayed him with bear
spray. The porcupine left, but the pepper spray somehow came up through the cracks in the
floor and choked us the whole nightlong. For about four days we had peace and quiet at
night, but then the porcupine came back. We admitted defeat and left him alone.
However, after
the big storm we pulled some of the fallen trees up along side the tent and prevented the
porcupine from crawling under our tent. The porcupine then started chewing on the other
tent floor, but that did not bother us as much. It rains frequently in the Yukon. Once it
rained for four days and four nights without stopping. On such rainy days we relaxed by
playing cards, drawing, or reading. We all brought books of both a classical and a
spiritual nature, and almost every day we would dedicate at least an hour to reading. The
idea was to use this wonderful wilderness to feed the intellect as well as the soul. When
it rained, we would read that much more. I also used the rainy periods as an opportunity
to hone my weak fly tying skills, teaching myself how to tie various fly patters, and to
refill my fly box. Frank Amatos book Flies of the Northwest proved to be an
excellent manual. It also gave me an opportunity to experiment with new materials and
create new variations of old flies, based on what I was learning in the Yukon.
We also had family discussions about life in
general, about how we handle some of our personal problems, how we react to life s
difficulties, how we can further improve our thoughts, our reactions, our relationship
with each other and with our own selves. We would use this opportunity to reexamine our
goals and reset our hierarchy of values. We thus let the wilderness heal the scars of
living in 21-st century western "civilization". There was never a bored moment
or any regret at being there. What we did regret was having to leave Dogpack Lake and the
Yukon. According to our family tradition, we cleaned up our site at Dogpack Lake, making
sure that there are as few signs of our stay as possible, and that our camp site is
cleaner than when we first found it. We sat in sad silence during the drive back to
Whitehorse. |
Upon coming home
we made a pact to return if at all possible to the Dogpack and Tincup Lakes. Early the
next year Jose called and said she was driving to our area in order to again represent
Tincup Lake Lodge at the International Sportsmen s Exposition. We invited her to
stay at our home. Seeing Jose was simply great and it gave us the opportunity to return
the warm hospitality, which she had shown us in the Yukon. Some friends and I helped her
set up the booth and my daughters and I helped man the booth during the show. Toward the
end of the show Larry flew down and we had an opportunity to discuss our second trip. Jose
told us that Ernie had surgery and would not be able to come to Tincup this year. She
invited my daughters to stay and help out at the lodge. It was too good to pass up and
they, of course, agreed. |
Returning to Tincup and Dogpack Lakes this year was
coming home for us. This time we traveled lighter, bringing less food and eliminating
unnecessary clothes and other equipment. My wife bought two new camera lenses and took
many roles of pictures. We initially spent some time at Tincup Lake, where one of the
guides, Ron Chambers, and I went looking for pike. It turned out to be too late for their
breeding season, but we found some large trout and landed a number of lakers in the 15-20
pound class. We learned something interesting: contrary to popular opinion, lake trout do
feed off the surface! The fish that were feeding in the middle of the lake were not
grayling, but lakers! This was something totally new for me. The larger fish continued to
hug the bottom. Again, the fly of Dogpack 20 choice was the Woolly Bugger with a few
variations. I had added a few Flashabou strings to the marabou tail. With the perpetual
darkness of the deep these strands of Flashabou are supposed to catch and reflect what
little light there may be at such depths. Also I heavily weighted the fly, and tied on
bead chain eyes not only for the purpose of sinking the fly quicker and deeper, but also
because this seemed to make the fly more attractive. The Tincup Woolly, as we named this
fly, calls for an extra long hook shank the longer the better so that the marabou can be
tied half way up the hook. The hook curve and the marabou tail ends are about equal with
each other. This method prevents short strikes a frequent problem when fishing for lakers
in deeper water. Ron and I noticed that this fly was very attractive to the large lake
trout. Over and over again it would get strikes and fish when other flies and lures
failed. We both watched as time and again trout would come dashing out of the deep or the
cover to carelessly inhale the fly. I observed as a 15+ lbs trout made a bee-line run of
about 15 yards just to take the Tincup Woolly. Each time they would completely inhale the
fly, turn and head back to where they came from; there were no hesitations. One fish was
so large that it took out almost all of my 200 meter backing in its initial run, before
going into gyrations and spitting out the fly. Thanks to Ron I had one of the greatest
fishing days of my life. There are huge fish in that lake!
This year
there were some changes at Dogpack Lake. The grayling were no longer as eager to feed from
the surface. But the trout were much more abundant and more willing to take flies. It was
fun trying to land a large laker on a size 18 fly with a 7 X tippet. Some trout were so
much darker; they almost appeared to be a different species. It had been an unusually wet
spring and the mosquitoes were thicker than ever. This, of course, provided for better
fishing the stomach contents of both the grayling and the trout was filled mainly with
mosquito and midge larva, as well as small snails. This in turn clearly indicating which
fly to tie up and cast in. The TDC and the YDC, along with a black AP nymph became
favorite patters. This year I took a 3 weight, four-piece backpacker s Elk Horn rod
for the grayling, and was extremely pleased with this equipment. It provided for a much
sportier play and was much easier to cast.
One of the
eagles was a bit wearier of us this year, but the larger female seemed to remember us and
took many of our fish. Two juvenile eagles also appeared at both Lakes. The bear came to
watch us land and also to check out our boats for leftover fish. Bear tracks came right up
to our campsite, but again, we had no trouble with them. We saw more moose with calves
this year and there were more mountain sheep to be seen with the optics. One night a moose
grazed right in the middle of our campsite. A wolf was sighted at Tincup Lake, but the
wolves did not howl for us. We did not see any lynx this year, but a moose came so close
to us at Island Lake, that a few feet more and we could have touched it. The weather was
quite a bit cooler and wetter, twice we had hail and once we even thought we had a bit of
snow all this in July! Wading rivers in freezing weather was quite an experience.
A number of
times Larry flew in guests to Dogpack Lake and left them with us for the day. One such
party of guests was Hans van Klinken and his delightful wife Ina. Introducing Hans, Larry
said that he was one of the officers of the European Grayling Society and was hoping to
catch some grayling and whitefish. I greeted him with the words "Welcome to Paradise
". And a grayling fisherman s Paradise it was. Hans later said that never
before had Dogpack 22 large grayling attacked his streamers. But the whitefish proved
illusive and difficult to catch. Hans is an innovative fly tier and his unique,
immaculately neat patterns worked better than anything I had. He was kind enough to give
me a set of his flies; but I have no intention of using them. They should be framed and
hanging in a museum of art. Almost everything Hans uses for fishing and fly tying he made
himself. Even his whip finisher and his bobbin are the work of his hands. A true
professional fisherman, Hans enjoys spreading the fly fishing gospel and watching people
excel at this exciting, yet peaceful, rhythmic sport.

Ina van
Klinken is not only an accomplished fly fisherwoman herself, but also is the main
photographer. While we were getting ready to fish, a bear chased a young moose into the
lake about 200 meters away. As the moose swam to the other shore, Ina and I jumped into
the boat and caught up with the animal. Trying not to scare the animal too much we circled
around the moose and Ina took many pictures. Because she is able to combine an active love
for the outdoors with gentleness and femininity, my whole family quickly came to consider
Ina one of our favorite people.
One day Larry flew in and took my wife and me pike fishing in Brooks Arm.
We caught many pike, mostly on flies. My wife caught the largest, approximately a 10
pounder. Pike fillets, when carved out correctly, have no bones and are delicious to eat.
For two days we ate pike and could not get enough of this delicacy. About a week later
Larry and Jose took some time off from the lodge and also went fishing for pike at Brooks
Arm. Jose caught a huge pike that must have been well over 35 pounds. This fish is slated
to be mounted and placed on the wall of the main Tincup Lake Lodge building. Some lake
trout over 30 lbs were caught this year immediately outside the lodge, where a small river
runs into the lake. During the last week of our stay our two daughters moved to Tincup
Lake Lodge and worked there under Jose s supervision. Jose is an accomplished
gourmet artist in her own right, featured in West European cuisine magazines. The girls
learned much from Jose and developed a new, more mature appreciation for the task of
running a lodge successfully. After my wife and I left, our daughters stayed another 10
days, helping out at the lodge, before flying back to California. They had never met
anyone with so much laughter, enthusiasm, and professional skills. Larrys idea of
opening up the lodge for winter sports recreation, such as ice fishing, cross country
skiing, or dog sledding wets our appetite. There is endless potential here. With his love
for the outdoors and his knowhow, the sky is the limit in what will be done at this
location, all the while leaving it as pristine, wild, and isolated as it is today. We all
wish we could have stay longer.
Much longer.

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All text by Padre
Pictures by Hans van
Klinken and Ina van Klinken |