Red Hot Brassie, San Juan Worm
RS 2 and WD 40
Presented by Bob

WD 40 |
Hook: Tiemco 2487 #20 |
Thread: Brown 8/0 |
Tail: Microfibetts or Wood
Duck Fibers |
Wing case: White foam or
Crystal Flash |
Thorax: Brown dubbing |
Body: Brown tying thread |
Red Hot Bassie |
Hook: Tiemco 2487 #24 |
Head: Midge red beads |
Thread: Red 8/0 |
Body: Red copper wire
(small) |
RS 2 |
Hook: Tiemco 2487 #20 |
Thread: Gray 8/0 |
Body: Muskrat under fur |
Tail: Microfibetts gray |
Wing: White foam |
San Juan Worm |
Hook: Tiemco 2487 #16 |
Thread: Match worm color,
8/0 |
Body: Natural colored
chamois or red/orange ultra chenille with ends burnt slightly. |
Text, Robert Bettencourt, 2000