Tying Instructions1.
Used H1A/CA #18
2. Tie 5mm double thick
rafene strip on top of hook behind eye and extending forward over eye about 3/4",
moisten rafene before tying in.
3. Tie mono in 1 mm back
from eye of hook on top of rafene for head foundation.
4. With cigarette
lighter melt mono tips to form small flats (flatten with wet finger tip.) This barbell
like assembly is about 1/8" wide.
5. Tie in three tails at
least one overall shank length long. Push the tails up with you thumb, then go between the
middle tail and the far tail with your thread, then around the hook in front of the tails,
then go between the near and middle tails with your thread and around the hook, do that
again and again, then once under the middle tail. Oliver describes it (left handed and
down in front and up in back for the thread direction) as between far and middle, between
middle and near, then one under the middle.
6. Lead from 1/4 from
back of shank forward. Wrap three layers right behind the head foundation, then wrap back
to create an almost V-shaped thorax.
7. Cut off yellow olive
flexibody strip ~2mm wide with point for tie-in.
8. Tie in flexibody and
ostrich herl right in front of tail tie in point.
9. Hold flexibody from
twisting in a pair of hackle pliers and wrap ostrich herl around flexibody for about
1". Wrap around and catch in fingers holding hackle pliers and then wrap again and
again without twisting the flexibody. Clip hackle pliers over herl and flexibody. Wrap up
in overlapping turns being careful not to twist the flexibody, 1/2 way up tie off and trim
off the flexibody and herl.

Proportions of Abodomen and Thorax
10. Coat a grouse breast
feather with flexament and stroke the barbs to narrow the feather. Should be width of
head. Tie in with feather upside down, tip to rear.
11. Dub Thorax. Create
carrot shaped dubbing on thread and wrap forward. Put more dubbing behind eyes. Then make
a 2" dubbing rope and touch with head cement. Figure eight around head foundation.
Then dub elliptically around barbells.

Dubbing elliptically around barbells
12. Compact head with
13. Tie in rubber legs
on each side, just in front of wing case. Dub between legs to cover thread and separate
front and rear legs.
14. Fold over wing bud
and tie down just behind head foundation.
15. Fold back rafene and
tie down immediately behind head foundation stalks.(rafene covers head foundation or
16. Tie new legs on each
side where rafene was tied down, cut off back leg of each of these pairs to leave a total
of 3 legs on each side.
17. Whip-finish
immediately behind head foundation.
18. Use pantone market
to color thread used for whip finish
19. Shape legs by
heating with surgical cauterizer. This will cause rubber to melt on one side thus folding
legs and putting in a permanent crease. Cut legs to length. Legs should be folded forward,
not down.
Note: Abdomen and thorax should be the
same length.
Changes from procedure in book.
(The original fly is published in Oliver
Edwards Flytyers Masterclass, page 29)
© Photo: Steve Sato.
Documenting the tying steps: Herb Kettler |