Tying Instructions1.
Build base using fine sheet lead starting around bend and wrapping up almost to eye. Wrap
back to have at least three layers in the middle.
2. Cut a piece of 1/6
"(1/4" for #8) wide surgical latex, cut a taper on one end, and tie it in with
the shiny side up so when folded over the dull side will be up.
3. Tie in mono around
4. Tie in gold ribbing
around bend.

Layout of body on hook
5. Dub very fine (used
yellowish olive) for abdomen. About 2/3 of length.
6. In thorax area dub in
a hot spot using orange. One or two turns.
7. Complete thorax using
hares mask or squirrel with lots of guard hairs.
8. Half hitch at eye.
9. Rib with gold tensil
to eye pulling ribbing deep into dubbing, about 5 or 6 turns.
10. Pull latex forward,
tie off and half hitch again. Latex should be stretched so it covers back and comes down
on sides. One of the tricks is to keep the latex down on either side of the body. Rib
outside of latex with mono. Ribs can be between gold ribs or over gold ribs and pulled
very hard to form segmentation. More outside ribs than gold ribs.
11. Tie off mono, create
conical head and whip-finish. Brush abdomen and thorax out to create gills and legs
12. Color shellback
appropriately (browns, olives, dark orange, etc.) using pantone pens and color head black.
Note: For turbid water use gold
Kamasan grub hook and holographic tinsel for rib. Tie fly around curve of hook until
its almost to the bottom of the flat section.
(Czech Republic, Oliver Edwards, Fly
Fishing and Fly Tying, November/December 1996 page 24, April 1998, page 20, January 1997)
© Photo: Steve Sato.
Documenting the tying steps: Herb Kettler |