Tying InstructionsNote:
The technique is very similar to what was described in Oliver Edward's Masterclass. I
recommend you read that description first. The main difference is that the abdomen is
created on the needle rather than being tied on the hook from the start. The needle
technique simplifies it significantly.
1. Wrap tying thread
around needle and then tie tails (4 moose hairs) on needle. Cut foam strip about 3 mm wide
at ends and 2 mm wide in the middle. Kind of bowtie shaped. Fold tails back over needle.
Press foam over needle and pull tails back through so they stick out. Slide foam right
down to the tip of the hook wrap thread right up to the foam and then fold the foam
forward (toward the eye.) Now wrap the thread around the foam to create an abdominal
segment of about 3/16". Wrap thread forward on the needle about one segment and wrap
around foam to create a second segment. Continue to wrap forward until you have created 6
2. Clip a clump of deer
hair, stack and tie hair on hook with butts to the back. Lift hair up to form wing.
3. Take abdomen
previously created and attach to hook by wrapping over the tails and thread in the core of
the abdomen. Note that the two foam tabs on the abdomen extend forward around the wing and
in front beyond the eye of the hook.
4. Wrap thread back to
and use to create foam segments extending up the abdomen to just behind the wing. Pull the
foam tabs up behind the wing.
5. Tie the hackle by the
butt to the hook in front of the wing.
6. Wrap the hackle
around the wing and the foam.
7. Pull the foam forward
around the wing, over the hackle to the eye. Tie the foam tabs together just behind the
hook eye.
8. Fold the foam tabs
back to create a small head and tie them off and whip-finish.
Oliver Edwards Flytyers Masterclass, page 97 - Now simplified and
© Photo: Steve Sato.
Documenting the tying steps: Herb Kettler |