How to have your cake and eat it.
By Jurij Shumakov

B&R Long Range Prototype
When I started tying heavy Halfinchers
some 6-7 years ago, all I could find on the market were Veniard copper tubes and quite
ugly thick brass tubes, of unknown origin. The flies tied on those tubes were far from
perfect, with heads that looked "ill and inflamed" and with naked bodies.
As long as this type of fly only interested Scandinavian anglers, progress was very slow.
But then the success of the Templedog flies fuelled interest in the Swedish innovative
type. The first real breakthrough, however, came when Mörrum type tubes appeared on the
market, produced by Danish "The Fly Co". And, almost simultaneously, the first
models of bottlenecked LOOP tubes showed up.
Personally, I developed a preference for
the Mörrum tubes because they were functional and offered flexibility in tying. Moreover,
they allowed me to tie very small and compact heads, keeping the world-famous silhouette
of Scandinavian long-winged flies. Eventually, both firms have improved their tubes and
now offer quite a wide selection, including summer light varieties, but "The Fly
Co" has made an additional step forwards by adding coloured tubes and aluminium

Brown Swedish Bullet
My interest in heavy Halfinchers
increased when they helped me on one of my trips to the Kola Peninsula - their presence in
my fly-box let me catch fish when all others failed. But, despite the fact that nowadays
there are plenty of different tubes you can buy, I had the feeling that I needed to find
something to suit my imagination and match my own ideas about shape and balance.
When I looked closely at flies tied on
short commercial tubes, I had noticed that in a moderate current, the hook hangs down. Not
much, but still. This can be partly prevented by adding compact back hackle at the rear
end of the tube. On Mörrum tubes this can easily be done on the plastic insert before you
place the metal body. The hackle helps to hold the rear part of the body up, because it
works a bit like the horizontal underwater wing on high-speed sea-craft.

Black Skittle Prototype
Another way to minimize the tendency of
the hook to hang down is to use thick and stiff monofilament, which wont be bent by
the weight of tube and hook. Commonly used tippet material for the spring fishing on
Mörrum are around 0.40-0.50, because salmon can be really huge and it is well known how
sharp the stones can be. This thick monofilament can be used as well for the evening and
night fishing for sea-trout. But with early summer fishing, things get a bit complicated,
because it is not a healthy idea to fish small summer tube flies on tippet 0.45. Moreover,
on some rivers with very clear water and big fishing press it can affect the catch too.
I simply couldn't understand why the
centre of balance should be towards the rear end of the body, like on Mörrum tubes or
bottlenecked LOOP! Now it is true that a small and compact metal tube attached to
relatively stiff hair, like bear for instance, will not lean that much. On the other hand,
if you use polar fox fur, or the newly discovered Caucasian silver goat hair, it
definitely does, and that is a nuisance!

Orange Long Range Prototype
Stiff furs, like bear or badger, are
mostly used as under wing on big flies for spring fishing. So what should I do if I wanted
to tie the "summer" Halfincher with quite a distinct light wing? Conehead
tube-flies are intended to move in water like Put & Take flies, and on small flies the
silhouette is not really proportional.
Summer tubes from "The Fly Co"
have bigger diameter of the hole at the rear part of the tube compared to the front
entrance. It makes more sense to see that big hole to improve the balance, than to use the
tube as it was anticipated, to set in the tubing and a knot. The knot on the eye of the
hook can be easily removed close to the beginning of the hook shank, so you can save a
couple of mm space between hook and tube. To set silicone tubing inside the metal body is
a real "pain in the
", however. All previous recommendations of LOOP
dont work because silicone cannot be glued firmly, even using Super glue. Moreover,
it is impossible to set hook eye bigger than size 10 in the tube while tying knot on
tippet 0.35. Well, you might object that summer fishing requires thinner line and smaller
hooks, but we are all different and may prefer "secure" stuff. Maybe thats
why LOOP stopped producing these tubes and started with another shape of rear part?

Summer Arrow B 52 Protoype
The most suitable tubes I found with
respect to the connection between body of fly and hook were Mörrum tubes of the first
generation and tubes of the brand "Unique", which had just arrived on the
market. Unfortunately, "Unique" tubes are disfigured by a big unpleasant
"pig-nose" rim at the front of body. The rim is intended to help tying and
prevent binding thread from being lost at the head of the fly. In fact, it is just an
unnecessary and useless addition. A small rim can be easily built on plastic insert using
the flame of a lighter, and that is quite sufficient.
When I use "Unique" tubes I
remove the metal rim, and tie on plastic insert exactly as on Mörrum tubes. For those who
want to start on metal body anyway, I would recommend to glue metal body to the plastic
insert with Super glue. Tie wing partly on metal body, and finish fly with accurate head
on plastic insert. When you have secured the last bunch of fur for the wing, take tube out
of the holder, cut excess plastic, leaving approximately 1 mm. Insert a suitable needle in
the front entrance, prevent all front element from getting in the way by holding them back
with your fingers, light the lighter and carefully expose the end of plastic tube to the
flame, slightly rotating the tube in your fingers. Your small, accurate and perfect rim is
ready! Set fly back to holder and complete the head. (Fortunately, all of this is more
difficult to describe than to do!)
Nevertheless, in spite of all the
solutions I had found, I kept getting back to my initial reaction: why create imbalance in
the first place?
I spent a few months pondering over these
problems, until one day last autumn I went to the open air fruit market. The kids wanted
pears. Pears? I stood in front of a big pyramid of pears holding one of them in my hands,
and couldn't get rid of the feeling that this was something I needed, but for what? Well,
you could say that fly-tiers are sometimes almost like idiots, thinking 24 hours a day
only about their flies! There at the market, the bright image of a shape for my tube
finally emerged.
I sat glued to my computer a few nights
drawing blueprints, playing with shapes and different solutions for the "tube of my
dreams". All possible and available tubes were lying there in front of me. Ideas came
to my mind, one by one. Some helped me improve existing tubes, some presented me with an
entirely new use for well-known elements, yet others pushed me on to unexplored
Three shapes finally came to the virtual
reality of my computer. So what about the reality outside of my Windows? Internet is
a funny thing in some ways. The more net friends you have, the more annoyed your wife gets
- but that's the price you pay when you want to bring virtuality into reality. I sent a
message with proposals to one of my net friends from Ukraine who, together with another
"hooked" man, runs a small company called 'Megoff" (, specializing in new concept fly-reels and vices. By the way,
it is the only company which has managed to make functional fly-reel with a ball bearing
weighing just 62 g. It is the smallest reel on the market (only Hardy has a regular
"birdy" of about 75 g, but without ball bearing). The Megoff reel is specially
designed for those minimalists who want to have unique fly-reels and catch big fish on
toothpicks. So, as you might have guessed, my Ukrainian net friend accepted the challenge.
Just a couple of months later I could
hold the first prototypes in my hands. I worked hard both on fly image and tube design.
The result is three different body shapes in two weight versions, each made from
brass and one in aluminium.

Skittle Tube Fly tubes, Bronze, 5 mm Ø, 13
mm long
The two tubes at the right are dyed by hand
The "Skittle"
brass tube is the one with the best balance among all heavy tubes. It has enough weight at
the front end to push the fly down and hold it firmly in the current. The rear part is
thin, and not that different from the so-called "US tubes" of "The Fly
Co". Front cone helps to hold fur up and mount wing at the best angle. Hair of wing
stays far from the hook, so it helps prevent tangling. One variant has grooves on the rear
part of the thickening, which can be dyed.
Long Range Tube Fly tubes, Aluminum, 4 mm
Ø, 13 mm long
The four tubes at the right are dyed by hand
Long Range Tube Fly tubes, Aluminum, 5 mm
Ø, 13 mm long
The four tubes at the right are dyed by hand
Long Range Tube Fly tubes, Bronze, 4
mm Ø, 13 mm long
The four tubes at the right are dyed by hand

Long Range Tube Fly tubes, Bronze, 5 mm Ø,
13 mm long
The four tubes at the right are dyed by hand
The "Long Range"
brass tube was conceived to reach the deepest lies. To make the rear part lighter, the
body has been cut in four places. At the same time, if these grooves are dyed with a
different colour (I tried red and black), the body doesn't look as naked as on other
brands. The friend who was the first to see this creation exclaimed in amazement: "It
certainly is a fly, but it looks like Mepps!" Well, who said that spinners don't
catch salmon? We just adopted some good ideas for our toys!
The "Summer arrow"
brass tubes are in fact a "conehead mutant". Long ago, I used to tie summer
flies using small coneheads behind and under the wing, but the hollow inner surface of the
conehead makes that rather inconvenient. The idea behind the Arrow is to tie light summer
tubes without using coneheads. The 4 mm Arrow is light as LOOP's summer bottlenecked brass
tubes, and doesn't have unnecessary details like a metal neck or complicated tubing holder
at the rear part of the tube. The front cone has the same advantages as for Skittle tubes.
The Summer arrow can be used in the "Body interchangeable set for tube flies"

"Summer Arrow" Tube Fly tubes,
Right: 5 mm Ø, 13 mm long
Left: 4 mm Ø, 13 mm long
The size rear part for hook holding
permits use both with thin and thick silicone tubing.
Keep well, keep tying and hope some day
you'll see a glimpse of understanding in the eyes of your relatives...
Jurij Shumakov 2002 ©
All Tube Fly tubes presented in this article are designed by Jurij Shumakov and
manufactured by Megoff Engineering
The stripe coloured ones are hand colored by the auther himself. |