Some years ago I read an article, on
flyfisherman, about a fly made with a new hair from the snowshoe rabbit's foot (the artic
rabbit). I asked some friends who went in the USA for finding this material; Finally after few months I received this snowshoe
rabbit's foot.

Snowshoe rabbit's foot
This is a great material, floats better
than Cdc and it is stronger.
The original pattern "usual" is
made entirely with this, the body with the underfur (light gray colour) and the tail and
the wing with the hair (white/cream colour).
From years I have made and tried
experimental patterns with this.
Now I tye patterns of dry flies and
emergers in different colours; I have fished with this flies in all european waters,from
Austria to Finland, from spain to Norway, with a very good number of catches.
Pattern description:
Hook: standard dry fly 14-18 |
Thread: olive |
Tail: Snowshoe rabbit's
Foot Hair |
Body: Squirrel dubbing
olive or seal fur |
Wing: Snowshoe Rabbit's
Foot Hair |
This fly may be tyed in many colours: gray, olive, red, brown, yellow in
size 14-18, black in size 18-20
Photo: Andrea Limberti
Text: Gianluca Nocentini
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