Fam: Calopterygidae
by Jason Akl

Hook: Mustad 37160, Size
Tail: twisted green nylon
Eyes: Black bead chain links
Abdomen (thorax): 2 strands Peacock Hearl
Shellback: Black Muscovy Duck Feather (fixed)
Thread: Black 6/0
Legs: Paint Brush bristles
Wings: 4 black hackles
Start this fly taking a piece of green
nylon and cutting it into strips 5 inches long. Take one end of the nylon and lock it in a
hemostat if you keep one at you fly tying desk or just a binder clip. With you other hand
start to twist the other end in any direction you want, but always turning the same way.
If you twist the nylon enough you will feel it trying to pull itself together and ball up.
Slowly bring the ends of the nylon closer to each other allowing the spun nylon to wind
itself into a long braid.
Once you have finished the extended body
set it aside for a minute (if you twisted it tight enough it will not unravel by it self).
Place your hook into your vice and attach the thread behind the hook eye. Tie down the
extended body and wrap it with thread till you reach the point where the hook starts to
bend down.
Cut a small section for a muscovy duck
feather and fix it with dave's flexament. Tie down the prepared feather facing over the
back of the hook and advance your thread to the hook eye. Using a figure eight pattern tie
in the pair if bead chain eyes. while wrapping your thread back to the tail section stop
at the 1/2 mark on the hook shank.
Tie in two bristles from a paint brush,
leaving equal amounts extending from both sides of the fly. apply a bit of crazy glue to
the legs tie in point to really lock them in place.
Once you are done with the legs tie in
three peacock herls and cover them with thread till you reach the tail. Twist the herls
into a rope and wind forward creating a thick full body. Tie off the herls behind the eyes
and pull the shell back forward tying it off behind the eyes but not cutting the extra end
Behind the eyes tie in the four (2 per
side) hackle which you have stripper 3/4 of the way up. Making sure to tie them in shiny
side out. Pull the remaining fixed black feather over the eyes and tie off. Whip finish
and cement the head. Crimp the legs at a downward angle with pliers to give a realistic
Jason Akl © 2004 |