Big Eye Spoon Fly
By Jason Akl

Fly fishing for Redfish in recent years has exploded in popularity
becoming one of the most popular game fish from Texas to the Gulf of
Mexico, the Florida Everglades and along the eastern coast of the
United States. Redfish as a group, inhabit many different aquatic
environments in the inshore and offshore waters along the coasts of
the U.S. Redfish are voracious predators that will eat just about
anything that is able to fit between their powerful jaws.
The most
productive time for anglers to target these game-fish is when they
come into the shallows in search of small crustaceans. Daily the Reds
can be seen searching the shallow grass flats on the incoming tide,
and up along the mangroves and oyster beds on the higher part of the
tide. As the tide retreats the Reds will move back into the deeper
holes and channels. The versatility of Redfish is almost unmatched as
they can also be found making their way up inside marshes and creeks
even into fresh water.
To target these finicky Reds, fly anglers need to understand their
distinct feeding behavior. Above all else Redfish love crabs, shrimp
and baitfish usually in this order. Serving them up a tasty crab
imitation will definitely improve your odds of hooking up with quality
fish. The big eye spoon fly is a fairly good imitation of a crab
pattern but the wobble retrieve with this fly gets the Reds going
Cast this fly to tailing Reds, slowly strip and pause the retrieve
allowing the fly to fall to the bottom imitation a fleeing crab or
injured baitfish. To get the most out of your fly be sure to tie it on
with a loop knot. Feel free to try this fly on other salt-water
species like Sea-trout, Snook, Striped Bass, Bluefish, and Mackerel
who have all shown a weakness for its intriguing wobble and bright
Materials Used in the Big Eye Spoon Fly
TMC 811 Size 4.
Thread: Yellow Uni-Thread Size 8/0.
Body: Prismatic Tape/ Stick-On Prismatic Eye.
Tail: Yellow Hackle Fibers/ White Marabou.
Other: 5 Minute Epoxy.
Start this fly by placing your hook into the vice securely and
attaching the thread behind the hook eye. Select a small bunch of
marabou fibers and attach them to the top of the hook shank with the
thread. Wrap the marabou down to the shank with thread until you reach
the beginning of the bend in the hook shank. Advance the thread to the
back of the hook eye and repeat this process with the yellow hackle
fibers (stack the hackle fibers before tying them onto the hook

Take the prismatic tape and peel off the backing, exposing the glue
and fold the tape over itself so that both sides are reflective. Cut
out a tear-drop shape from the prismatic tape with your scissors
making sure that it is approximately the same size as the hook shank.
On the topside of the tear-drop shape you just cut out, stick on one
yellow prismatic eye in the bottom portion of the tear-drop. Advance
the thread to the back of the hook eye and tie in the teardrop to the
top of the hook shank by its tip.

3. Place
a drop of epoxy at the rear of the hook shank and hold the teardrop to
the shank with your finger until the epoxy dries. Once the tear-drop
is glued in place mix a second batch of epoxy and cover the entire
body of the prismatic tape. Place the fly on your epoxy drier to make
sure that the fly dries evenly.

Text &
photo: Jason Akl © 2005 |