Fly recepies for article
At the
foot of the Rainbow
King Cremson Diver

tube: plastic 1.8 mm in dia
Butt: magenta SLF dubbing
Body: three cone-heads in size S+M+M
Rear hackle: magenta cock
Wing: 4 strands of lilac Mirage Flashabou of rear cone-head in size
First bunch of polar bear fur dyed in purple with a few strands of magenta holo flashabou after first cone-head in size
Second bunch polar fox tail fur dyed in pink with a few strands of magenta holo flashabou and silver holo Angel hair after second cone-head in size
Third bunch of polar fox tail fur dyed in hot pink with a few strands of pink, light blue and magenta holo flashabou after third cone-head in size
Fourth small bunch of polar fox dyed deep purple and tied as Håkan Norlings "reverse" wing at front of front hackle, 2/3 of the wing length; over the wing a few strands of holo pink flashabou and whole teal flank feather dyed in purple
Front hackle: magenta cock and violet guinea
Head: black

Tube: brass, type Long Range, 4 mm in dia, 1/2 inch long; inner plastic tube 1.8 mm in dia
Body: slots painted in fluor pink varnish
Wing: purple Mirage flashabou; bunch of fluor pink polar fox tail hair; 6 strands of pink Midge Crystal hair; 4 strands of pink Gliss'N Glow; bunch of Arctic fox tail fur dyed in purple; 6 strands of purple Mirror Crystal hair; small bunch of polar fox tail fur dyed in black; over the wing a few strands of pearl flashabou
Front hackle: purple and hot pink cock
Head: black

Tube: brass, type Long Range, 4 mm in dia, 1/2 inch long; inner plastic tube 1.8 mm in dia
Body: slots painted in glow red
Wing: 2 strands of purple Mirage flashabou, bunch of Arctic fox tail hair dyed in shell pink , 4 strands of purple Mirror flashabou; bunch of Arctic fox dyed in pink, 4 strands of Rainbow flashabou; bunch of Arctic fox tail hair dyed in black
Front hackle: white cock and pink Guinea fowl
Head: black
Chava 1

Tube: brass, type Long Range, 5 mm in dia, 1/2 inch long; inner plastic tube 1.8 mm in dia
Body: slots painted in fluor green
Wing: 2 strands of chartreuse flashabou Lazer, bunch of Arctic fox tail hair dyed in fluor green , 4 strands of chartreuse Mirror Crystal hair; bunch of Arctic fox dyed in purple, 6 strands of purple Mirror Crystal hair; bunch of Arctic fox tail hair dyed in black; over 2 strands of black holographic and 2 strands pearl flashabou
Front hackle: fluor green and black cock
Head: black conehead size L
Chava 4

Tube: brass, type Long Range, 5 mm in dia, 1/2 inch long; inner plastic tube 1.8 mm in dia
Body: slots painted in glow red
Wing: 2 strands of purple flashabou Lazer, bunch of Polar bear hair dyed in purple, 6 strands of purple Mirror Crystal hair; bunch of Arctic fox tail hair dyed in black; over 4 strands of purple Mirror Crystal hair;
Front hackle: purple cock
Head: hot orange conehead size L
BC Favourite

Tube: Eppendorf plastic lab tippet, 1 inch
Tag: oval silver tinsel
Butt: purple tinsel
Tail: red SLF Hanks
Body: rear half: pearl tinsel, front half: purple holographic dub
Rib: purple tinsel
Body hackle: front half: deep purple cock
Wing: 2 strands purple Mirage flashabou, small bunch of polar bear fur died in purple; magenta, purple Angel hair; bunch of polar fox tail fur dyed in black; over the wing 4 strands of black holographic flashabou
Front hackle: cock dyed in black
Head: black
Read the article:
At the
foot of the Rainbow
By Jurij Shumakov
Text and photos by
Jurij Shumakov (c) 2005