Casting Faults and Fixes
Mel Krieger

Photo by Ben Blackwell © 2005
by Magnus Angus, quoted with permission from Fly Fishing and Fly
Tying, December 2005
absolutely no unnecessary casting-babble Krieger explains the basic
mechanics. Understand this and you understand the principles.
As in his
previous videos and DVDs Krieger glows with infectious enthusiasm. He
clearly enjoys what he's doing and does it well. The quality of image
and sound on this DVD is high.
Faults & Fixes is a deceptively simple production. Krieger stands
by a lake, demonstrates and talks. That's it! No fancy locations, no
fishing, and no fish - well, I think I did spot one fish cruising just
below the surface! But throughout I can see exactly what Krieger is
doing and exactly what his rod and line are doing.
What you won't
find here is the old dogma of casting from 2 o'clock to 10 o'clock -
in fact, no clocks at all. Krieger uses the idea of a variable casting
arc, so, for example, casting a short line requires a short stroke;
longer line, longer stroke.
To my mind the
chapter that will benefit anyone interested in improving their casting
is Creeping and Drifting Between Back & Forward Casts. Creeping
the rod forwards during the pause between back and front casts
shortens the casting arc. It tends to cause the caster to drive the
line down into the water or, more often, to throw tailing loops. In a
manner of speaking, drifting is the opposite; moving the rod back
during the pause eliminates the problem of creeping and more.
Flycasting Faults & Fixes is worth having for that chapter alone.
Aimed at those
who want to improve their casting, Flycasting Faults & Fixes is a
super reference and first-class teaching aid, whether you're teaching
yourself or someone else.
- DVD in English
- Formatted for all
- Running time: 80
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Photo by Ben Blackwell © 2005
Chapter 1:
Chapter 2: The basic
mechanics of y fly cast
Chapter 3: Wide or
non loop shapes
Chapter 4: General
casting faults
- Back & forward
cast out of plane
- Hook cast
- Good timing
- Last cast syndrome
- Poor back cast
- Improper power
Chapter 5: Tailing or
crossed loop shapes
- Tailing or crossed
- Casting stroke too
- Creeping and
drifting between back & forward casts
- Maintaining rod
- The push vs.
pull-through casting stroke
- Unloading
(stopping) the rod too soon
- Another last cast
- Poor line hand
Chapter 6: The roll
- The roll cast
- Failure to
position the fly line behind the rod
- Failure to
position (anchor) the end of the fly line in the water
- Effective loop
shapes in the roll cast
- Chapter 7 Curved
line back cast
Chapter 8: Conclusion
Bonus Chapters: Mel's
introduction to Spey casting with a single hand rod
- Forward Spey or
switch cast
- Single Spey cast
- Snap-T or circle
Spey cast
- The double Spey
- The snake roll
- Loop‚ line'
- Let's try that
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