to Choose & Use Fly-tying Thread
by Paul C

Jean-Guy Côté,
President and CEO of UNI Products, announces the publication of, How
to Choose & Use Fly-tying Thread. Prepared for UNI by Paul C
Marriner and Gale's End Press, this 48-page, 5.25 x 8.25 inch,
booklet is a valuable teaching aid and supplementary handout for
fly-tying instructors.
Normally priced (2006)
at $3.00/copy, UNI Products is making the booklet available free of
charge to qualifying recipients. The Federation of Fly Fishers, United
Fly Tiers, Trout Unlimited Canada, La Fédération Québécoise pour
le Saumon Atlantique, and The Fly Dressers Guild (UK) have all agreed
to distribute the publication in appropriate numbers to instructors
within their organizations.
Some of the topics
covered in the booklet are:
Thread materials,
construction, and sizes
Basic thread
operations such as tying-in and tying-off
Dubbing techniques
Spinning hair. All
techniques are fully illustrated with color photographs-more
than 90 in all.
Fly-tying instructors
belonging to any of the above mentioned organizations can request
copies of How to Choose & Use Fly-tying Thread from their
organization. Individual copies are available for $3.00 from Gale's
End Press, RR #1, Mahone Bay, NS B0J 2E0, Canada. Direct any questions
The above image is
available from Gale's End Press for media use.
Always look to
UNI-Products for the best in spooled fly-tying materials and
accessories. Visit UNI
Products webpage