Interview with
Hans van Klinken, The Netherlands
by Hein van Aar
Can you tell something more about
“I was born in 1956. I started fly fishing at the age of 15 in Norway
and fell in love with the beauty of the Northern Regions almost
immediately. I frequently travelled to Scandinavia to spend there most
of my holidays until the late nineties. It was in the large variety of
the river systems and lakes of Scandinavia that I honed my fly fishing
skills. I began fly-tying in 1976. By the early eighties, I was creating
my own designs, mostly parachutes. This preference eventually led to
several unusual patterns and tying techniques over the years. Unlike
most European fly-fishers, my first salmon, arctic char and sea trout
were caught on dry flies but because not many people believed the
stories about catching salmon and sea trout with a dry fly, I was forced
to go my own particular way.
In 1981, I married Ina Stevens and my
army job took me to the north of Germany where I stayed for several
years. Now even closer to Scandinavia and with a partner who loves the
outdoors, more time on the water was possible, and fly-fishing became an
obsession. After nearly ten years of intensive fly fishing in
Scandinavia and with more money in my pocket available we also began
travelling to other European countries such as Ireland, the UK, Germany,
Belgium, Luxembourg, France, Austria and Switzerland. The success of the
large patterns that I had developed for my Scandinavian fishing was
immediate. Around the mid eighties, after I had started my first
fly-tying classes in Hamburg and Bremen I also became involved in
writing about flies, tying techniques and my travels.
After hosting and guiding so many
people in Scandinavia for so many years, and listen to their comments
well, I think that I have build up a nice reputation as a fly fisher and
that finally let me decide to start none-commercial workshops about
river fly fishing and fly tying. Thanks to my sponsors I was able to do
all these workshops for free and I still do today, at least when my work
allows me! Since then and even with my extremely busy army job nowadays
I taught more then 500 people all over the world how to wet and handle
their flies in slow and fast running water. The number of people that I
helped to use thread and feather must be far over a 1000 by now, and I
proudly can say that many of them were children! A little sad for the
Dutch people is that most of my workshop I do in my holidays and that
means they are abroad! Since 1986, I have participated at many fly tying
shows, and have presented several lectures, classes and workshops in the
U. K., Holland, Belgium, Germany, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland,
Italy, Russia, Canada, Asia and the U.S.A.
In 1996 after I just did one of my
lectures about fly fishing in Scandinavia at a very large holiday fair,
I got the unique opportunity to travel to Canada to try and test several
of my patterns in Canadian waters and on North American species. It was
in Canada where I finally started with several larger fly fishing
projects, great promotion activities and helping lodges with marketing
and management problems. Thanks to my army background and education some
of these projects turned out extremely successfully, which of course
opened many doors for me and my wife to get involved with many other fly
fishing projects worldwide.
My most favourite patterns are
parachutes, emergers and realistic nymphs. I enjoy sharing my knowledge
about fly-fishing and fly-tying, and especially my skills and
experiences in the taking of Atlantic salmon and grayling on dry flies.
Although I have dabbled in the classic salmon fly world quite seriously
for almost 10 years, (thanks to the Kelson Collection and my old friend
Hans de Groot who sadly died much too young), by 1990 I started
concentrating more and more on my workshops for river fishing, my tying
classes for realistic and effective fishing patterns.
I have written articles for 18
international magazines, but also gave many of my photographs and fly
tying articles to use freely to club journals and none commercial fly
fishing magazines. I also contributes to books written by my friends,
such as: "The World's Best Trout Flies" by John Roberts, "Fly Tyers
Masterclass" by Oliver Edwards, "The Complete Book of the Grayling" by
Ron Broughton, "The Complete Book Of Fly Fishing" by Malcolm Greenhalgh,
"Modern Atlantic Salmon Flies" by Paul Marriner, the books of Mogens
Espersen, "Tying flies with CDC The Fisherman's Miracle Feather" by Leon
Links, Flytyers of the World by Steve Thornthon, and several more.
I had too many activities involved with
fly fishing and fly tying and so I quit several over the last few years.
One of them was my work in the editorial staff of “the Nederlandse
Vliegvisser” (Dutch fly fishing Magazine), which I did for 15 years. The
only one left is the Dutch Area Secretary for the Grayling Society,
which I do since the eighties! Nowadays I only write columns and stories
in magazines in Europe and Canada when time let me.
My best-known patterns are the large
L.T series (stands for the Light Tan colour of Fly Rite dubbing no 19)
developed in Norway at Kvennan Camping in the early eighties. Of course
the Klinkhåmer Special among them, further my Leadheaded grayling bugs,
also developed at Kvennan Camping, the Caseless Caddis series, the
Remerger series, my Flymph series, the Para-poly sedges (also designed
at KVENNAN) , the Baetis nymph and dun, the Once and Away series, the
Ugly Bugs, the Bonal series and the Culard series. Sadly less well known
are my very productive streamers for Lake Trout and Inconnu and of
course my large series of salmon patterns, of which many are dries.”
How long have you been a fly
fisherman, and where have you been fishing among others?
“Well, inspired by inquisitiveness I
began bait angling at the age of six in a lowland brook called “Dommel”
located in the south of Holland. In those early days this river was
abundant by fish and even had a little population of brown trout as
well. My father took me with him to the river but I quickly discovered
that I had more patience than him. He also is a very competitive man and
it didn’t take long before I beat him in numbers. My dad really didn’t
like it but I was hooked and started to spend most of my free time while
fishing this wonderful little river as a kid and teen.
When I was eight years old, I
discovered the power of more realistic bait instead of using bread,
maggots or worms as anybody else. It was shown to me by an angler who
always fished much different then most bait anglers did in those days. I
knew him well and saw him often when he worked his way downstream and
just following his float that he had thrown out in front of the wild
moving weed beds. Sometimes he walked for hours and I easily could
follow him for days. I liked it very much to peek at his secrets because
he was catching a lot of fish. In a way he seemed to accept my sneaking
after him because at a certain day he called me and started to explain
everything about his secret baits. His favourite by far was the sedge
larva and he showed me how they live and how to take them out their
cases and put them on the hook. He also told me to search for them under
the bridges because it was one of those places where they were abundant
and easy to pick from the stones in the shallow water. When he had to
say goodbye he gave me his little tin can full with cases and told me
that it was not really hard to keep them alive for several days, as long
there was a little water inside. That was my first experience with the
cased caddis larva as a float angler. A little later that summer he
explained me how to fish with living flies, beetles, ants, bees and even
mosquito larva’s too. I mainly fished for roach, rudd, ide, dace, perch
and pike but I was very lucky and was able to catch a few trout before
the entire river system got polluted by some factories from Belgium in
1966. I was even a witness when it happened. Sadly the river never
recovered since then as it occurs to so many rivers worldwide after a
huge chemical pollution.
In 1971 at age 15 I tried my first
fly-fishing experiments for Arctic char and Atlantic salmon, using my
father's cane rod, but due to my lack of experience, and the fact that
his equipment was very old and of poor quality, I wasn't really
successful, and only caught a handful of fish.
By age sixteen, while my friends stayed
behind to impress the girls with their striking motorbikes, I decided to
travel alone to fish the beautiful rivers of Norway again. While camping
out on the banks of the River Lagen, I met two pretty young ladies who
taught me some tricks about fly fishing. I fished the area for eight
full days, and when I finally had to leave that wonderful place, the
oldest left me a fly rod and reel, while the other one gave me a big box
of flies. It was their present for the nice time we spent together. I
was so happy that I forgot my father’s old cane rod, which is perhaps
still standing against that tree today. “The girls also taught me that
if you have a good fly rod, you really don't need a motorbike."
As a student with plenty of spare time
and with my father’s rewards for my help in his company, I spent most of
my summer holidays in the northern part of Norway, Sweden and Finland
where I also started to develop a strong addiction for the outdoor life.
My greatest outdoor experience was in 1975 when I stayed for almost four
months in the wilderness of Northern Lapland to enjoy my longest holiday
ever. It was my last holiday as student also. Here I learned how to
survive in the forest and on the tundra. My teacher was an old Lap and
we mainly communicated with our hands and feet but for me it really was
a once of a lifetime experience. How good schools might be I can’t deny
that I learned more in these few months then any school was able to
teach me so far and I realised quickly how much we estrange ourselves
from wilderness regions during the last few ages.
Being among others wasn’t so important
for me in my early days as a fly fisherman. Of course I learned a lot
from other people and really watched more experienced people very often
from a distance and learned well from what they did, but I feel so
ashamed for my poor casting quality that I preferred to avoid people
instead to fish with them hihihihi! Most important for me was to catch
fish and prove myself that I was able to get a certain fish as well. My
casting was so bad and most fly fishers fished all these nice stretches
sometimes in big groups as well and that became the main reason why I
took the fast broken water where hardly people fishing and made it to my
What do you think about fly fishing
in Norway in general?
“When I look back to my Norwegian
fishing trips my heart directly starts to beat faster. As soon as I
arrive in Scandinavia I always feel as if I come home again and it
really hurts when I have to leave the countries again. I think those
feelings gives you the best impression how much I like the wonderful
fishing paradises in the north. During all the years I visit
Scandinavia, Norway became a second home for me. When I think about
Norway I see the fjords, mountains and mighty rivers as clear as if I am
really standing there. The midsummer night has always fascinates me and
is a welcome bonus for many extra fishing hours.”
Can you tell something about the old
days, actually before you got addicted to the river Glomma?
“That’s a very good question Hein and
it will explain the people much better how I finally got involved with
Glomma and how I was able to build up so much experience and skill over
the years. Before I became fully addicted to my “Shining River” as I
renamed the Glomma in my stories and book contributions, you have to
understand that I build up my first real fly fishing experiences when I
followed the Klarälven (Sweden) upstream till the source while camped
out beside the riverbank. I worked my way up north slowly, over a period
of several years and explore the river and the tributaries and lakes
with the little knowledge I had built up above the Arctic Circle. The
trips beside the banks of the Klara River brought me to Femundsmarka and
rivers like the Sölna, Sömåa, Hola, Röa, Mugga, Femunsdelva and Glöta. I
fished them all and very often too. They were not only my school of fly
fishing but also "The Garden of Eden" for every grayling angler who
followed my footsteps later and I have sent many people to those places.
Lakes like Femund, Sölensjöen,
Aresjöen, Isteren, and Feragen were just a few of many new discovered
paradises to me in my early days of fly fishing. I fished them rather
frequently too and the more time I spend in these regions with my flies
and fly rod, the more I learned and I am still learning today even when
it is from the feedback from the people that I sent to my favourite hot
spots and waters from my past or early days. Most of the waters I fished
in those days were located between 600 and 1000 meters above sea level
and the weather conditions were tough with an extremely high population
of wild and hungry mosquitoes. I taught myself how to deal with them but
I guess many people never will or can overcome what will restrict them
to fish quite a lot of exclusive rivers and lakes. This kind of
wilderness is what I really love and these are the areas what I believe
the grayling like the most as well. It is a short fishing season but a
very productive one too. After I had explored and fished the places
mentioned above with considerable successes I had in mind to do the same
trick for the Glomma and his tributaries started at Koppang and work my
way upstream like I did beside the Klara River before!”
Can you tell something about the old
days at river Glomma?
"For the Glomma my exploring was not
much different but I followed my way upstream more quickly because of
more fishing pressure and men made regulations to the Glomma’s waterway.
I just past all the areas where embankment changed the natural
watercourse and dept. In the early eighties the River Rena produced an
excellent fishing but declined and got better again since the nineties.
I don’t know the reason. It is one of the most favourite tributaries by
the Danes today. I stayed quiet a long time in the Koppang area to
explore and discover superb fishing in all the channels the river
produced. Sometimes it was a real challenge to find or even reach the
main river. I often hooked huge pike that took my playing fish.
Further upstream I fished the River
Atna quite a few times. It is a wonderful river but it has been always a
great mystery to me. Some years I had unbelievable catches while at
other years I hardly could find any fish at all. It was in this river
where trout fishing became very popular to me! Between the Atna River
and the place Alvdal I never saw many fishermen but I can assure you
that there are a good number of hot spots. The river runs here a bit
further from road no 3 maybe that’s the reason. Not many people seem to
like to walk far distances anymore. In Alvdal I had a great time
especially when I learned how the fish the awesome Folla River. If you
ever fish the Glomma you surely should explore this river and follow it
upstream as far as Sletten. My best fishing pall Peter Rosmalen had his
best ever grayling fishing in this river. Unfortunately he died too soon
and we never could fish his favourite place together.
Between Alvdal and Tynset the fishing
is less interesting for me personally because of the human impact to the
natural water course of the river on this stretch. The best place is
probably the lower part of the Tunna River especially close to the mouth
of the river before it runs into the Glomma. Sometimes this flow out
holds a nice population of big fish but sadly it is extremely vulnerable
for fishing pressure. I mentioned it a few times and people destroyed
the great fishing there by taking most of the fish they caught. I am not
sure if it ever recovered either? About 10 kilometres upstream from
Tynset you will hit the area of the shining river. This area all the way
up to the outflow from Lake Rien the Glomma can be considered as the
crème the la crème for the Grayling angler with Kvennan Camping as
perfect base camp. It is not my own experience only because in many
books you will read exactly the same and they all were right. The only
way to be successful is to try to get one with the river. Look for the
shining and twinkle produced by the sun in always broken surface water.
The area is not only beautiful but also very quiet. There are just a few
peaceful towns in which you can fall in love easily. The people are
extremely nice and friendly and always willing to help you. It is in
this area where I spend most of my time and I surely could live there
I can’t tell you exactly where to go
because there are too many places and hot spots. Some people say you
only should fish and between Tolga and Os but I would suggest to stay at
least 2 weeks between Tynset-Tolga-Os and Roros. Be wise and stay and
visit Kvennan for a few days and explore it yourself. Concentrate at the
Glomma first and when it seems difficult just travel to one of the many
tributaries or Lakes like Hodalen."
Why do you like river Glomma and the
Kvennan Fly Fishing zone?
“Kvennan is the place where I spend
most time and fished most frequently from all the stretches of the
Glomma River. Why???, simply because the quietness and peace and of
course the fly fishing was not only superb and famous for the big fish
but very challenging at times as well. It let you realize very well that
you had to work hard for the real big fish. Here we built up a very
large circle of friends that we saw returning year after year.
One of the real big benefits of
Kvennan’s early days was the fact that the tents were hiding behind a
thick layer of trees and it was impossible to spot them from the road.
This gave Kvennan its own particular privacy and very special
atmosphere. It still makes me feel a bit sad that one of the later
owners took these trees away and opened up the place more while this
action let lose Kvennan’s special old days atmosphere too! Once a week
we even had a big party with an excellent barbeque directly on the bank
of the river and my gosh… we had so much fun. Friends even came over
from Femundmarka and Trondheim to join our barbeque and party. In my
early days Kvennan was more like the centre for all our fly fishing in a
radius of 80km where friends just love to meet. Kvennan was our base
camp from which we often fished and organized our trips too. In those
days some of us were fishing 18 hours a day and I am NOT kidding because
I was one of them hihihi! While staying at Kvennan I really knew every
bigger rock in the river and we even had marked the water levels on
them, so we knew exactly when to go and where to fish and at what water
level the graying or trout would take the best. We camped out at Kvennan
for many years until the camping closed down and we found a very nice
cabin directly at the bank of the Glomma on the other side of the river
a little closer to Tolga. We still fished the same stretch for many more
years. The last long trip was in 1995 and since then I only fished it
for a couple of days.”
Did you catch any really big fish in
“Yes I did, my biggest graying ever
(61cm) I caught at south side of Otter Island in the Fly Fishing zone
only 15 minutes walk from Kvennan. My largest Trout was caught at the
west side of Otter Island in the main current at nighttime. Both I
caught at high water level and in drizzle rain! People don’t realize it
very often but every graying above 40cm I consider as a big graying. I
caught many 50+, the blackies as I call them. Nineteen 50+ graying I was
able to land safely and release again in 1988, one of my best fishing
years in Norway ever! Amazing to mention is that all large graying I
caught between 11am and 2pm in the middle of the day while all large
trout I only caught at night.”
What is your favourite dry fly?
“Of course the absolute number 1 is my
Klinkhåmer Special designed on the banks at Kvennan.. The supper puppa
and parachute ant finish my free choice of flies! Concerning realistic
flies I always liked to use the BWO and the Aurivillii. Leon Links Crazy
sedge works very well at sunny weather with lots of wind so you can
really let the fly dance at the surface! In quiet or very slow running
water the Once and Away always was successful too for me.”
What is your favourite nymph?
“The leadhead and Caseless Caddis I
like very much for times I need to present my flies deep. The Bwo nymph
I used often to match the hatch! For the large trout I mainly used the
Norwegian Power which is a larger streamer I mostly used on sinktip
How long leader do you use, and how
thick is your tippet?
“Let’s answer here a little about
equipment too. My favourite rod for the Glomma is a # 4-5 up to 9 ft.
For the smaller tributaries I use 8.5 ft 4 piece travel rod weight 4 or
5. It is handy when you have to walk and can leave it in your backpack
until your reach the place you want to fish. The reel doesn’t matter
that much but I like the new Partridge reels. I fill up all my reels
with quite some greenspot backing and use the olive coloured Cortland
Clear Creek floating line. It’s one of the best floating lines available
on the market today! This line is my favourite by far anywhere I go. It
has a nice fine taper and is excellent for windy conditions. Because of
my preferences for huge parachute flies I use a tapered braided leader
from about 9ft-12ft connected with tying thread and waterproof super
glue directly on the fly line. (no knots at all) This prevents wind
knots during the casting very well. For the tippet I mostly use 0,12mm
or 0,14mm monofilament with lengths up to 2 meters.”
Do you loose a lot of fish when
fishing without a barb on your hook?
“Well I think every fly fisherman
loose fish now an then. I don’t see any disadvantages using barbless
hooks, except loosing them from my fly path. For me it simply is not a
point of discussion at all. If you fish catch and release use barbless
hooks. Use curved hooks too and you will not loose many fish either!”
What do you think about the new
rules & regulations?
“It’s a very good improvement and some
people did an excellent job on it. I know how hard it is to make water
to catch and release only in Scandinavia. I have seen more then 2000
fish in freezers beside the Glomma in the past and I hope those times
never will return! I am not a catch and release purist either because
what is nicer then be able to eat the fish you catch as well when you
camp out beside the riverbank. Depending on the river and the abundance
of fish (at certain sizes) I personally prefer a bag limit from 1 up to
maximal 3 fish a day in the size of abundance of fish of course and set
to a minimal size. Grayling around 35cm taste very well so that in my
humble opinion should be the minimal size! If the abundance get less
then catch and release automatically should be set by overtaking rules
I also prefer working with a kind of
bonus set to price. Most people are very vulnerable for prices anyway. I
would love to see a license for Catch and Release as the cheapest
license. It works well I have seen it in other countries with great
success. I fished the Secret River (another river we renamed in Norway)
and fished it catch and release only for nearly 15 years. We never
discovered any disadvantage of catch and release fishing in this
particular river anyway!”
What should be your best advice for
a fellow Glomma fly fisherman?
“For newcomers to this Norwegian
grayling (and trout) paradise the fishing will be extremely difficult
but for those who found a way it seems very easy. Most rivers and lakes
around Kvennan have grayling, trout, whitefish and even perch and pike.
The distances will be the greatest problem and today most fishermen
don’t like to walk with backpacks anymore. Most tributaries flow through
large lakes or just have many little ponds or deep-holding pools in
their watercourse but that can make the fishing much easier, at least if
you are not afraid to walk. I usual start at an easy access point where
I can park my car and prepare myself well. I never will travel without a
backpack filled up with extra fishing equipment, clothing, food and even
some emergency stuff. Also see: that will
help you a lot too when you get in problems!
Drinks are not necessary because the
crystal clear water will supply you well. I just start walking sometimes
even 2 or 3 kilometres before I go fishing. I just look around and watch
out mainly for human tracks. I know most people don’t walk very far
anyway. As soon as there are no human tracks anymore I start fishing.
Those are the areas where you have the best changes for the bigger fish.
Often I passed a few fishermen and ask how they are doing. They usually
are enthusiastic about their catches so I just leave them stocking in
their pools. They don’t know what other pools can bring up anyway.
I learned that when a river runs into a
small pond or big pool you hit a hot spot. I also learned that you
mostly have only one or two changes to get a real good size grayling.
Never walk into the water before you explore it well and know what you
are doing. Look at the feeding line first and if there are no rises
don’t worry. Try to analyse the best place for your cast and where
exactly you want to land your fly. Be sure the fly drift without any
drag. Always start with a huge dry fly and let it float in the edge of
the current into the pool. Make just a few casts and if there is big
grayling in a feeding mood he or she surely will take it. If success
stays out try to do the same with a weighted nymph. In this case cast
upstream and use a bite indicator to present the nymph at the right dept
and without drag. It has to drift with the bottom current into the pool
and not with the surface current. Safe a cast with a smaller fly for the
way back. Depending about the size of the pool I never made more then 10
unsuccessful casts. Then I walk further and try the tail of the pool or
I just walk to the next pool. If I succeed I only take 2 or 3 fish out
of the pool release them and try again on the way back or at one of the
other days. This way of fishing leads me to some real nice fish and for
years I still got several 50 plus grayling while fishing catch and
release of course. This is the technique I use to catch the big ones and
it works as I proved to many of my friends who joined me in Scandinavia.
Most of them got there biggest ever grayling in this way too.
Sometimes when you walk from pool to
pool the fish start to rise all over the place. You can start fishing or
just try to recognise the feeding lies. I prefer to do both for those
moments the weather changes and you have to grab back to nymph fishing
only. Make notes and write down as much information as you can find.
Times of feeding, weather conditions and insect life will be a good
source for the next time.
Places where rivers run out of lakes
are another hot spots. Sometimes the current is very smooth and even if
you try hard it seems impossible to catch anything. At such a moment you
surely should try small emergers or midge imitations.”
What should be your best advice for
river management?
“Leave it to people that know what they
are doing but always work in slow steps! Try to invite people who have
done similar projects in other rivers. Use their knowledge and
experience. Organize and invite and listen to biologists as well.”

Is there something more you want to
“When an Asian friend visited me he was
wondering all the time why there were so few kids playing on our streets
and outside and that set me thinking. He is right! Since computers and
games came in our life’s the interest in outdoor activities decreased so
much by kids all over the world that it’s an enormous challenge for me
as a teacher to use all my skills to motivate and stimulate kids for fly
fishing again. I hope that more people will try to do the same.
I also want to share with you a few of
the special secrets behind the Klinkhåmer Special. These tricks you can
find at:”
This interview is published here by
kind permission by Hein van Aar
Visit his site
Text: © Hein van Aar 2008
Photos: © Hans van Klinken 2008
Hans van Klinken
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