The best salmon river in
Andrew Graham-Stewart
experience the remarkable River Gaula and detects sign of a sea-change
Norwegian attitudes to salmon management and conservation.

Tilseth pool, a Norwegian
Flyfishers Club water on the middle Gaula.
Salmon Angler venturing to one of the great rivers of Norway for the
first time must surely be aware of following a well-trodden hypothetical
path, steeped in history. Of course it was the British who, almost two
centuries ago, first developed angling for salmon in Norway. From the
1820s many of the titled, the great and the good made annual pilgrimages
across the North Sea in pursuit of a class of salmon that few home
rivers could match. Such was the vogue for these Norwegian adventures,
the leading British tackle manufacturers were soon offering all manner
of equipment and flies and lures specifically designed for "heavy
Norwegian angling".
My destination was the Gaula,
the most prolific river in the Trondheim district. With a length of 90
miles (migratory fish have access to some 60 miles until their progress
is blocked by the Eggafall), the Gaula drains 1,412 square miles (by way
of reference this compares to the Spey's catchment of 1,097 square
miles). A critical feature of the river is the Gaulfossen, which
separates the lower river from the middle reaches. This temperature
barrier is half a mile of virtually unbroken raging white water - an
awesome sight even in lowish conditions. Salmon do not generally ascend
this major obstacle until the second half of May when the concentration
of snowmelt starts to dissipate. When one sees the Gaulfossen, one soon
appreciates just how powerful Gaula fish must be to negotiate it.
British expeditions to the Gaula
began in 1825. These either involved a bone-shaking 200-mile journey via
horse-drawn carriage over the Dovre mountain range from Oslo or (the
less arduous route) a voyage by boat direct to Trondheim and then on to
the Gaula valley. Steadily the river's reputation for angling excellence
– disseminated by sportsmen such as Mr. Andrews in the Stören area in
the 1830s and Messr Rogers and Hunt (who one year caught 266 salmon in
26 days) in the 1840s – grew and soon the influx of Britons, with their
vast entourage, became a major annual summer pilgrimage, leasing
fishings and properties up and down the valley.
Jones’s Guide to Norway and
Salmon Fisher’s Companion, published in 1848 extolled the virtues of the
Gaula: “It is not only renowned in Norway, but its fame has spread far
and wide, and it is held by all who have visited it, to be one of the
noblest streams in which the salmon fishers ever wetted a line. Wondrous
has been the sport met with by our countrymen: and, to this day, the
Gaula [sic] is remembered by them with feelings that none but a real
lover of the Art can enter into or appreciate. “Jones celebrates a Mr.
Hornden, who had once killed “three hundred weight of fish on the Guul
in two days” and had been known to swim to the opposite bank to land a
salmon of 30 lb.
Later in the 19th century the
railway further increased the ease of access to practically the whole
fishable length of the river. The benign summer invasion from the other
side of North Sea continued until the start of World War I, resuming in
the 1920s and 1930s up to the advent of World War II. The latter, of
course, took its toll and in the aftermath of 1945 few foreign anglers
returned- Local angling association soon exploited the vacuum, reaching
agreement with the riparian owners to tie up much of the Gaula or the
benefit of their members. Since then there have been few privately
fished beats.

Manfred Raguse into a fish
on the River Gaula’s Renna pool.
As one who takes a close
interest in salmon exploitation levels and conservation issue,
especially in the contex of declining marine survival over the last 40
years. I have long viewed the failure by the Norwegian authorities to
take appropriate action to reduce substantially the number of fish
killed as inexcusable. I have to say that, following my visit to the
Gaula, such criticism may now be misplaced – at least as regards the
Trondheim district and the Gaula in particular. Perhaps the authorities
now realise that salmon are no longer an inexhaustible resource and the
precautionary principle should now prevail.
Back in the 1970s it was not
unusual for an angler fishing the lower Gaula to be obliged to leave a
pool in order to make way for net being hauled by a boat, tractor or
horse. Such indignities ceased when in-river netting was stopped in
1979. Thereafter the main threat was the vast off-shoe drift net
fishery. The government finally acted to outlaw the drift-nets in 1988:
in their last year they had been responsible for 50 percent of all
salmon killed. Rod catches in the Gaula increased significanty – until
the Trondheim Fjord bag-nets intensified their activities (1995 was
their “record season”) and, with an average annual (2000-2004) take of
53 tons, they were soon accounting for 50 percent of the declared catch.

Oliver Plasseraud returns
a 38 lb
Gaula fish caught on June 4 this year.
In 2005 the association of
Trondheim Fjord river owners concluded a true milestone, and
NASF-inspired buy-out agreement with the great majority of the
bagnetters. Five-year contracts were signed by these netsmen (whose
operations were responsible for more than 80 percent of the catch),
whereby they are paid not to exercise their rights; the const to the
river owners is some £350,000 per annum. Then, early this year the
Norwegian Government acted decisively and unilaterally, in the interests
of conservation, to curtail the impact of the remaining bag-nets by
delaying the start of the netting season until June 22 in the inner
Trondheim Fjord district and July 7 in the outer district. These
additional restrictions are of great benefit to the large early-running
salmon; by all accounts these heavy fish were far more numerous in the
river during the 2008 season than has been the case for decades.
With netting effort reduces to a
pale shadow of its former self, it was inevitable that much focus of
attention would switch to exploitation levels by rods. There is no
tradition of releasing fish in Norway and indeed some of the authorities
are firmly opposed to this practise; however attitudes are changing with
the influential Institute for Nature Research and local river
authorities now in favour. Manfred Raguse (chairman of the Norwegian
Flyfishers Club) has been a redoubtable champion of salmon conservation
over the last two decades. He is acutely aware that scenario of greater
numbers of fish having free passage into the Gaula only to be killed by
rods would amount to a huge political own goal, given the strong lobby
for the netsmen. He has been a strong advocate of catch-and-release- not
only on the NFC’s Gaula beats (where 39 percent of salmon were released
in2007 and 60,5 percent in 2008) but also further afield through the
national media. In 2007, 4,5 percent of the total Gaula rod catch were
released. This has jumped dramatically in 2008 to 22 percent (a
provisional figure). Representing a seismic shift in attitudes by

The white-water,
ride that is the Gaulfossen.
In parallel, the Gaula has
introduced a pragmatic bag limit of tem salmon and five sea-trout per
season. The bag limit per day is one salmon or sea-trout; once a fish
has been killed (for whatever reason), the angler must stop fishing
until midnight.
Of course one of the main
attractions of the Gaula (and other Norwegian rivers) is the size of its
salmon. The Gaula has indeed produced its fail share of leviathans
although to date no-one ahs collated all the details. Curiously Fred
Buller’s Domesday book of salmon over 50lb fails to include any Gaula
fish. Yet in researching his forthcoming book Record Atlantic Salmon
Ronald S Swanson has unearthed five rod-caught fish in this class: 1955
Unknown tourist, Bridge pool, spinner, 59lb; Einar Tilseth, Near Stören,
harled spoon, 55lb; 1950 Even Wollan, above Gaulfossen, spoon 55lb; 1907
J Mellish, Station pool, Langlete Durham Ranger, 51lb; 1947 Einar
Tilseth, 50lb.
On the Gaula, the nature of the
pools and the fact that they are generally fished from the bank ensures
that it offers a better chance than most rivers of a genuine fly- or
spoon-caught leviathan. The heavy fish are still much evidence. In July
2007 the Swiss underwater photographer Michael Roggo was filming a small
shoal of a Gaula salmon in the 20 lb to 25 lb class when suddenly a
massive fish three times as large cruised into the pool. The average
weight of the top ten salmon caught on the Gaula in June 2008 was 40 lb
(the smallest was 37 lb). According to the 2002 figures, fish spending
three or more winters at sea constituted 34 percent of the total number
caught on the Gaula; two sea-winter fish amounted to 43 percent and
grilse just 23 percent. In 2008 the share of three sea-winter fish was
astonishing 43 percent. It is worth noting that apart from the pool
immediately below the Gaulfossen, there is very little harling on the
The Gaula is a remarkably
natural river – with no impoundment and no hydro dams (mining activity
in the upper river at Röros ceased 50 years ago). There are very few
fish farms in the Trondheim Fjord (in contrast to may other important
wild fish areas, which are overwhelmed by farms) to the benefit of
outgoing smolts. The river was previously stocked but now probably only
five percent of Gaula fish are descendants of the hatchery programme.
Given the wonderful natural spawning and juvenile habitat in the middle
and upper reaches, enlightened current thinking is that hatchery would
serve no useful purpose and would probably be counter-productive.
The Gaula’s rod catch can now amount to
more than 11,000 fish. This is achieved in a short three-month season.
Given these numbers, one could certainly argue it is currently the best
angling river in Europe. Of course, one Scottish river might challenge
this n the basis of numbers but it has a ten-month season…
For further information on the
Norwegian Flyfishers Club, visit
The fishing season 2009 runs from June 1 to August 31. The Gaula is free
of Gyrodactylos salaris (Gs) but it is vital that anyone fishing in
Norway ensures that all tackle and waders are disinfected before they
are used again in any UK water.

Black & white photo: Einar
Tilseth’s 55-pounder, caught in 1950.
Top color photo: Manfred Raguse about to return a fish in Renna pool.
Bottom color photo: Chris Henshaw with a 20-pounder.
Recent history
of the Gaula’s in river catch
Year |
Total Gaula
Catch in lb |
Total rod
catch in lb |
Percent |
1973 |
37,287 |
27,965 |
75 |
1974 |
34,535 |
29,009 |
84 |
1975 |
33,437 |
24,074 |
72 |
1976 |
34,563 |
31,798 |
92 |
1977 |
35,077 |
31,920 |
91 |
1978 |
33,600 |
29,904 |
89 |
1979 |
36,241 |
33,342 |
92 |
Final year
of in-river nets |
1980 |
45,039 |
45,039 |
100 |
1981 |
57,129 |
57,129 |
100 |
1982 |
47,665 |
47,665 |
100 |
1983 |
53,906 |
53,906 |
100 |
1984 |
60,481 |
60,481 |
100 |
1985 |
67,085 |
67,085 |
100 |
Rod catch double that of 1979 |
1986 |
53,418 |
53,418 |
100 |
Top river catch in Norway, 2005 and 2006 |
1987 |
53,317 |
53,317 |
100 |
1988 |
34,045 |
34,045 |
100 |
Final year
of offshore drift-netting |
1989 |
60,940 |
60,940 |
100 |
1990 |
60,013 |
60,013 |
100 |
Recovery of rod catch |
1991 |
57,138 |
57,138 |
100 |
1992 |
45,427 |
45,427 |
100 |
1993 |
40,949 |
40,949 |
100 |
1994 |
51,610 |
51,610 |
100 |
1995 |
50,056 |
50,056 |
100 |
1996 |
42,706 |
42,706 |
100 |
1997 |
16,350 |
16,350 |
100 |
1998 |
42,508 |
42,508 |
100 |
1999 |
39,549 |
39,549 |
100 |
2000 |
85,292 |
85,292 |
100 |
2001 |
107,165 |
107,165 |
100 |
2002 |
72,342 |
72,342 |
100 |
2003 |
85,098 |
85,098 |
100 |
2004 |
59980 |
59980 |
100 |
2005 |
75,191 |
75,191 |
100 |
80 percent of local bag-nets bought out |
2006 |
98,484 |
98,484 |
100 |
Running the Gauntlet
I visited the Gaula as a guest
of the Norwegian Flyfishers' Club (NFC). Established 20 years ago, it
offers private access to some of the best waters on the river. NFC
founder and chairman Manfred Raguse has invested a tremendous amount of
energy in negotiating leases with different riparian owners (ownership
of fishing rights cannot be legally severed from ownership of riparian
land). By consolidating these short sections he has created some ten
miles of first-class fly water, divided into beats, on the middle Gaula
(centred on Stören).
The NFC water is well organised
with highly proficient gillies available as required. A high percentage
of the fishings is taken by the same anglers year after year; but the
clientele is very much international.
The NFC water now tops the
league table for catches on the Gaula; this has been achieved on a
fly-only basis - most of the river's other fisheries are all-method.
The beats are fished on a
rotational basis (two rods per beat); the rotation includes some water
downstream of the Gaulfossen. In addition all NFC rods have access at
anytime to several "free for all" beats. There is certainly no shortage
of fishing -particularly given that most pools are more than 200 yards
long. The rotation moves on every six hours and operates round the
clock. There is much night fishing (it hardly gets dark in June and
July) and one’s sleep pattern tends to be governed by the prospects of
the available beat (inevitably some are more productive than others),
rather than the hour.
I fished for five days in late
June - the tail end of the Norwegian equivalent of our spring fishing.
The water was crystal-clear snowmelt. There had been heatwave two weeks
earlier but during my visit the weather was unusually cold (more akin to
northern Scotland in March) and frequently the air temperature was lower
(dropping to zero one night) than that of the water; consequently fish
were not as free-taking as they can be.
June on the Gaula is really
sunk-line fishing and I found that, with my usual double-taper
full-length Wet CeI II line, I was very much under-gunned. Fortunately,
I was lent a balanced shooting-head outfit. I found this a revelation -
not only is much greater distance achieved with consummate ease but also
with a fast-sinking head one's fly is fishing at depth within moments of
hitting the water.
Inevitably with a big fish
river, many of the NFC pools are the stuff of legend - none more so than
the Bridge. This great holding pool lies just above 300 yards of
hurtling white water. If a hooked fish elects to leave the pool, then
the angler has little choice but to follow. This sounds simple until one
learns that the tortuous route necessitates clambering at a sprint up
and down over buffalo-sized boulders, all the while praying that one's
backing does not run out. At the end of the white water there is a
fleeting opportunity to land a fish. By all accounts, successfully
"running the gauntlet" (as it is now known) has become something of a
rite of passage on the NFC waters.
And how did I get on? Sadly I
never had to run the gauntlet. My only success was a 16 lb salmon in
Renna pool -a mere tiddler by Gaula standards (June fish average more
than 20 lb). Few rivers offer such excellent odds for the fish of a
lifetime. I spent my last evening on the Tilseth pool – with a salmon in
the 40 lb class showing every few minutes…I shall be back.
The total catch for the 2008
season for the NFC’s Gaula beats was almost 488 salmon and grilse with
an average weight of more than 12lb The release rate was 60,5 percent
(43 percent in June, 63 percent in July and 70 percent in August).
By Andrew Graham-Stewart