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Refracta Fly
By Agostino Roncallo

Ginger Refracta
Cannot control the passion, even
if you have a rational mind, you cannot, at least this is what
happens to me.
talking about passion for the construction of artificial flies,
but what I just wrote is true for every kind of passion.
The reason tell me that
artificial flies have been built too many and I know who it
telling is the truth, but I refuse to listen because it would
put an end to my fun. So what I am doing?
Seek compromises, like, there's
nothing left to invent, but I can always improve the flies of
the past.
And here I fall into another
contradiction: I know that a fly is not proven yet you do have
to change, ostensibly for better features, while, in truth, I do
it just for my enjoyment.
The premise I made it, now I
leave you to decide if it what I propose to you could save.

Ginger Refracta
In 1875 Dr, William Beignet
invented a type of flies I call genius.
Beignet had very clear ideas on
the structure of the Flies and its Refracta fly, proves it.
To me, genius is expressed in
some cases with the simplicity and Beignet. using two rooster
hackle by different sizes and features, created a small
To get the support collar of a
passing imitation used two rooster hackles, one with long and
elastic beards and another shorter and more rigid.
Before the hackle wrapped in
wide spirals with long beards to mimic the wings is that the
legs of the ephemeral, then, in that spirit, wrapped the hackle
with a short beard that was to support the water and fly, says
Roberto Pragliola, allow Fly to "get there", still in the same.
It was a fly that fell always
good in the sense that, having no wings of the usual type, and
being built like a palmer, always rested on the water in the
right way.

Grizzly Refracta

Grizzly Refracta
Beignet called Refracta it
because the long beards of a rooster, seen in silhouette, were
bright and could remember the grain iridescent wings of
This type of hackles combined
with a slim body gave substance to a very effective imitation.
If I came to realize that the
thinness and lightness of body hackles are key features for a
good imitation of it is ephemeral but also because of Beignet,
despite his having grateful, I could not resist the temptation
to change its imitation.
The beards cock of Refracta
reminded me a palmer and, knowing why is it important, they gave
me the impression of disorder.


I thought that if I cut those
who were under the shank of an arc of 120 degrees, the rest
arranged on the sides of the fly, would provide more balance to
the same, while the shorter beards hackle, which has the
function to support the fly afloat, would fill the vacuum it
created by cutting beards.
With this modified Refracta I
caught trout and grayling in rough waters and is still alive the
memory of a huge brown trout that I caught after it had long
observed the imitation: a sequence from heart attack!
I probably would have caught
even with the original version of Refracta, but I like to think
that my amendment was to make the fly irresistible.

1. After building the code and
abdomen on a hook right Ephemera, fixed on the stem two hackles
of a cock, a short and a long, hard and elastic.
2. Wrap the hackle around the
shank of a long loop between leaving the other room to wrap the
hackle other.
3. Come near the cap, fixed the
hackle and cut the excess.
4. Cutting the beards that are
under the shank of an arc of 120 degrees.
5. Wrap the hackle shortest
among the coils of the long and came near the cap, the drive and
cut the excess. I run the final node and the fly is finished.
With the same methodology, one
can build a bright light and palmer.
1. They stare at the two
different hackles on the curve of a hook right.
2. You wrap the hackle with
long beards until you reach the eye.
3. Cut the barbs in the shank
of the usual system.
4. You wrap the hackle short
between the turns of the long, until you reach the eye.
Using hackle of different
colors, you can highlight the body of the palmer hackle built
with short, leaving the longer the task of giving it brightness
and balance.

Refracta May Fly

Refracta May Fly
My amendment to the mounting
Refracta fly can be used for any kind of artificial. One example
is the May Fly reverse in the pictures.
I end by thanking Dr. William
Beignet for the contribution he has made to the evolution of fly
I took the liberty to change
his dressing for the reasons stated above, trusting in the fact
that it is unable to make its dissent.
By Agostino Roncallo
2011 ©