Muddler Sea
Trout- variant
By Erling Olsen
Photo: Erling
Olsen ©
Thread: Black Unithread
Hook: Kamasan B 830 Classic Lure Long or similar size 10
- 2
Tag: Some turns of the rib-tinsel
Tail: Pheasant tail fibres.
Body: Flat golden Mylartinsel
Rib: Oval gold size 14 to 15 Veniard depending on the
hook size
Wing: Underwing made from some pheasant tail fibres and
some fibres Lureflash Twinkle
Shoulder: Deer hair spun and clipped to shape, leave the
fibres pointing backwards for the wing.
Muddler’s and March Brown's are
the main flies in my fliebox when I are fishing larger
sea-trout’s. On hot summer night’s I prefer the Muddler’s with
golden body, otherwise I use the silver-body one’s.
Text and photo
by Erling Olsen ©
Muddler Salmon
By Erling Olsen
Photo: Erling
Olsen ©
Hook: Mustad 80500 bl 4
- 1
Thread: Unithread 6/0 Black
Tag : Some turns of the rib-tinsel.
Tail: Turkey
Body: Flat golden Mylartinsel
Rib: Oval gold size 15 Veniard
Wing: Some brown squirrel over a section of turkey.
Shoulder: Deer hair spun and clipped to shape, leave some
fibres as a part of the upper and underwing.
Head: Black
A muddler which is quickly
dragged across the surface is often what you can use to get the
salmon or sea-trout going. Specially for night fishing it is
hard to get a better fly. In a normal summer river I use big
muddler’s in sizes 4 to 1 with a greased intermediate line, in
smaller rivers I use floating lines. It is important to tie the
fly without too much weight!
Text and photo
by Erling Olsen ©