Cul De Canard
against all rules
By Hans van Klinken

(Part one)
Cul de Canard (CDC) feathers have risen to worldwide popularity
over the last 2 decades. To avoid confusion about their origin I
can tell you that the idea using those feathers for fly tying
actually came from Central Europe. CDC has been used by a small
number of anglers in the Swiss Jura for about a century. Marjan
Fratnik from Slovenia popularised them in the early eighties
with his publications about the F Fly series. Marjan were
inspired after he read Jules Rindlisbachers book. Another great
fly tier who is world famous for his superb CDC designs is Marc
Petitjean. He kept the Swiss tradition high and design new
patterns continuously.
The last 10 years CDC
got a lot of attention, especially, in the UK and USA and
suddenly it seems that there are many fly tiers who seems the
inventor of the CDC fly now. I guess we all know better. In
spite of several well-written stories I still think that some
extensive, clear and specified tying techniques can be a great
help with tying and fishing CDC patterns. My home country
Holland went through a similar phase over 20 years ago, when
fishing journalist Kees Ketting popularised CDC. As a result,
the Dutch have been experimenting with dressings incorporation
the feathers; developing and refining patterns for all types of
fishing. In this article about CDC I will tell you something
about my way of using CDC. I also will try to give you some
detailed information about how I use and work with CDC and how
some of my patterns were developed. Finally I also will explain
how I fish them.
I have used CDC for more
then fifteen years now and have made loads of different
dressings throughout that time. Personally, my use of these
flies seems to go in circles: there have been periods or even
seasons when I hardly used them and at other moments I used them
exclusively. Of course the old original patterns are excellent
flies. Nevertheless, I still designed my own patterns. I like to
experiment and improve patterns of which I am not fully
satisfied. I belief it will be very hard to design a complete
new pattern of CDC but some improvements are worthwhile to
My different style of
fishing needs special patterns. The fact that my distance vision
isn't that good and my preference for broken water you can find
back in many of my dry fly designs. I also found some very good
use for CDC in still water. Today I never will walk beside a
river, lake or reservoir without CDC flies in my fly box.
Floatability and
mobility The greatest problem with CDC is that still many people
don't know which feather is meant and where exactly it should be
taken from. CDC feathers are found around the preen gland of
ducks and similar water birds. The CDC from the wild duck seems
the most popular. The colour is absolutely incredible and
perfect to match many hatches. The feathers are light and
naturally coated with the oil from the ducks preen gland. In
many stories you can read that the natural oil makes those
feathers extremely water-repellent. But further investigations
prove that the structure of the feather do the damage.
In my circle of friends
most belief that a combination of the natural oil and feather
structure makes this feather so attractive for the fly tier.
When I got a very large amount of white CDC of Peking ducks many
years ago I started to experiment with dyeing and I actually
never had any buoyancy problems with my special designs, so I
personally have a lot confidence in the structure theory. Under
a loop you can see easily that each feather has a great number
of barbules. Those barbules surely aid to buoyancy and are much
stronger and more durable then most of us belief they are. I
often compare CDC fibres with spider web thread that I use for
my different parachute technique. One fibre or winding is very
fragile indeed but durability improves with the number of fibres
or windings. The fine fibres of a CDC feather are probably the
most mobile you ever seen. I think this is another reason what
makes this feather so extremely powerful. In the air they will
flutter to simulate life in the slightest breeze and for this
reason it makes a perfect wing imitation. The wind also has a
great impact of the mobility of the floating fly. In or just
under the surface remaining fibres highly improve the mobility
of the pattern and gives an excellent fly life imitation. Size,
shape and colour are the most important facts to imitate insect
life but when I started to use CDC and reindeer hair I add
mobility without any doubt. This is why I never cut the single
barbules away from my fishing flies. So CDC is ideal for both;
emergers and dry flies. And there is even more because I know a
few fishermen who use CDC for making very mobile nymph too. Its
just the way where you believe in the most I guess.
Although the original
CDC flies are good floaters if they are tied well, they are not
unsinkable as is so often described. Several of these patterns
are tied very sparsely and will definitely become easier
waterlogged after catching your first fish. If you don't treat
the fly well after hooking a fish the pattern will sink easily
especially in rapids and turbulent currents. Amadou helps you to
dry the fibres in a reasonable way but some of the floatants
will stick the fibres together and will destroy the
effectiveness of the pattern because they loose the barbules
effect. Therefore I never use any floatant on my CDC. I would
point out that with normal or sparse tied CDC flies it is often
much easier to tie on a fresh fly than struggle to dry one in
use. This finally leads me to use CDC against all rules. But
before I will discuss with you about my own patterns which are
surely no light dressed ones, you never should misunderstand the
thoughts behind the extremely light dressed CDC patterns from
the experts and from old days. They can be extremely successful
at times and in certain waters. Just like a good Yorkshire
'spider' that loses its power if overdressed. With many CDC
flies it is not different. During the years I discovered that
some of the old traditional CDC patterns are actually fished
better just under the surface film and today I still use them in
this 'emerger' role, in preference to them floating on the
surface -particularly in still waters.
My first 'cul de canard'
experience While river fishing with small, lightly dressed CDC
flies, I often had difficulty spotting them in fast water. As a
result, I tended to use them in rivers with a slow current or on
still waters. My ideas were transformed; however, following my
experiences with a Swedish pattern called the 'Rackelhanen'.
This 'Rackelhanen"
was not only the source of my own L.T. series of flies, but
resulted in such tying skills as I have acquired today. The
first real breakthrough with my own CDC flies occurred when I
tie a Racklehanen mainly from CDC. The
natural colour of the CDC was perfect to imitate some dark grey
sedges. I named the pattern the Rugged Caddis and it was built
up in 4 sections, each includes 4 CDC feathers. A very expensive
fly if you have to buy it. The pattern originally possessed a
long big wing of at least 16 CDC feathers, mainly because I
assumed that the more CDC used, the better the pattern floated.
To create the sedge shape I simply cut the feathers to form the
wing. How funny it may sound but I mainly used the pattern for
catching Atlantic salmon in northern Norway and at that time it
was rather good too. However, as I began to experiment with
smaller sizes and the length of the wing I reduced the amount of
CDC. Then I discovered something surprising. As I shortened the
wing, I got better results. In the end I was using a pattern
that had a wing of only half the length of the fly body, and it
was still floating almost as well as one with a full wing. The
fly was difficult to see but because of the aggressive takes I
didn't loose too many fish. When I finally started to use
smaller hooks and add a hackle the Culard sedge was born!
This is the dressing I
used since 1985.
The Culard
Hook: Partridge E1A size 18 or
E6A size 16.
Thread: Uni-thread 8/0 black.
Body: Herl fibres of a black wing feather of a peacock.
Rib: Extra fine gold wire or yellow pearsalls silk.
Wing: Four CDC feathers pull together and cut 1/2 way the body
Hackle: Dark blue dun very fine and much smaller as usual or
starling body feather for the types I used below the surface
My tying technique is
definitely against all rules. I keep the stiff quill(s) of the
CDC feather in the middle and do not take only the soft hackles
as many tiers suggest and prefer. I agree with them but I have
my own ideas too. Many people said that CDC feathers should
never be cut but I still do and must confess that I prefer it
above all the other tying methods I have use in the past. After
tying in the feathers I trim them. However rebellious, this is
the technique that suits me the best. This is the great secret
behind all my CDC patterns. Because this technique the stiffer
wing dries and "fluffs up' with only one or two false cast and
that's my biggest argumentation for it. This is not easy
possible when only fibres are used. The filamentous feather tips
tend to mat together and are almost impossible to dry by false
casting. At least when you are not familiar with CDC! In my
patterns the quill provide this. The resultant Culard has become
one of my best and favourite flies among my little ones. The
pattern is not only an excellent fly in the rivers in Central
Europe but also works very well under high summer or low water
conditions high up to the North. In still water the fly work
great on the surface but sometimes it is even more deadly deeper
in the surface. In still waters most of the time I moistened it
and fish it as an emerger just under the surface.
During one of my tying
demonstrations I discovered another secret of the Culard just by
accident. It happened when I dropped one of the ready-made
Culards in a glass of water to show how it floats to the public.
Under the wing a nice bubble of air produces a fine halo effect
what could be another reason for the unbelievable success of
this tiny little CDC pattern.
The Culard

Step 1: Wrap the shank in the
thread and secure a piece of extra fine gold wire or yellow
Step 2: Tie in some fibres from
a black peacock wing feather.
Step 3: Put a some varnish or
wingcement on the shank and wind the herl fibres back towards
the eye and secure with the gold wire or silk with 7 or 8
windings in the other direction. Be sure there is some space
left for tying in the wing and hackle.
Step 4: Tie in 3 or 4 CDC
Step 5: Tie in a small dark
blue dun hackle onto the top of the hook shank.
Step 6: Give only two hackle
windings and tie off the fly. Cut off the CDC exactly in the
middle of the body.
(To part two)
Text and photos
by Hans van Klinken ©
Hans van Klinken
website: |