Fly fishing news
Salmon fishing
on Almås beat
in river Gaula Norway.
A forgotten pearl!

the upper parts of river Gaula in the middle of Norway, more
precisely midway between the community of Haltdalen upstream and
the village Singsås downstream is the Almås beat. This is a
classic salmon beat who since a few years after the millennium
has been a private beat in a number of years operated by NFC. It
never became a success in those years due to that the beat
challenges and require certain skills of their fishermen with
all requirements for mastering the Spey- or underhand casting
technique. Most of the visiting guests did not have the right
casting technique to achieve any success on the beat and then it
became more natural to fish some of them more available beats
NFC holds around the community of Stören. For the sake the
fishing is not bad, actually the opposite. For those who have
masters both the casting technique and can live with a little
more challenging steeper banks than the long gravel banks as it
is further downstream, can be rewarded richly.

The section witch is in
total 3.2 km long offers a magnificent scenery in the Gauldal
Green Canyon. Almås beat offers several exciting pools with
different challenges and character that gives the fisherman many
exciting drifts over potential striking points. A great uphand
for the beat is also that there are several pools that fish good
in different water levels.

BFD Flyfishing arranges
fishing weeks at Almås beat in 2012 As of season 2012 BFD
Flyfishing offers salmon fishing on Almås beat.

Mr Michael Nyberg, who
is one of the men behind BFD Flyfishing gives his views on the
beat and salmon fishing in general in river Gaula. - We at BFD
Flyfishing has fished this stretch many years earlier when it
was a day permit beat and knows what it delivers. We are
extremely pleased to now be able to offer an exclusive, good
fishing to one of the best rates Gaula currently offers. In
recent years there has been an extreme increase in prices of all
fishing in Gaula and it has unfortunately come to such levels
that the "ordinary man" soon not afford to go fishing in Gaula
at all.
We at BFD Flyfishing has a saying, "by fishermen for fishermen".
As we like to fish for our self this is a way for us to
guarantee our own fishing on a beat that we know deliver but of
course at the same time we must raise money to bring in gross
margin for the lease. For this reason we have chosen to put us
at a price that is very attractive mainly for the Norwegian and
Swedish fishermen who over the years seen their old beats become
untenable expensive. We also have some inquiries from Germany,
England and Denmark.
Our vision is to create
a fishing beat that with our service, accommodation and nature
experiences are an important piece that we as fishermen
ourselves value during a fishing week in with our friends.

The beat also includes
an excellent accommodation in a fully-equipped Norwegian cabin
with plenty of room, large sun deck, shower room, etc. We will
also offer the sale of some materials such as flies, tippet
material, hooks, etc. for our guests.
We have got approved to
handle the decinfection of equipment on site, all to give 100%
service to our guests.

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