The Green Glomma Duns
by Hans van Klinken

The summer of 1990 involved
much experimentation, especially when it came to grayling
fishing, for I had plenty of new ideas to try out and
investigate. I had collected several insects to evaluate and
record during the wintertime from my Scandinavian trips of 1989.
Most of the insects I collected where small Stonefly nymphs,
Caddis larva and Mayfly nymphs. It was quite simple to keep the
insects in excellent condition by storing them in an alcohol
solution, which was concocted by my wife. I preserved the adult
Sedges in small, airtight tubes with reasonable success. I
unfortunately was unable to preserve the adult Mayflies for
long, but still long enough to make some very good notes during
my holiday.
The winter of 1989/1990 was
reserved for attempting to tie several flies, which looked
almost exactly like the actual insects. My priority was to
create some good looking and effective Mayfly patterns. In this
article, I will present a series of Dun imitations, with which,
after extensive research, I was satisfied. I am not an expert in
entomology, and any knowledge I have gained thus far is due to
the efforts of several of my English friends. They proved to me
how important it is, when fishing, to know exactly which insects
are hatching at that moment. I think I did very well when all
was said and done, because when I tried those patterns in the
spring and summer of 1990, "91 and '93, I caught plenty of fish
during the natural hatches.
It was very important to me to
try my new patterns during the periods that the Grayling were
feeding on hatching insects, because, during some of these
hatches, my Klinkhåmer has occasionally failed to produce.
My second problem was to find a
tying technique, which would allow my flies to float well in the
strong current of the wild rivers in which I prefer to fish. I
put the most effort into the development of a fly which would
float well and land perfectly. Two months later, when I was
selecting some slides from my Light Tan Series for a lecture, I
got a marvelous idea as a result of a lucky accident. A few of
my slides were situated the wrong way in the cassette. By
observing the flies at that angle, I saw an excellent
opportunity to try a different technique for cutting the hackles
at the bottom. Personally, I don't like cutting off hackles. The
floatability of the fly is affected in fast water, which creates
an undesirable situation for a riffle fisherman like me.
I don't like to fish with a
large collar hackled dry fly (except for salmon and seatrout)
because I prefer to fish in the surface film. Therefore, I have
used mostly parachute flies, and deep surface floating emergers
for several years, For the past few years, I have used a Swedish
technique which involves tying up the bottom hackles with the
tying thread just before I tie off the fly. With the new
technique that I use now, I get the same result, but I get a
more durable fly. The second benefit is that the fly is less
complicated, and therefore much easier to tie.
I have tested all my Glomma Dun
patterns extensively, and with considerable success during the
last three seasons. The flies land perfectly, and the floating
properties are superb! I have found that with this technique,
flat winging (the fly floats on its side) is really impossible.
At the present time, I feel quite good about my non-parachute
The Green Glomma Duns, as I
called those flies after their deadly success in the Glomma
River, proved to be excellent patterns during a good natural
hatch of the Emphemerella Ignita, Beatis Rhodani, Ephemera
Danica, Ephermera Vulgata and Lebtophlebia species in more quiet
areas. In Denmark, this pattern was more successful for trout
than for grayling.
I used this pattern very
successfully in the Guden A, Konge A and Skern tributaries, but
I'm totally convinced that these flies will catch a lot of fish
in other Danish waters as well. I had the most success in mid
springtime, and in very good weather conditions. The most common
insect that I tried to imitate with those patterns is known as
the Ephemerella Aurivilii. (After some investigation, I found
that this insect is relatively unknown in Central Europe).
The dressings for "The Green
Glomma Duns."

No 1
Hook: Partridge E1A size
12 in Norway, Sweden and Finland (Central Europe and Denmark
size 14-16)
Thread: Ultra gray, olive or tan
Tail: Two very fine brown Peccary fiber tips (20mm long)
or dark tan colored spinnertails or micro fibetts as substitute.
Body: Gray Heron fibers dyed olive
Rib: Extra fine gold wire
Wings: Greyish brown duck body feather burned with wing
burners (13mm long)
Hackle: Grizzly hackle dyed olive
No 1A
Hook: Partridge E1A size
12 (Central Europe 14-16)
Thread: Ultra micro gray, olive or tan
Tail: Grizzly hackle fibers dyed olive
Body: GRE Heron fibers dyed olive
Rib: Extra fine gold wire
Wings: Just grayish brown duck body fibers tie in and
split in two sections
Hackle: Grizzly hackle dyed olive
Note: It was Philip White, the
River Keeper, who gave me the idea to tie in the wing over the
hackle. I was so impressed by this tying technique that I tried
it myself with considerable success. Thanks to Philip, I made a
complete new series of Mayflies based on this technique. One of
them is the Green Glomma Dun No 2.
No 2
Hook: Partridge H1A size
12 (Central Europe 14-16-18)
Thread: Sparton micro gray, olive or black
Tail: Two brown Peccary fiber tips (20mm long) or
spinnertails as substitute
Body: GRE Heron fibers dyed olive
Rib: Extra fine gold wire
Hackle: Grizzly hackle dyed olive
Wings: Just grayish brown duck body fibers, tied in over
the wing
Head: Black
Note: For those three flies, I
use the redundant heron fibers to tie up the hackle. In
practice, instead of the more fragile heron, it is better to use
a small piece of poly yarn for trout fishing, because the fine,
sharp teeth of a wild trout will damage this fly easily.
My third and last pattern is
based on a parachute style, but this pattern floats higher on
the water.
No 3
Hook: Partridge Swedish
Dry fly Hook size 12 (Central Europe 14-16-18) (This pattern is
not tied in the upside down style)
Thread: Sparton micro gray, olive or black
Tail: Two brown Peccary fiber tips (20mm long) or
spinnertails as substitute
Body: Fly-rite colors 42 and 43, mixed 50-50 to get the
Gary Borger Color System #100
Rib: Monofilament
Hackle: Grizzly hackle dyed olive
Wings: Just grayish brown duck body fibers tied in and
split into two parts
Thorax: Same as body or peacock herl
Head: Black
Tying instructions
Step 1

Tie in two peccary fibers and
Step 1A
Tie in two spinnertail fibers with the points toward the eye.
Make a small round tag with your tying thread, and pull the tips
back over the hook shank in the proper position by holding them
on the left and right sides of the hook shank. The tag will
split the fibers perfectly.
Secure the tails with your
thread, and you will see that the tails will stay in the right
position, and a nice V shape will be easily realized.
If you want to make a fly with
three tails, I will advise you to use this technique
exclusively. Again you tie in three micro fibetts with the tips
pointed towards the hook eye. Now, pull one fiber over the hook
shank to make the middle tail. Be sure the fiber is tied exactly
at the top of the hook's shank, and pointed directly in the
middle. Secure the fiber, and make a small tag at the end of the
hook shank, close to the bend. Then pull the two other fibers
backward, and secure them with your thread left and right on the
hook shank. The tag will split your tail. If you do it
correctly, you will have a perfect tail split, in three
sections. Every fly tier who saw this technique was very
impressed with it.
Step 2

Tie in the ribbing and heron
herls as shown in drawing above
Step 3

Make the body, and secure with
the ribbing. Tie back the redundant heron herls
Step 3A
If you make a trout fly, you
can tie in a small piece of poly yarn
Step 4

Tie in the hackle and wing
Step 5 and Step 6

Split the wing and tie in the
hackle, and pull the heron herl or poly yarn forward, through
the hackle
Step 7

The completed fly
Text and photos
by Hans van Klinken ©
Hans van Klinken
website: |