Learning the Roll Cast
By Jason Akl
The roll cast is a key
technique to presenting flies
to fish when cover is tight.
Out of all the
important skills associated with becoming a successful fly
fisherman, one of the most significant to having a great day
out in the water would have to be fly casting. While there
are many different techniques and styles to fly casting,
basically all casts fall into two categories: overhead, and
under-head types of casts. Under-head casting techniques or
more specifically, the roll cast, is a key technique to
presenting flies to fish when cover is tight. To beginners,
the roll cast can be a daunting task to perform. A good
knowledge of casting principles, patience, and lots and lots
of practice is needed by fly anglers to achieve a cast that
rolls on the water's surface and lies out softly.
Basic Roll Cast
Start the roll cast by letting out some line in front of
yourself (15 to 20 feet is best for beginners). Imagine
yourself as a "clock" and the rod is a clock hand. With your
rod in hand, slowly sweep the rod tip up behind your
shoulder until the tip of the rod is approximately at 10 or
11 o' clock. (To take this one step further, the stiffer the
rod you are using, the less angle you will need in order to
get your line rolling. Likewise, softer rods will need
slightly more angle to roll the fly line out smoothly).
2. For this cast it does
not matter if you are right or left handed, all that is
important here is that your casting hand be level to your
ear and slightly tipped outside the elbow.
3. At this point in the
cast you should have the beginning of the fly line hanging
to the side of your body you will be casting from. The fly
line will hang down and curve off towards the water surface
resembling a capital "D," and is known as the "D-loop."
4. With a smooth movement,
flip the rod tip forwards to get the cast started. Remember
you do not have to power the line out in front of you with
the muscles in your arm and shoulder, but rather with a
small flick of your wrist and your forearm moving forward.
5. The fly line should roll
forward along the waters surface in a loop. As it moves
forward out towards the target, the remaining line should
lift off the water and lay out above the water. After the
fly line has finished straightening out it will then drop
lightly to the water surface. When this is happening follow
the fly line down to the 3 o' clock position with the tip of
the fly rod to complete the cast.
Tips to making
the roll casting easier:
Use the rod spine
to its full potential -- As with over-head casting one
of the main problems seems to come from individuals trying
to over power the cast. You do not want to just lob the line
out in front of yourself but rather to allow the rod
stiffness to throw the line out for you. Forget about all
other parts to the cast when beginning, just concentrate on
the rod and how it flexes and releases as you move it
Make sure to
check behind your casting arm -- Although you are not
performing an over-head cast, the fly line will at some
point during the cast swing slowly behind you (only a few
feet). As the line passes behind you it has a chance of
snagging up on vegetation or clothing causing the cast to
drop to the waters surface in a bundled mess.
Use the waters
surface to anchor the line -- In all roll casting cases,
the surface tension of the water will help to hold the fly
line in place. If the line is not anchored then a large
circular loop will form and the end of the fly line will not
straighten completely.
practice, and more practice -- No one masters the roll
cast in one day. You will need to figure out how much line
in the D-loop or out on the water is comfortable for you,
along with what good casting motions feels like. Each time
you pick up your fly rod, try to concentrate on these points
until you find a casting stroke that feels smooth and gets
the line out to where you need it to be.
By Jason
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