By Agostino Roncallo
want to show one of my favorite palmer fly, which is built
with a strip of foam and a rooster hackle. I designed for
fishing in summer in the Nera River (Umbria) and other fast
flowing waters.

1) On the curve of a
hook grub, fixed a strip of foam and a rooster hackle.

2) I wrap the hackle
around the strip of foam, in coils wide.

3) Having joined the
strip of foam and hackle, twisted and position it on the
bend of the hook.

4) Fixed hackle and
strip on the bend of the hook.

5) I wrap the strip
along the shank of the hook and fixed near the eye.

6) Cut the excess of
the strip.

7) I wrap the hackle
around the foam and fixed next to the eyes of the hook.

8) Cut the excess

9) I run the final

10) Palmer finished.
of other Palmer flies:

Article and
photos by Agostino
Roncallo 2012