YOUR CARES on the Flats…
by Commander Walter (Joe Guide) Dinkins,
USN Chaplain Corps (Ret)
cast to the tailing red fish was off a bit, but when general
average and mother nature occasionally do come together, it all
works out well, and can be a beautiful thing to see. That little
redfish just swam up, and slurped in my Numero Uno Fly. I fought
him a bit, and released him, while wading the lower Cape Fear
marshes the other afternoon with friends from Dallas, TX who
summer on Bald Head, and had never caught a tailing redfish on
the fly until that day. Lessons were taught, and they enjoyed
themselves, as they locked down another booking for the second
flood tide day in June next summer already.
We sometimes bear so
many troubles throughout our lives, and most people do not
experience death as much as we did when I was a boy growing up
in the 1960’s and 1970’s.
How much time has
changed the way people look at things. Coming back from
Afghanistan in April of 2004, I got bumped up in DELTA Airlines
to my first time in First Class, with my CO and SGT MAJ, and
people clapped their hands, and said “thank you for your
service”. You know, I had been spit on in my uniform back in the
early 1980’s in San Francisco Airport when as a young Army 2d
LT, I was running to catch a flight. That was certainly not the
norm, I would think, but I remember my cousins who returned from
Vietnam in the 1971 telling me about people cursing them in the
SF Airport in California.
Perhaps it just takes
some time for people to grow up and learn their lessons from
history, I reckon, it’s just like my mama used to say, “honey
child, not everybody has a nice mama, or papa, so just say a
little prayer when some people are rude, or nasty in your life”.
I have seen more than my
share of death and tragedy throughout- thirty years in the U.S.
Navy in ships, and across the world in deployments in times of
war and peace. Although I like peacekeeping missions the best, I
always pack away a 4pc Fly Rod, although I did not unpack it
during my two deployments to Afghanistan, however I did serve a
lot in the Central Pacific and caught a lot of Bonefish, and
Great Travelly (GT) in flats and marls all over the central
Pacific. I was single then, and had many a Island Girl break my
heart, in Islands most people never knew existed, but casting
away your cares with a crabby fly or a Merkin, or a Numero Uno,
Crazy Charlie’s…you forget about smashed hearts or bruised minds
amid cautious steps amid marl and beautiful flats when Bonefish
are tailing, or GT are busting baitfish.
I cannot recall her
name, but Miss Universe came out to watch me bonefish off the
mouth of Guantanamo River where it met the bay, and I caught a
few bones, and lost more than my share, as she told me how
difficult life was in NYC and Hollywood for Models and
Actresses. I just nodded my head, and said, yes mam…, and asked
her, to tell me again-“… how did your business meeting and
dinner go with Donald Dell last week in Manhattan?” I thought
that was exciting stuff. She came to my Worship Service, and I
got her to hold the bread at Communion, and almost all the
Marine’s came to that service. Wasn’t that great? Things like
that just don’t happen every day you know.
It’s not easy being a
Movie Star, but she was the first Ms. Universe ever to teach how
to fly fish, although I am sure she had a nice time, she did
tell me that she never had been fishing before, and I said that
was kind of a “sad thing” to hear. We all got our crosses to
bear, but sometimes life can appear a bit too heavy, and
everyone needs some help occasionally throughout our life. We
just got to become more aware of people and their feelings, and
perhaps we might all get along much better than normal. You
should know what I’m talking about. We can take so many things
too seriously, even if it’s not life threatening, however, if
you can just get out on the water, and pole a skiff a bit, and
take a cast or two amid tailing bonefish, or a Tarpon; all your
worries and problems might seem to fade into the limelight of a
setting sun.
Life occasionally can be
quite surprising, if you are willing to cast your cares away on
some distant flat, no matter how a bad a week, you might have
had, depends on your perspective, but Jimmy Buffett knows what
I’m talking about. He’s helped out some Wounded Warriors with a
Concert or two over the past few years. PROJECT HEALLING WATERS
is another program that I like supporting, and that organization
helps take Wounded Warriors fly fishing across the USA through
the graciousness of its contributors, and if you’d just take a
moment to look at their website, you will be blessed, I just
know it. I told Lefty Kreh that just last year, when he appeared
at a free casting lesson for Wounded Warriors from Bethesda, MD.
Some days are just
lovely, just breathe in that sea breeze, and know that no one is
trying to kill you. Perhaps you too can cast your cares away on
some distant bonefish flat. Give it a try sometime.
(GM1c) told me during a break in the action one afternoon in NE
Urzgan Providence while 122 MM Rockets were falling, around our
position had the right frame of mind. There job was killing, but
he and a old Chief Petty Officer who was there with me, just
paid never mind. He said, “Chaplain, I just want to get back to
VA Beach, and get back out on the Chesapeake and cast on a
school of Striped Bass,” I said I know just how you feel. Lefty
Kreh knows that feeling, perhaps you readers also know what I’m
talking about.
Word sweeps inland, we
were ready to get out of there, and were about to hump a couple
of miles back to a different area, and await a dust off, and
wait for two Apache gunships, and a Blackhawk that picked up
another detachment- to come to our pause, and I look towards the
setting sun, and just think about Christmas Island, in the
Central Pacific, or the Seychelles’ flats, or perhaps the Cape
Fear Delta Marshes when redfish are hitting top water, or being
out on the ACE Basin in the low country of South Carolina wading
for tailing redfish. Good Memories. They are only a cast away in
my mind at times such as these, amid rotor blasts, or mortar
rounds, or people screaming, and bullets flying around my head.
My mama’s words come back to me know, “Boy, it’s your friends
that will pull you down, so watch your step, and remember to
stay away from fast women too”.
Perhaps your mama cared
about you enough, to teach you the right path to walk in your
life’s journey, where ever that road may lead to. You sometimes
may need to step back, take a good azimuth reading, and reassess
your journey. Not all people think that way. Perhaps you enjoy
to kick back and enjoy a cigar and a beer after a hot day on the
flats, I wade in my combat boots, but the journey throughout the
war zones of life, is too far distant, but then again, the
greatest individuals I have ever known in my thirty years of
military service, are all carry scars, some deeply embedded,
some with loss of limbs, so I wade a bit more carefully
nowadays. In the afternoon, I get a phone call from someone far
away, who face I cannot recall, but wants to go fishing with me
down here in Wilmington, North Carolina which I now call home.
I’ll see you at 0505 on Friday morning next week, I say, and
don’t worry if you are a bit late, I’ll keep the light on for
you. Sometime the shadows seem to move, but I’m not that afraid
of the noise, and I will launch the skiff and get the sea-breeze
in my face before too long.
Like Hemmingway, who’s
own trauma caused him to express his writing in a unique way, I
feel quite safe out there on the water, however I have had too
many nice fellows from places like Bensenherst, Detroit, Dear
Lick Montana, and Compton Heights California; there are many
names that I have forgotten, and I’ve been retired now for about
two years. So many friends I have seen come and go throughout
the years. So many lessons learned along the way by my NCO’s.
Some of them are buried outside Washington, D.C. on a rolling
patch of ground in Arlington Cemetery. I wonder has the reader
ever visited that hallowed ground. I’ve buried so many people
throughout the years and seen so many broken bodies MEDEVAC’d…
out of country to Laundstul’.
Taking care of so many
Military families for all these years, and seeing so much pain
of young men and women injured physically, and in places that
carry deeper wounds has caused so much heartache and pain
throughout the years. My father who was a WWII, Korean and
Vietnam era Airborne Ranger, would say, people didn’t talk about
their feelings, in his day, just buck up, find a job, and get
back to work. Of course, during WWII, everyone was impacted, and
had family members who served in Europe or the Pacific theaters,
and military personnel stayed until seriously injured or their
return to the great PX after the war was completed. He did 41
years, and bared his share of scars, from Anzio Landing, and
some distant Sniper that missed his mark, from the 10th SS
Waffen BN, so Papa’s scars were something he didn’t mind telling
me about, as a little child who grew up around Sargents Major,
Colonels, and John Wayne Movies and the U.S. Army infantry life,
he was certainly disappointed in my Inter-service transfer from
US Army to the US Navy, but he appreciated my being assigned to
Joint Commands and Marines, at least in his perspective of
military life anyway.
My grandfather taught me
to love fishing when Papa was in SE Asia in the late1960’s, and
his lessons were in the proper placement of popping bugs for
bass and bream in farm ponds, and a kindly Presbyterian Pastor
answered my prayers and taught me as a 12 year old to double
haul a fly rod for redfish down on the ACE Basin where he told
me, “the Ashiepoo-Combahee-Edisto Rivers came together to form
the Atlantic Ocean,” as the good Reverend constantly reminded
his young fly fishing protégée.
My world and my
experiences may be difficult for some of my readers to
understand, but I didn’t fear much about getting killed, but I
don’t like driving in Los Angeles, Washington, DC or New York
City, which frighten me every time I drive through those great
cities. I didn’t like Islamabad, or Dubi City, or Kuwait City,
or Cairo Egypt not one bit. Such traffic is not my cup of tea.
Although one of my bodyguards assigned to me in Towin Kowt, was
a nice Bronx Cop (GM1c) named Bobby, who threw himself into his
job, and seemed to enjoy my stories of getting lost in the big
city of NYC.
In a flight to a
desolate Forward Operating Base (FOB), a chopper pilot once said
to me, “this isn’t your papa’s war, so enjoy the best years of
our lives”. Those flyboys, and girls had a birds eye view of
things I guess, but they all had their own dangers in their own
right. I was supposed to fly with that pilot and his crew one
day, and something got me held up, and I missed that flight up
into Dawi Kindi, so I was quite shocked when I was told that
that helo got hit by three RPG’s with the loss of all hands. It
seems gunships were diverted that day, for some reason or
another. They were the “heavy lift warriors” from joint support
Air Group out of Colorado Springs, Colorado. I remember the
machine gunner, who liked to rub my helmet, when I flew with
them, he said, “it was good luck to rub the helmet of a sky
pilot”. He was waiting to hunt Elk, next season up there in the
Big Horn Mountain’s with his papa and talked about his ol’ dog
named “Pooch”.

SOTF-SE Afganistan-May 2012 CH CDR
Walter Dinkins SE AFG
His mama told me that
ol’ Pooch just keep watch on the porch of their ranch house,
always look outside every sunset, looking for his buddy to
appear at their driveway. People like that you cannot forget too
easily, you know what I mean? You get to know people in Combat
Deployments, people, men and women, and see photos of their
families and children, girlfriends and spouses. Hear their
stories, see their emotions , hear about their schools, and
towns, and neighbors, and you feel kinda like you know those
places, although I never been there. Do you ever feel that way?
I remember the sunsets, brilliant , fire orb glowing, amid dust
storms, or freezing weather, looking at the Moon, the stars at
night, and wondering if anyone back home is taking notice in the
other side of the world. Perhaps I just miss being away from all
those who shared the dangers, and boredom that are all apart of
wartime. I remember the Marine Corp Sergeant Major Atkins, USMC
(Ret), who I traveled a lot with in Afghanistan during my first
time there in 2004. That is the Bella Huzzar, SGTMAJ, General
Elephinstone of the British Expedianary Forces (BEF) in 1843
should have captured that that fort, and garrisoned his Regiment
there, for supply and safety in the hights of the Captial during
the early days of that First Afghanistan War, however, he did
not, and thousands ending up dying on his march through the
passes to Jellaabad. “How you know about that history Chaplain,
he asked,” I replied, “it’s in history books, SGT MAJ so people,
especially the officers and NCO’s will not forget it.” Well, the
dust settled for a time, and I have time to reflect.
Now Chaplain, if we get
over run, this hear Winchester Pump Shotgun, has Buckshot and
Slugs, and you just protect yourself, I can’t have a Chaplain
die in the combat zone, bad news for the Corps, and the people
reading the morning paper back in the States. “What a good
fellow he was, he survived twenty-six years service to the
Corps, and is somewhere in Savanna, GA, last I heard. We serve
with those on our right, and our left, men and women from little
and forgotten towns, not really known to New Yorker’s or
Hollywood people in the media biz of reality television.
I can remember many of
their faces, and sometimes in my dreams, I can still see them
smile, and remember discussing with them about their new baby,
or their farm in Kansas where they grew up, and amid summer time
thunderstorms, some memories visit me in the darkness of the
night, especially deep in the nighttime, when its really dark
outside, but I don’t have to cry any more for friends who no
longer walk upon this earth. Their lives live on in their
memories and their families, and their lives that were given up
for our Nation’s foreign policy amid times of war and times of
Just the other night, I
broke out of some dream state, and was with a patrol , and
climbing back to earth up some dream like Jacobs ladder, I hear
my wife’s sweet voice say to me,” don’t cry honey, that’s only
thunder.” The fish are crushing top water and it’s not yet seven
in the morning, I see the sun rising in the east, and hear the
thump…thump…thump of rotors in the distance, Camp Lejeune Heavy
Lift Helo’s from MAG 29 are flying down the coast. I take off my
desert boonie hat, and wave to them as they pass overhead.
It’s a lovely day in my
neighborhood, and it’s got the makings of a nice day on the
flats, as I strip strike my deer hair popper, and fight another
tailing redfish.
*Author is a retired US Navy
Chaplain, works with Wounded Warriors, and guide’s sportsmen in
South and North Carolina Coast, when he’s not preaching
somewhere. (
is based out of Wilmington, North Carolina. He’s probably the
nicest guide you would ever meet. The greatest living fly
fisherman in the USA, Mr. Lefty Kreh recommend’s him, but
reminds you to don’t expect miracles to occur, but you’ll have a
mighty good time along the Carolina Coast!

Your host- Joe Guide -
Exceptional half day- Fly Fishing, Wildfowl, & traditionali Rail
Hunts on North Carolina's coastal Spar