Lefty Kreh, Joe
Brooks, Bud Rowland, McCloud Frampton
By Walter (Joe
Guide) Dinkins 2016
OWAA Outdoor writer
Several miles from the
nearest bonefish, red fish or tarpon, a gentleman stands out
from the crowd that is gathering. He wears a white floppy hat,
and lifts a shiny nine-foot fly rod. A bright, blue, fly line
slices through the air- in a series of two, or sometimes three-
tight loops, its flight somewhat illuminated by a wispy,
cheerful sun peeking out of vibrant fluffy clouds in the sky.
One fellow, not part of
that class walked by, stopped, and watched attentively as the
line flew across the manicured grass that served as a casting
area. A pretty woman wearing flip-flops and khaki shorts
stopped, pulled her blond hair into a pony-tail and smiled to
the crowd that appeared to be staring at her. She was wearing a
shiny pair of Ray Bans. “I don’t want to hold up any beautiful
women,” the caster said, a gap-toothed grin that brightens his
The onlookers laughed.
Lefty Kreh was holding court. The lessons taught that afternoon
were on the “art of casting.”
He is the man with a fly
rod in his hand. All eyes were on him- the teacher. Everyone
gathered around him had a fly rod that afternoon; although, one
or two of the anglers may be missing a hand or a leg. You may
not know that Lefty has a special place in his heart for wounded
warriors. He served in the Army during the Second World War.
Shakespeare long ago said, “Some men are born great, some
achieve greatness, and yet, some gentlemen have greatness thrust
upon ‘em.”
It is hard for those who
have not served in the U.S. Armed Forces, to understand certain
things that many people in our nation take for granted. “Can you
lend me a hand?” asked a young wounded warrior to his buddy in
the crowd. You see his friend had two good hands, albeit
It was a quite surreal
day in Lefty Kreh’s neighborhood. There are lessons learned, and
stories told, as well as friendships made during days such as
that. Teaching is what Lefty does best. Good teachers are like
that. Everyone would learn a thing or two at his classes to
become better fly-fishermen. People of all ages- men, women
children flock to this pied piper of ageless wisdom. They come
desiring to learn from the master fly caster whenever he teaches
and his lectures can draw large crowds.
Bernard Lefty Kreh
is a writer, photographer, television personality, and fly
fishing pioneer who helped popularize saltwater fly-fishing from
Sea to Shing Sea; Mr. Kreh has been the face of this sport for
several generations. He’s been flyfishing since 1947, when
Mr. Joe Brooks, a editor for Outdoor Life Magazine
taught him the intricacies of fly fishing for Smallmouth,
Striped Bass, Salmon, Bonefish, Trout…all kinds of fish that ply
in God’s waters. Joe was very instrumental in Lefty Kreh’s life,
as a teacher, and becoming a better fly-fisherman.
Lefty has
introduced hundreds of thousands of people to fly-fishing
throughout his lifetime, more so than any other angler or
outdoorsman. From angling techniques to equipment and fly line
development, he continues to be, a positive ambassador for the
fishing community.
“I think Lefty has
done more to influence fly fishing, than any other living person
today” said nine- time Saltwater Fly Fishing World Record
holder- Carl “Bud” Rowland of McAllen, Texas who designed
the ‘Numero Uno’ fly.” Bud continued, “I personally think
that Lefty took Saltwater Fly Fishing to a greater World Wide
audience than any other person. I first met him in Corpus
Christi, TX in late 1970’s when he gave my wife, and two sons
casting lessons.”

Lefty Kreh, is the
distinguished fellow in that distinctive floppy fishing cap,
will soon turn 91, and yet keeps a quite hectic schedule-
traveling to fly-fishing clinics, talking on radio and TV,
writing books, and fishing from the Atlantic to the Pacific. He
is still going strong! Maryland may be his home state, however
he cut his teeth saltwater flyfishing in Florida- when he was
introduced to it by a number of fly fisherman who were more
familiar in those flats and backcountry area and bay’s – Mr. Joe
Brooks was to him, the greatest of these teachers.
Joe Brooks was to many,
a guiding light to the fly fishing community, lightening up a
world of fishing that he had never really contemplated
previously. Lefty explained: “Joe took me under his wing, was
mighty nice, kind and helpful to me throughout all the years of
his life.” In the old days, Al Pflueger, Whitey Harold, George
Hommel, Stu Apte and Joe and I use to fish Biscayne Bay and the
Key’s quite a bit in the 1950’s.”
Lefty might be- the most
photographed saltwater fly angler in the world. He had been down
in the Bahamas fly-fishing this past fall. He is a man for all
seasons, this gentle man of the flats who also happens to be a
U.S. Army Veteran of World War II.
When I asked him years
ago, if he could only fish one species one day- before he died,
where would he go? He replied, “I’d like to go flyfishing for
Bonefish in the Bahamas, and I’d go way out in the backcountry.”
His greatest gift he has giving all of us might be his
introduction of men, women, and children of all ages, to learn
to fly-cast.
What kind of teacher is
Lefty? He does not yell, and always has a smile and a kind word
for each of his students. Lefty is the gentle giant of his sport
of Flyfishing, the sage, or even I might say, the Yoda of
the flats. The sport of fly fishing is- at its most
graceful element, when one is casting a fly rod while sight
fishing a tailing fish- such as a Bonefish, Redfish, or even
Permit. It can be something really of an art form.
I’m a Saltwater fly
fisherman, living here in the lowcounry, but I started out fly
fishing for Bream and Largemouth Bass in the ponds and lakes of
South Carolina. I started chasing Redfish in the Spartina grass
flats around Charleston, S.C. One day after church, the Reverend
Dr. McCloud Frampton, BA, M.Div., D.D. took the time to teach me
how to fly fish when I was just a little fellow during the long,
hot summer of 1968. “Jesus was a fisherman at heart, not
necessarily a good one, but he loved the water, and he was
always teaching those fishermen a thing or two about casting,”
said Frampton. So you see, boy you are in good company.”
We learn from positive
examples, nurtured by individuals who we respect and admire.
What do you see when you are fishing? Fly anglers tend to see
much more than simply- the fish that we fought and lost; rather
than simply those that we caught and released. Joe Brooks and
Bud Rowland are also great teachers. Joe wrote many books on
fishing that still reach out and touch your heart. Bud teaches a
great number of Texans a great number of things about fly
fishing his beloved Lower Laguna Madre’.
Lefty knows the lessons
that I am talking about, perhaps you readers do too.
Most of my women readers
might remember when thinking of fly-fishing- of Brad Pitt’s
graceful fly-casting for Rainbow Trout one afternoon during a
unique scene in Robert Redford’s Fly-fishing Movie- A RIVER
RUNS THROUGH IT. That movie was of course about trout
fishing, and the unique people living near Montana’s Little
Bigfoot River. It was a unique community of individuals that
each of us can relate to in a way. The script created from a
short story- by Norman McLean, who was the son of a Presbyterian
Famous fly-fishermen
such as Lefty, Tom Brokaw, Brad Pitt, Jimmy Carter, Robert
Redford, or Henry Winkler, might teach you better than I could,
as to how that unique movie- turned thousands of anglers into
experiencing the beauty of fly-fishing. Perhaps, it is as
simple as a story unfolding or is it altogether something deeper
than an unfordable stream that we feel the need to cross. We all
desire to learn various lessons in life, and make the cast in
our own waters to our own dream fish.
Fly-fishing is a part of
our hearts and minds, yet it is much more than just our travel
and the fish that we catch. It is much more than that. It is
more about the friends we meet along the way. We are at times-
transformed by wading the water, and the sight fishing unique
species that we pursue in life’s journey that knows no barriers.
Is your outdoor life any different? Are these not also the
lessons each of us must learn throughout our life’s journey?
Those lessons we learn from the teachers in our lives.
Flyfishing is much more than just a sport. It is a lesson in
life. A lesson learned through our adventures, and the
characters we meet along life’s great journey.

Wade-fishing in
the Spartina Grass
I enjoy stalking the
tailing redfish throughout the seasons of the year. It reminds
me of hunting in a way; and if you cannot imagine what that is
like, then you just have to travel down to the Carolina coast in
the spring-summer-fall months especially during a lunar moon
week, and just see what it is all about- first hand. In the
hands of the neophyte angler, fishing with a nine foot fly rod
may seem like some exercise in frustration, with line tangling
around the rod’s end, or fear at hooking the back of your hat,
instead of unfurling 40-50 feet away and dropping delicately on
the water.
Frustration will often
cause anglers to flail the fly rod faster and faster, which only
makes matters worse. Many casting instructors promote a
technique in which the body remains rigid — legs together, right
elbow at the side, rod tip high, casting motion moving from 10
o’clock to 2 o’clock and back.
Throughout his long
career, Mr. Kreh has advocated a more “fluid approach” in his
books and videos on casting - the fly rod- must load properly,
in order for the rod to properly load, and to make an effortless
cast. New fly-fishermen do not just cast with their arms- they
mistakenly utilize their wrists, and this tends to cause the fly
to drop on the back cast. Lefty demonstrates this in his classes
and in his books- with his right arm at his side, his right foot
was just slightly behind, and the fly rod neatly at a 45-degree
angle, when he turns his hips and shoulders. The fly line whips
back and forth as on a level plane, until he stopped the rod
abruptly on the forward turn. The fly line flies across the
grass and landed within inches of its target.
“I’ll soon be 91 years
old guys,” he said. You will all notice- “I didn’t use my elbow,
or a double haul, and I can still cast 80 feet. You guys can do
this, too.” Wounded warriors of course, know how to follow
directions. Kreh invited one young fellow to the casting area to
make a few casts.
“Your forward cast isn’t
bad,” Kreh said to one of the soldiers, “but you’ve got a
“poopy-looking loop” on your back cast. People tend to get dip
during their back cast, because they tend to use their wrists
unconiously. He said, “You gotta hold your wrist tight, when
casting a fly rod son.” You just remember that and you’ll be
casting much better with practice,” and he cracked a smile.
People across our nation
that love this sport, have come to understand that a rare spirit
has lived in their midst, a bright burning fire in a heart of a
sportsman can be easily seen in this gentleman from Maryland.
He has a mighty, kind
smile on his face under that funky- looking, long brim fishing
hat. One of his casting protégés that day- began to explain that
he generally uses a shorter fly rod when trout fishing in
Oregon, but Kreh put up his finger, and explained a bit
more.“The length of your fly rod doesn’t mean a dog-gone thing,”
Lefty said. He added, “People, there are “three things you all
need to know- in order to make yourself better fly casters,”
“If you are
right-handed, the right foot should always be positioned to your
rear.” Do ya’ll hear me? There was a whole lot of nodding going
around. Lefty just stood there and smiled. Before beginning a
back cast, the casting-hand thumb- should ALWAYS be positioned
behind the rod handle, and just keep your eyes focused on your
Don’t let your eyes look
around at other fish tailing, or any good looking women!”
Lefty continued casting
practice but with another “pearl of wisdom”: remember that your
elbow, should- never…ever… be elevated on your cast.” Now can
ya’ll remember that? Think about keeping your arm, just as high
as your elbow.”
I would encourage my
readers should go out and get a copy of one of his many books on
casting and practice before their next fishing trip. Lefty
Kreh is my hero. A long time ago, it was back in the 1990’s
I believe, that he told me the only person who ever called him
“Bernard” was his mama. I told troops that it always pays to
listen closely to your mama!
I’d asked Mr. Kreh to
adjust my casting a great many years ago, so I could make better
presentations to tailing Bonefish- when I was stationed out in
the Central Pacific. Could he help me make accurate eighty foot
casts- when the wind was in my face? He just laughed, and said
to me, “Dinkins, even I can’t do miracles,” perhaps you should
try prayer. He laughed so hard he took off his floppy,
long-billed fishing hat, and wiped away a tear or two.
Lefty was working the
crowd. All eyes are on him when he is teaching. He adjusted the
position of the thumb of peoples casting hands. He also lowered
the trajectory of other people’s back cast so it was almost
parallel to the ground. One fellow snapped out a 50-60 foot cast
that hit mighty close to the target. “That was a lot better,
said Lefty.
“You are de’ Man, Lefty,”
said one fellow.
He just turned and
walked away, smiling that big ol’ gaped- tooth smile of his.
Lefty has been on his feet quite a while now, and he was getting
tired, so everyone sat down while he sat in a chair and told a
fishing story or two.
In the sky, Egrets were
flying somewhere in the distant sky. Clouds were gathering, and
a storm was somewhere out there in the distance, although we
could not yet see it. There seemed to be somewhat of a chill in
the air, the sun was falling fast, and the afternoon was almost
over before we knew it.
No one can
fit in his shoes, or replace an individual such as Bernard Lefty
Kreh, God broke that mold over ninety years ago; however I’d
imagine that Lefty will one day, teach Jesus and all the
disciples how to be better fishermen—I think the best of ‘em
will be fly fishermen.
Tight lines…
Walter (Joe Guide) Dinkins
OWAA Outdoor Writer
