Fly Fishing
tactics and techniques
You are welcome to send in your own
contribution on the subject.
Your participation is important to keep this magazine interesting and up to date.

It's never too late!.
By Piero Letizia (2018-06-20)
Fallons World of Flyfishing Column no
4 2017:
Mighty Nymph
Choosing trout flies simplified:
2 super-easy methods.
From today onwards, you'll never have to
take multiple fly boxes with you when you go fishing anymore.
By Shabbir (2016-11-10)
.G.E.M. Skues and the hatching BWO puzzle
I had many happy days of fine dry fly fishing with BWO
imitations on Bosnian rivers. Through the process of elimination
I decreased my fly selection to just two patterns in several
sizes and this is what is described in the article, along with
some historical stuff about GEM Skues. By Goran Grubic and Aleksandar Panic
Fishing with
the Morgan Twitch
You will be amazed at the
number of fish you move to the fly. In fact, if you are like me,
many of the ones I miss are more fun than the ones I catch. By Tom
Morgan (2015-08-09).
An Introduction
to Scandinavian Casting
What’s the easiest way for fly anglers to make long casts when
they have little back cast room? Also what way can anglers make long
casts without exerting a lot of energy and feeling exhausted after
three or four precious hours of fishing? Scandinavian spey casting
is the answer to both questions. By Randy Kadish (2015-04-06).
Fly Fishing with
Solo Canoes
Quiet Water boats
appeal to me in that these boats tend to be uncomplicated and
free of electronics or other gadgets I think distract from the
overall experience. By Mike Hogue 2013 (2014-01-12).
Grayling, the perfect
fish for fly fishing
On the third cast the big grayling
rose and took the dry fly. Then the fish took off down stream in full
speed. I had seen the cautious wake rings on the blank area at the
stream head - and like so many times in the past underestimated them in
the belief that they were from smaller graylings. By Sune Adolfsson
Midge fly called "Bosse"
Midge pupa
(Family Chironomidae) is on the fish menu throughout the season.
With a midge pupa on the leader is time for excitement and
fighting. But it is important to fish the fly correct. By Björn Möller
Tips for the coming season
Improve your casting accuracy.
Learn about water insects,
use insect catching net.
Tailing glove, helps you land the
catch more easy. By Niclas Andersson
Basics of the Overhead
The overhead fly cast can be broken down into two main phases, the back
cast and the front cast. By Jason Akl
Learning the Roll Cast
The roll cast is a key
technique to presenting flies to fish when cover is tight.
By Jason Akl 2012-06-22.
Spey Casting 101
Perhaps you’re in the same fly
casting bind I was in. You often don’t have enough room to make back
casts, and at your age casting a 7-weight fly rod for three or four
hours leaves you exhausted and sore. Spey casting, you read, will save
you a lot of energy and ibuprofen. By Randy Kadish
Joe Guide’s
Mathematical Formula
for sight fishing tailing Redfish in the Spartina grass Flats North
Carolina. By Walter (Joe Guide) Dinkins.
PMD Hatch, "The Pale Morning Dun Hatch
produces fun, challanging fishing!"
By George Anderson
Gold Balls &
Silver Bullets
Beadheads are very effective
patterns for any other watercourse. Their value has been noticed by
a growing number of fly fishers, and they are accounting for some
good fish, whether in running or still water. By Hans van Klinken.
Fishing the Pods
The phenomena of schools of fish feeding on the surface in tightly
packed bunches. Exciting to see and experience, but sometimes tough
to deal with for the average angler.
By George Anderson 2010-05-01.
"Draggin´ fly" fishing with dry flies
Dry flies must always be
fished drifting freely with no drag is a rule with exceptions. By Johan Klingberg
Fly Fishing Thailand -
Arowana The Arowana is one
of the most engaging species introduced into Thailand and offers
spectacular fly fishing in Thailand. by Capt. Max Mackenzie Skues
Thailand Barramundi on the Fly
- Part 2,
by Capt. Max Mackenzie Skues (2008-04-04).
Fly Fishing in
Thailand - an Introduction,
by Capt. Max Mackenzie Skues (2008-03-29).
Thailand Barramundi on the Fly
- Part 1.
Often known for its spectacular violent head shaking leaps from the
water during a fight, the Barramundi justifiably commands respect
from those who seek it out. Surprisingly, this, the gamest of all
game fish is relatively unknown to many fly fishermen. Pound for
pound the Barramundi will outrun, outstrip and outfight any
salmonoid. (Part 1)
By Martyn (Max) Mackenzie Skues
How to use our
Klinkhåmer Special correctly, by Hans van Klinken
Casting a fly at the Himalayan Mahseer,
"Flies and Fly-Fishing Techniques for the Himalayan Mahseer"
By Misty Dhillon 2007-08-24.
Knots That Catch Fish
A critical, observant, and logical look at knot tying,
By Fox Statler
Fight Wind: Learn
The Double Haul
Fly casting article
by Randy Kadish (2007-04-21).
A Muddler Taught Me How
To Read
Fishing with Muddler flies.
By Eric D. Lehman (2007-03-18).
Fishing Large Stillwaters
Sight fishing in the context of fly
fishing for trout, is the art of locating, observing and casting to a
sighted fish to induce a take. The sheer thrill of sight fishing is in
its visual and emotional impact. By Steve Yeomans
the leafs are falling the grayling get's mad
Article on fishing with Aphids imitations by Hans van Klinken (2006-07-09).
match the hatch
Short article
about fishing technique. By Julian C Bixler (2006-07-09).
by Hans van Klinken (2006-06-18).
More Trout, Don't Flog the Water!
How many times have you spent the day at a
small stillwater fishery enjoying good sport during the morning, only
to struggle during the second half of the day? More often than not
this is due to trout shying away from an increasing bombardment of
flies and more importantly fly lines, but this need not be so. Article
Steve Yeomans (2006-04-29).
on the Fly"
Revealing a new generation of flies and
fly-fishing techniques for taking a creature of absolute majesty in
the Himalayas.
By Misty Dhillon (2005-10-01).
Fishing smallmouth bass in Pennsylvania by Julian C Bixler (2005-07-12)
Fly Casting For Distance, and
God? Short story by Randy Kadish
Winter Fishing Tactics article by Doc Knoll
9 Principles of War Applied to
Flyfishing by Harry P. Davis
Its in the Timing fly casting article by Doc Knoll (2004-01-14)
.Reach that faraway target - how to reduce fly-casting
fatigue -
article by Randy Kadish
Atlantic Salmon Fly Fishing Tips
By Bill Bryden (2003-12-14).
Trophy atlantic salmon fishing tips "Catching a Truly Huge Atlantic
or "A Lower Humber Primer" By Bill Bryden (2003-12-14).
Guerrilla flyfishing
by Harry P. Davis. Chapter 6 from
the book Guerrilla flyfishing. (2003-11-08)
article on fly fishing in
New Zealand and how to choose flies. By Sean Andrews (2002-04-14).
The inconnu, the unknown whitefish, by Hans van Klinken. (2002-02-24).
The Spring pike - Exotic and
Scandinavian, by Niclas Andersson
Double your shad catch, five Simple Techniques, by Brian M. Wiprud.
(Published 2001-03-14).
Snap Tandems For Pickerel, article on fly fishing for "pike". by
Brian M. Wiprud (Published 2001-03-14).
Dry Fly Salmon Fishing Tips. By Heikki Anttonen (Published 2001-02-05).
How to fish with the famous
Rackelhane fly History, technique
and tactics, by Kenneth Boström.
The arising of the Klinkhamer Special Article on the classical Dutch fly, Fishing technique and a lot more, by Hans
van Klinken.(Published 980103).
