river in Scotland
AuSable river, USA
river in Scotland
river Ireland
river in Scotland
Blackwater (Munster) Ireland
river Norway
Border Esk,
river in Scotland
Clyde, river,
river in Scotland
river in Scotland
river in Scotland
Eamont, river, England
Eden, river, England
river in Scotland
river in Scotland
Glomma river, Norway
Kvennan Fly Fishing, Tolga, Tynset
Gustavsfors, Sweden
Himmerlands Fishing Park Denmark, Jylland.
Idsjöströmmen river Gimån, Sweden
river in England
Kalix river (Kalixälv), Sweden
Kävlingeån river, Sweden
Lagan, Sweden
Laxá, Iceland
Lowther, England
Löddeå river,
Manistee river,
river, USA
Miramichi River
Nea river, Norway
river in Scotland
North and South Esk,
river in Scotland
Norway south
east (Natur & Fritid)
river, Norway
Rena elvas Venner
river, Norway
Rena River Portal
river, Norway
River Don,
river Sweden
Snake river,
river in Scotland
river in Scotland
river in England
river in England
river, Italy
river in Scotland
river, Wales
river in Scotland
river in England
River, USA
Årgård river
river, Norway
Local Magic in
the West of Ireland
Casting one’s fly into
Irish loughs and rivers exalts all that is truly special
about fishing and makes up our wonderful passion. The beauty,
often breath-taking, wild and empty, leaves your inner
silence finally undisturbed, accompanied by the gentle sound
of wind and water always at your side. By Nick Scott.
for Fall Browns
Fall fishing in Montana
isn't for everybody. For most folks, the combination of
clouds, rain, and cold weather make for a crummy day
outdoors, more suitable for staying under the covers and
reading a book than fishing. By James Anderson (2013-12-08)
When I lived in Twin Bridges, I often drove by a small
spring creek that looked interesting enough to fish some
day. Story by Tom Morgan (2013-09-06)
Mud And Blood On The Kvichak
Fishing story by Dan Fallon (2013-07-31)
Fly fishing in Yorkshire
Yorkshire has a long and fine
tradition of fly fishing and some argue that modern fly fishing was
founded here. By Hans van Klinken
“Fly fishing for
Crabby redfish in skinny water"
By Joe Guide
The best salmon
river in Europe?
Andrew Graham-Stewart
experience the remarkable River Gaula and detects sign of a
sea-change Norwegian attitudes to salmon management and
conservation. By Andrew Graham-Stewart 2008
Fly Fishing for tailing
Red Fish in the Spartina Grass Flats of the lower Cape Fear saltmarsh.
By Joe Guide (2010-03-02)
Chokoloskee Tarpon
Tarpon fever had taken a firm grip on my brain and visions of big
tarpon can cloud anyone’s judgment. When you get tarpon fever there
is only one cure. By George Anderson
Dry Fly Fishing in
presented by Salvelinus Fishing Adventures
Fishing beneath a
marble sky
Short story by Randy Kadish
Cruising Along The Lower
Yellowstone, The Yellowstone
has many moods, article about a canoe trip on Yellowstone river. By John Holt
Fly Fishing Thailand -
Arowana The Arowana is one
of the most engaging species introduced into Thailand and offers
spectacular fly fishing in Thailand. by Capt. Max Mackenzie Skues
The King’s Water
Thoughts on fishing in river Mörrum, by Brandon Simmons
Searching For Native
In search of what the Wyoming Game and
Fish Department calls the Wyoming-Cutt Slam. Article by John Holt.
Thailand Barramundi on the Fly
- Part 2,
by Capt. Max Mackenzie Skues (2008-04-04)
Fly Fishing in
Thailand - an Introduction,
by Capt. Max Mackenzie Skues (2008-03-29)
Thailand Barramundi on the Fly
- Part 1.
Often known for its spectacular violent head shaking leaps from the
water during a fight, the Barramundi justifiably commands respect
from those who seek it out. Surprisingly, this, the gamest of all
game fish is relatively unknown to many fly fishermen. Pound for
pound the Barramundi will outrun, outstrip and outfight any
salmonoid. (Part 1)
By Martyn (Max) Mackenzie Skues
The Homer Roach
Travels To Ireland: HUH?
The use of a Alaskan salmon
tube fly in a Irish Loch.
By Bob Kenly
Casting a fly at the Himalayan Mahseer,
"Flies and Fly-Fishing Techniques for the Himalayan Mahseer"
By Misty Dhillon 2007-08-24
Walking the Streams
Personal essay about fly-fishing in Connecticut.
By Eric D. Lehman
the Mighty Himalayan Legends.
game fishing in some
of the world's last frontiers. By Misty Dhillon (2006-07-31)
Pages from Norwegian diary
Salmon fishing article by Jurij Shumakov (2006-06-06)
York Pier Fishing (with a fly rod)
Short story
by Randy Kadish (2006-05-27)
Salmon made simple….
a duffer's guide. Lesson 1. By Bill Drew (2006-03-11)
A River (and Big Fish) Runs Through
It, article on fishing British Columbia by Jack Lundberg
on the Fly"
Revealing a new generation of flies and
fly-fishing techniques for taking a creature of absolute majesty in
the Himalayas.
By Misty Dhillon (2005-10-01)
Fly Dream:
Fishing the Middle Fork of the Flathead River, Montana. By Tom Layson.
the Yellowstone
- Drifting Within the Land
an excerpt from a
work in progress called Yellowstone Drift - Floating the Past In Real
Time that is about me floating the length of the Yellowstone River in
Montana from the upper Paradise Valley down to its confluence with the
Missouri River in North Dakota this year - 540 miles.
By John Holt. (2005-08-16)
fishing on the south side of the Alps-Italy
of Pension Sonnheim in Italy Alps and surrounding fishing area by
Robert Pegoretti (2005-07-31)
mahseer of India Himalayas
In the midst
of the vast subcontinent, which has such diverse landscape, and in the
many rivers, which drain the nation, swims a classic game fish, still
unheard of, by a lot us, the Mighty Mahseer of India.
By Misty Dhillon (2005-06-18)
experience on the Muncy creek
Short story by Julian
Bixler (2005-04-28)
River Country of the Northwest Territories
excerpted from the book "Arctic Aurora" by John Holt
Canyon Country
trip in Wyoming canyon county, by John
Holt (2005-03-24)
the foot of the Rainbow
Steelhead fishing in Kamchatka, by Jurij Shumakov (2005-03-11)
Stalking the Zebras
(with the family in tow) Article on fly fishing in France. By Arkadi de Rakoff (2004-09-01)
Kamchatka, first encounter
Article on fly fishing in Kamchatka, including 9 fly patterns. By Jurij Shumakov (2004-05-28)
From Russia with... fly article on Kola flies, with 45
fly tying descr. by Jurij Shumakov (2004-03-06)
Tigerfish on the Zambezi
River by Andy Ault (2004-03-02)
Fly Fishing in
Yellowstone Country by Doc Knoll (2004-01-14)
Patagonia Adventure by Hector Claverie (2003-11-03)
Beginning again, in
Montana, fly fishing story by
Arkadi de Rakoff (2003-02-08)
First Times a charm, Bonefishing story. By Capt. Eric P. VanDemark.
The Magic of the Bighorn by William Walker (2002-12-26)
Fly-fishing the
Magnificent Green River in Utah
By William Walker (2002-12-01)
Fly Fishing the
Atchafalaya Basin, Swamped with
Fun. One of the great wetland areas in the United States, a scenic semi-wilderness, which
offers superb fishing. By Jon Griffin & Jocelyn Hazelwood Donlon. (2002-12-01)
A Fly-fishing Fantasy
Relived, fishing trip story by
William Walker. (2002-10-27)
The Rouge River, A Fly
and Me
Story by Gideon
McCain (2002-10-19)
April report from
Kitimat River BC Canada, by
Archie Begin (2002-04-22)
Bugs article on
fly fishing in New Zealand and how to choose flies. By Sean Andrews (2002-04-14)
Where Real Alaskans Fish, by Bob Kenly. (2002-03-15)
The inconnu, the unknown
whitefish, by Hans van Klinken.
A Day on the Skeena
River, by Luciano.
Fishing With Frozen Food
on the Colorado River, (A Boy and His Turkey) story by Michele Murray.
Brown trout from white
water, fishing story by Roddy Finnie (Published
Adventure in northern
Dalarna, by John Kingma. Fly
fishing adventure in the Idre region, Dalarna, Sweden
Pike are just a ryat, pike fishing story by Roddy Finnie
Marathon Fly Fishing, A Race Against Trout and Time, by Brian M.
Trout fishing in Kenya, article by Brian Wiprud
The Kenai Peninsula a presentation of the Kenai Peninsula by George C
Stek. (2001-01-09)
A month i Yukon, by Padre. Photo by Hans and Ina van Klinken
Fishing San Juan river, USA, by Robert Bettencourt (2000-11-09)
Anniversary Brookie, story by Steve Volski, (2000-10-19)
Arthur's Lake - Tasmania - by Chris Hill. (2000-09-18)
Yakima, flyfishing article by Doug Scates (2000-09-10)
Stalking the Large Trout of Australia, article on Tasmanian flyfishing by Chris Hill
Fly Fishing in Central and South
Eastern Pennsylvania, article by
Roger Kloos. (Published 2000-07-11)
Fish of a Lifetime, a short story from a succesful fishing trip in
Scotland, by Ralph Carlin, (Published 2000-05-30)
Cudda Fishing off Grand Cayman. Flyfishing
story by Jeffrey K. Lown, (2000-03-05)
In the spell of Norwegian Grayling, a story by Hans van Klinken (Published 991220)
Fly fishing in Labrador, article by Hans von Klinken. (Published 981219)
Trout Take Over Yosemite In Fall. Article on fishing in Yosemite National Park, by
Dan Fallon (Published 980907)
Fly fishing in the wilderness of
Newfoundland, article by Hans van Klinken. (Published 980127)