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From Russia with... fly
by Jurij Shumakov

Part 4

Read the article connected to this fly presentation


Inventor and tier Yuri Lobanov from Zaozersk

1. Third Waterfall (Tretij Vodopad)

Third Waterfall (Tretij Vodopad), photo by Jurij Shumakov

Hook: double, Mustad
Tag: oval silver tinsel
Tail: GP cock tail fibres
Body: black and yellow floss
Rib: oval silver tinsel
Wing: bunch GP cock tail fibres and GP crest
Throat: bunch GP cock tail fibres
Head: black


2. Stream Fly (Strujnaja)

Stream Fly (Strujnaja),  photo by Jurij Shumakov

Hook: double, LOOP black nickel
Tag: oval silver tinsel
Tail: bunch of black cock fibres
Body: black floss
Rib: oval silver tinsel
Wing: two grizzly cock feathers, over a few long strands from guinea fowl feather
Throat: natural guinea fowl
Head: black


3. Bath-robe Fly 1 (Khalatnaja)

Bath-robe Fly 1 (Khalatnaja), photo by Jurij Shumakov

Tag: fluorescent red floss
Tail: fibres from bath-robe in green-olive
Body: green flash dub
Rib: fine oval silver tinsel
Wing: bunch of fibres from bath-robe in green-olive, over a few strands of peacock sword
Throat: bunch of fibres from bath-robe in green
Head: red


4. Bath-robe Fly 2 (Khalatnaja)

Bath-robe Fly 2 (Khalatnaja), photo by Jurij Shumakov

Tag: fluorescent orange floss
Tail: fibres from bath-robe in green-olive and dark blue
Body: holographic green flat tinsel
Rib: fine oval silver tinsel
Wing: bunch of red dyed GT tippets, bunch of fibres from bath-robe in green-olive and dark blue, bunch of naturally brown bear
Throat: bunch of fibres from bath-robe in green with dark magenta tippets
Head: black


5. Universal Fly (Universal'naja)
(The Western Litza Universal Fly)

Universal Fly (Universal'naja), photo by Jurij Shumakov

Tag: red floss
Tail: red SLF hanks
Butt: peacock and fine silver flat tinsel
Body: rear 1/4 ice blue silk, middle 1/4 light fluorescent green floss, front 1/2 dark blue floss
Rib: fine flat silver tinsel
Wing: bunch of yellow guard Arctic fox fur, bunch of dark blue guard Arctic fox fur, bunch of brown guard Arctic fox fur.
Throat: bunch of fibres from bath-robe in green-olive
Head: red


6. The Green Fly (Zelenaja)

The Green Fly (Zelenaja), photo by Jurij Shumakov

Tag: fluorescent orange floss
Tail: GP crest dyed in red
Body: rear 3/4 fluorescent green silk, front 1/4 black floss (body is varnished)
Rib: fine flat silver tinsel
Wing: bunch of yellow Arctic fox under fur, two strands of pearl Crystal hair, bunch of insect green Arctic fox under fur, two strands of pearl Crystal hair, bunch of brown guard Arctic fox fur
Throat: green highlander cock fibres
Head: red


7. Litsa Ant (Muravej)

Litsa Ant (Muravej), photo by Jurij Shumakov

Hook: double, LOOP black nickel
Tag: fluorescent red floss
Tail: fibres of red guinea fowl
Body: rear 1/2: fluorescent red floss, front 1/2: black floss
Rib: fine flat gold tinsel
Wing: bunch of red dyed GT tippets, bunch of red guard Arctic fox fur, a few strands of silver, red, magenta and green Angel hair, bunch of black bear hair, over GP crest dyed in red
Throat: bunch of red guinea fowl fibres
Head: black



Inventor Konstantin Kirilenko from Murmansk.
Flies re-tied by me with the use of Serebrjanka hair.
All colours the same as on original flies.

Kola Fly 3

Kola Fly 3, photo by Jurij Shumakov

Hook: double, LOOP black nickel
Tag: oval gold tinsel
Tail: GP crest and segment of teal
Butt: red ostrich
Body: ice blue Lagartun mini flatbraid tinsel
Body hackle: ice blue cock
Rib: oval gold tinsel
Wing: two strands of pearl lazer flashabou, bunch of blue Serebrjanka (Arctic fox), a few strands of blue and holographic silver Angel hair, bunch of red Serebrjanka (Arctic fox), a few strands of red and black peacock Angel hair, bunch of black Arctic fox, over 4-5 strands of peacock
Roof: segment of teal or grey mallard feather
Throat: naturally black cock
Cheeks: jungle cock
Head: black


Kola Fly 4
(this fly is one of many variants of the popular local pattern known as Don Kazak)

Kola Fly 4, photo by Jurij Shumakov

Hook: double, LOOP black nickel
Tag: flat gold tinsel
Tail: GP crest and ice blue cock over
Butt: in the middle of body: red ostrich
Body: ice blue silk
Rib: oval gold tinsel
Wing: two strands of pearl lazer flashabou, bunch of blue Serebrjanka (Arctic fox), a few strands of blue and holographic silver Angel hair, bunch of green highlander Serebrjanka (Arctic fox), a few strands of green and black peacock Angel hair, bunch of black Arctic fox, over 4-5 strands of peacock
Sites: two fine grizzly cock feather
Front hackle: naturally black cock
Cheeks: jungle cock
Head: black


Kola Fly 4 variant (this fly is variant of the previous one)

Kola Fly 4 variant, photo by Jurij Shumakov

Hook: Partridge, Salar silver
Tag: flat gold tinsel
Tail: GP crest
Butt: in the middle of body: red ostrich
Body: rear half: Lagartun miniflatbraid; rear front: ice blue Gliss’N Glow dub
Wing: two strands of blue Mirage flashabou, bunch of red Serebrjanka (Arctic fox), a few  strands of red and blue Angel hair, bunch of kingfisher blue Serebrjanka (Arctic fox), a few strands of blue, red and black peacock Angel hair, bunch of black Arctic fox, over 4-5 strands of peacock
Roof: two segments of a teal feather a top of the wing
Front hackle: blue and black cock
Cheeks: jungle cock
Head: black


Kola Fly 5

Kola Fly 5, photo by Jurij Shumakov

Hook: double, LOOP black nickel
Tag: flat gold tinsel
Tail: GP crest
Butt: black ostrich
Body: rear half: fluorescent green silk, front half: light blue SLF dub
Body hackle: ice blue cock
Rib: oval gold tinsel
Wing: two strands of pearl lazer flashabou, bunch of red Serebrjanka (Arctic fox), a few strands of red and yellow Angel hair, bunch of yellow Serebrjanka (Arctic fox), a few strands of yellow and blue Angel hair, bunch of blue Serebrjanka (Arctic fox), a few strands of blue and holographic silver Angel hair, bunch of black Arctic fox, over 4-5 strands of peacock
Sites: two fine grizzly cock feather
Front hackle: yellow cock
Cheeks: jungle cock
Head: black


Kola Fly 6

Kola Fly 6, photo by Jurij Shumakov

Hook: double, LOOP black nickel
Tag: flat silver tinsel
Tail: orange floss
Butt: orange floss
Body: holographic silver flat tinsel
Body hackle: black cock
Rib: oval silver tinsel
Wing: two strands of pearl lazer flashabou, bunch of kingfisher blue Serebrjanka (Arctic fox), a few strands of holographic silver Angel hair and ocean blue Krystal hair, bunch of black Arctic fox, over 4-5 strands of peacock
Roof: two segments of dyed blue teal
Sites: two fine grizzly cock feather
Front hackle: black cock
Cheeks: jungle cock
Head: black


Kola Fly 7

Kola Fly 7, photo by Jurij Shumakov

Hook: double, Partridge Salar, silver
Tag: flat gold tinsel
Tail: GP crest
Body: rear half: fluorescent yellow silk, front half: bright red silk
Body hackle: front half: yellow cock
Rib: oval gold tinsel
Wing: two strands of yellow lazer flashabou, bunch of yellow Serebrjanka (Arctic fox), a few strands of yellow and chartreuse Angel hair, bunch of insect green Serebrjanka (Arctic fox), a few strands of chartreuse and red Angel hair, bunch of red Serebrjanka (Arctic fox), a few strands of red and black peacock Angel hair, bunch of black Arctic fox, over 4-5 strands of peacock
Roof: two segments of teal feather
Front hackle: red cock
Cheeks: jungle cock
Head: black


Kola Fly 8

Kola Fly 8, photo by Jurij Shumakov

Hook: double, Partridge Salar, silver
Tag: oval gold tinsel
Tail: GP crest
Butt: black ostrich
Body: rear 1/3: fluorescent green silk, front 2/3: dark blue silk
Body hackle: front half: ice blue cock
Rib: oval gold tinsel
Wing: two strands of red lazer flashabou, bunch of red Serebrjanka (Arctic fox), a few strands of yellow and red Angel hair, bunch of red Serebrjanka (Arctic fox), a few strands of red and silver holographic Angel hair, bunch of black Arctic fox, over 4-5 strands of peacock
Roof: two segments of teal feather
Front hackle: yellow cock
Cheeks: jungle cock
Head: black

This fly presentation continues here: part 5  part 6  part 7

Back to: part 1  part 2  part 3


Text and photos by Jurij Shumakov 2004 ©




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Mats Sjöstrand

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