Is it possible Western North America
along with many South American, African and Mid Eastern countries may be
entering the first stages of an epic return to desert for decades! A new
social phenomena has caught the attention of pre Doctoral Psychosis
Specialists. As California rivers, streams, creeks all but disappear in
year four of the latest Mother Nature awareness exercise. Errant,
confused, dazed, fly fishers, often speaking to themselves or in strange
gibberish foreign tongues are witnessed standing in empty dry river beds
in full fly gear casting into nothingness over and over and over...

Local fly fishing clubs have begun
sending out search team’s to walk these confused drought effected men,
woman, and sadly kids into the new western drought. Aimless, Wondering,
Confused Gangs Of Fly Fishers Close Down reality. One well known often
quoted State Capital Sacramental newspaper recently ran this headline!
“local Reservoir“. It appears a large group of wondering Zombi like
water seeking fly fishers dressed in full fly gear had a melt down at
well known Mt. Shasta Reservoir in Upper California.

Firemen cried as they helped little
children reach waiting Psychosis trained volunteers. One can travel
following where once raging rivers like the Mighty American South Fork.
The whole eastern river, creek, stream system from Mt. Shasta north down
to Lake Tahoe, Yosemite National Park and all the tiny tributaries
Little or no water mile after mile of dry river beds tell the tale
better then any writer can. Puddles replace beautiful endless loud white
raging rivers that once criscrossed California. Snow packs in the Sierra
Mountains that have provided water for millions all but history. 2015
snow depth less then 6 percent of normal. Armageddon?

News from climatologists and those who
carefully study tree rings, geological histories state the West has
endured many historically devastating so called Mega Drought periods
often lasting decades, that is decades! California and much of South
America may become high desert with little or any rainfall soon. Mass
migrations as cities no longer can handle millions of thirsty humans.
Endangered wild fish stalks have been dropped from priority as plans for
huge desalination plants all along the once pristine California
coastline become reality... Or as has been projected by a few diehards,
“ This cycle of Drought may well be short five years and back to normal.
“ What exactly is normal these days? Every news cast screams of major
unheard of weather phenomena from Tornadoes to severe rain often many
inches in hours not days. Of course those supporters of “ Global Warming
are feeling awfully smug and secure that the case has been made and the
Jury has found Humanity guilty of disrespect, neglect .

Global degradation and wanton pillaging
of this little blue water filled planet. Breaking news from Prestigious
Stanford University is we are entering a new normal period that may be
in place for decades! Many very dry desert like years followed by
occasional hard rain years appears to be their consensus.. World wide
weather has been erratic and unstable in last 20years. Now America’s
bread basket, land of milk and honey contemplates a new world weather
order and it ain’t pretty fly fishers. We are and have always been the
canaries in the old coal mine. I recall wild Alaska 25 years ago ice
cold in the mornings and high screaming waters everywhere! Alaska like
the rest of America is seeing drastic changes in both temperatures and
seasonal expectations. One positive does exist for me and every fly
fisher who is able? Book a flight to deep Alaska now while it still
pristine! I can think of my favorite three International fly venues.
Lake Marie at
Ireland at its best for wild salmon at speak with my old Pal Ian Powell and
Irish salmon catching legend.
One more wonderful fly venue in the
land where wild Tigers still roam my peak your interest Misty runs a
fantastic Himalayan Outback fly venue experience not to be forgotten at First a few worlds about my other family
in Alaska the Pioneer spirit lives in the Wilson’s hearts. Johnny
Wilson, David and Mother Marie top drawer outdoors men who run one of
the most successful deep Alaska remote fly lodges Lake Marie.
Contact David and please mention my
name. Ian Powell has created with sweet help of his loving wife a grand
Irish Fly Venue. One could not find more knowledgeable fly people in all
of Ireland! Highly recommend Mr. Powell. Wild Tigers and the giant wild
fish in the Himalayan remote zones? Misty is your exotic fly expert with
many years leading expeditions starting at reasonable prices. These
three International fly venues have all the raging waters needed don’t
hesitate contact them and get your money’s worth my fly Brother’s and
Now a few words to kind fan’s asking
hey where you been for last two years Wolf? Thanks for E-Mails and
concern... Simple friends other creative projects like oil painting,
super bikes and travel became a temporary priority. Those asking what
about Fletcher Quill my 13 year old satire serial fiction? He was last
seen in Morocco or was it Tangiers? This fly column will be published
every other month world wide. After twenty five years of writing and
living this grand old sport. I will never let anything or anyone pry my
Bamboo fly rod out of these water soaked hands... The third recipient of
the “ Joel Blanco Clean water Cup” Mr. Reverge Anselmo has his hands
full trying to get the Shasta County scales of justice more balanced!
His 7 Hills Cattle & Land Company is home to some of the cleanest creeks
and streams in the state. All my prayers and support for you Marine,
Semper Fi.
Avid California fly maniacs can still
find robust fly waters up close to Mt. Shasta in the tiny tributaries
many on private land. The wondrous Fall River system is fed my natural
springs along with a few other fly waters. One has to look and carefully
choose in this difficult time. Will California fly fishers ever get back
to normal, prey for us...
Written by Dan Fallon © 2015
For Dan
Fallon's earlier and later columns; visit the
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