Column nr. 4, 2015
fishers behind the wheel driving along side streams, rivers,
creeks where rising trout can be seen, lane drifting instead of
watching the road is insane behavior at best! While driving
right next to the Carson, Trinity, Feather, either fork of the
mighty American River or any number of great California fly
waters. I have somehow avoided fatal head-on collisions by the
grace of the Lord of Lords.... It would not matter if a Brinks
Truck back door flew open spilling millions or naked 25 year old
topless woman dancing like Mily Cyrus suddenly appeared!
My ancient eyes are glued to
the water looking for rising trout or big hatches or great slow
pools begging for the 4-Weight Bamboo to get uncorked and strung
up. This psycho fly fisher behavior has cost girl friends and
precipitated endless honking horns and every imaginable gesture
featuring the middle finger! Socrates was thought to remark, "Reason
Egrets exist is because they are relentless - never taking their
eyes off moving fish."

This fly tale is about
one morning while meandering next to the fabled Feather River. I
passed above a pool totally unaccessible by any means other then
maybe expert Copter pilot. A pool drooled over by any and all
Fly Fishers because rising trout are everywhere while you drive
helplessly above. Perhaps the same angst cats have watching fast
mice disappear into thin air! It is about 80 or so feet straight
down and no trail no roads, nothing can get you on this water
from the road. Boulders protect each end of this wonderful trout
hide out and for many years I stopped and stared and then drove
away. Until one morning when complete P.F.F. Psycho Fly Fisher
insanity took over all the controls....
Instead of feeling
helpless watching large wild trout rise and swirl untouchable I
stopped at a hardware store and bought the following. 120 feet
of thick nylon rope that could easily pull the Queen Mary. Work
gloves that could withstand anything from welding Alaska
Pipelines to eliminating any rope burns on sensitive Irish
hands. Last rock wall repelling was sort of accomplished during
USMC days circa 1965-1970s. I deducted a little rust might exist!
But, please its only
about 80 feet to a wide ledge I assumed would permit safe
walking to the pool? Had to consider where and how far away to
park car, pack a small back pack with just enough fly gear and
tie down my trusty three piece Bamboo in its rod tube. Light
gear easy to carry secured carefully. Car parking meant a mile
walk and then find a tree stout enough and close enough to
anchor the nylon rope. Throw it over the side after tying many
climbing knots just in case chaos reared its head... In my
psycho Brain it appeared I was good to go.
Before going any further
into this fly folly it must be stated my history of off the wall
ridiculousness in the fly fishing arena is well documented.
Climbing tall tree’s in Yosemite Park to drop dry flies in the
mouths of willing wild trout. Wading in rushing waters deep in
remote Alaska and nearly drowning several times. Crawling on top
of huge rocks mid stream on many rivers only to find it
impossible to catch and release from twenty feet up on these
boulders. List goes on and all the way back to late childhood
while in Vietnam as young Marine 1965 working many rivers,
streams with North Vietnamese too close by for comfort. P.F.F.
insanity a genetic missing link that really should have killed
this old man long ago continues...

Let the madness begin!
Quickly found an old
tree and wrapped the nylon rope several times finished off with
triple hitch cinch lock knots Grand Father schooled me on and
threw the rest over the side. Suddenly up rolls a California
Highway Patrol car with a smiling young trooper who got out big
grin on his face and said, "I’m not even going to ask a man your
age what he is up to this morning..," "Oh good morning, Bird
watcher, Oil Painter looking for unique scenes to capture," "Ok,
sounds legit. Of course that rope I saw you throw over the side
and that fly rod tube tied on your pack must be paint brushes
and safety rope for your photo taking right?" "Yes Sir exactly
one can’t be too safe in this Art game," "My instinct tells me
you will be finished and gone in two hours after I have lunch
and come by this way again," "That is my intention Sir." "Please
don’t call me Sir as your old enough to be my Grand Dad. Have a
successful morning and by the way your United States Marine Corp
License Plate was effective this morning..."

Before taking the last
step and going over the side I carefully followed the ropes path
from tree winding down the wall. Looking for any areas that
might cut into the nylon rope as my 220 pounds slipped down
quickly as possible? Not wanting to draw any more attention on
the main road it was go time. Thankfully tied double large grip
knots every ten feet or so because after sliding down around 25
feet the ledge I was shooting for appeared to no longer exist
because its edge was closer to the wall under my descent route.
Meaning I would have to swing my ancient ass back and forth
before letting go! It was no big deal I imagined and slipped
down another 35 feet or so and saw the ledge was only about
three feet closer to the wall and felt relief. Swinging gently
back and forth three times let go and easily dropped onto the
ledge. It was maybe another 25 feet or so to the tiny beach
surrounding the large pool. I won’t divulge the exact location
of this crazy fly adventure. Every local fly fisher can easily

No hatch was in play as
it was now late morning which meant my standard pre-tied leader
tippet with Grasshopper on top and my own pattern nymph on about
four feet of leader with a small split shot ten inches above the
nymph. Took about five minutes to string up 4-weight Bamboo and
stay between three large trees hopefully invisible to the local
traffic who would surely report this act of fly insanity. After
four easy twenty foot cross up stream throws a nice one pound
Rainbow hit and quickly released.

Considering the firm
kind warning to be gone in two hours. I caught two more trout
and began what turned out to be a hour and a half walk down
river. Over rocks and fallen trees until a safe route was found
to hike up to the highway. A well fed Rattle Snake was lying on
a rock never moved as I walked ten feet from it! No wonder I
never saw fly fishers on this pool. Father Time made it clear
this behavior might not be replicated too many more times! The
fly Lords smiled when a beat up local pick up truck pulled over
and the bearded driver grinning ear to ear said," You did not
climb down or walk up to that pool full of Rainbows did you
Pilgrim?", "Maybe, maybe not. If I catch a lift back to my car
about mile up the road? I could be talked into spilling the
beans Cowboy!" "I then pulled my Nikon Digital camera out of the
pack and we laughed long and hard. Over lunch several fly fisher
looking characters joined us as a new myth was being formed over
Eggs and Bacon. It was good to be kicking up dust and getting
help winding in that nylon rope. It was even better knowing next
time I drove over that pool a big smile would be impossible

Written by Dan Fallon © 2015
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