Column nr. 5, 2015
Boulder Battles
the 1980s I was fortunate by virtue of blind luck to find myself
given the Sacred Keys to Yosemite Park in California. One of the
worlds most valuable natural treasures! I became a member of the
Wilson family and in particular Mr. Ronald Wilson recently
retired Park Technician. A man that has spent his life roaming
and working in the most remote northern areas seldom seen by
millions of Park visitors. Ron is an avid outdoors men, hunter,
fishermen, horsemen. With his help I roamed much of the Parks
fly fishing waters many times. In that period the Park was alive
with gushing waterfalls and no signs of drought like the current
four year water Armageddon. Yosemite at its utopian splendor! I
fished Lake Tanya, Merced River Headwaters and many little
creeks and streams. One of my favorite easy to get to, yet
highly productive fly waters rarely fished because it is close
to the famed Arch Rock entrance. The gateway to all the lakes
and creeks. Thankfully ninety-nine percent Park visitors don’t
know a Fly Rod from a Hot Rod... I learned quickly the large
pools that exist near this Park entrance is home to large
populations of both wild Rainbow and glistening hard fighting
smaller Brook Trout?

Park rules forbid wading
these prime waters so one must have 70-100 yard range throwing
patterns such as mosquitoes and Grasshoppers. My usual all
around set ups are Grasshopper or Mouse on top with whatever
deep diving weighted nymphs handy from Prince Nymphs, beaded or
naked. I usually have many pre-tied dropper sets ready to
quickly replace lost patterns in the many bottom rocks and low
hanging brush. The dropper tippet four to five feet with small
split shot about six to ten inches up. This set up covers all
the bases. Grasshoppers like small Mice are universal year round
patterns I have used for many years, especially in no hatch
periods. Over decades of fly throwing all over the Park. Working
this section near the tourist bus parking is always very
productive and rarely fly fished favorite. My second never fail
fly pattern is the humble universal Mosquito. I always have many
tied in different sizes and a few blacker bigger Nuclear
Mosquitos have provided stunning hits and great fights. Over the
many years visiting Yosemite from a fly fisher perspective. It
comes down to twice a year either very late Fall October or
November when crowds are history and the Park is in its most
majestic Fall Robes. Or very early Spring can’t miss, fish all
wild are eager to hit the right patterns. One memorable occasion
I decided after watching endless rises that could only be
reached by scaling a tall 25 foot tall boulder. A big boulder
among many big rocks near waters edge with small cracks and
possible hand holds that maybe could be climbed and used as
perch to access huge 16-18 inch fat trout easily seen from
It was a bad idea ill
conceived to say the least. But, as I was taken over by F.F.I.
Fly Fisher Insanity it was too late for rational grown up
behavior. It was near dark about one hour of day light left and
I figured everyone was busy eating and relaxing and who would
notice or care? Completely misguided logic that has guided my
most memorable fly expeditions. After nearly slipping or out
right falling. I managed to ascend without giving a sane
rational thought to the fact it was near dark. I would not be
able to clearly see the many cracks and fizzures used to get to
the top. Quickly I opened the rod tube of my 4-Weight three
piece Bamboo and within moments was slow drifting a Grasshopper
that appeared to the Brookies like manna from another galaxy.

First cast bam a
flashing bright gold jewelry glistening Brook trout smacked that
Hopper and it was on! Up until this point no real thought was
given to effective catch and release options. Much like the
failure to consider lack of the Sun armed only with a small
backpackers flashlight? Thankfully the little trout was not well
hooked and escaped quickly. I missed the next two hits as they
both came soon as the Hopper hit the water. Hits so fast it woke
me up to what a gold mine I had found indeed. As the last gasps
of Fall Sun quickly brought a jet black sheet changed
everything. At this juncture I hooked a big 16 inch wild Rainbow
and chaos ensued... No thought of the darkness setting or how
exactly to climb down 25 feet without emergency Rescue Techs
being called. Noble brave men summoned to remove another idiot
climbing where he ought not to be! Every cast either a hit or
fish on all left the tiny barbless hooks quickly. Then just what
I needed a huge audience pulled into the first large Park
Parking lot. Three Bus loads full of Japanese tourists wearing
the finest cameras money could buy. Had to be at least 60-80
humans that quickly saw me struggling with a nice 12-15 inch
Rainbow. Taking me round the big rock twice and then reversing
and taking a sweet leap to the joy of my Asian peanut gallery!
They began clapping and yelling as I was well into the fight.
Suddenly the big Bow was gone and I then began a thirty minute
struggle to find hand, foot holds. Flashlight in my mouth gear
strapped to my back and really starting to get a little nervous
as the last fifteen feet were seemingly impossible! All the
while clapping, ooing and ahhing as I finally fell the last
eight feet or so into the ice cold Yosemite waters to loud
cheers... Best laid plans of mice and men indeed!

Hook: Wide gaped big or
small as needed in your area 1/0 - 3/0
Thread: Black silk
Tail: Thin cut leather from scrap leather long enough for
good wake when worked
Body: Wolf body hair**
Head: Black marker or nothing at all as leather ears
conceal head and eyes
Ears: Cut leather scrap. Ears greatly enhance underwater
profile as fish look up
** Wolf hair taken in
deep northern Yosemite Park from fresh Wolf scat. Cleaned and
groomed for true high flotation and ability to equip the mouse
with a Nymph Dropper set up. This mouse easy to tie quickly in
the field if needed! Simple pattern to master and very effective
anywhere any time. During the 1980s I guided many new and old
fly fishers along the mighty Merced River and into the Park.
Wonderful memories especially in the fall...
In response to many fans
over the years and with the blessing of David Wilson owner of
Lake Marie Alaska
www.lakemarie.com. I will be hosting one week at the remote
Lake Marie Lodge in 2016. This legendary remote Alaska fly
fishing venue has it all for serious fly fishers. I have been
fortunate to make many visits and have written several stories
that can be read on the website. All your fly fisher needs are
met with Guides that are seasoned and more wild fish then most
sportsmen can imagine! Those interested can contact David Wilson
on the web sight. Exact dates will be announced in future
columns in 2016. Look forward to seeing many old friends ready
to have serious fly fun. Lodge recently revamped with only 9-12
anglers per week.
Written by Dan Fallon © 2015
For Dan
Fallon's earlier and later columns; visit the
table of contents
