Column nr. 3, 2016
Four Very Common
"Man is natures
sole mistake"
Sir Humphrey Gilbert, 1539- 1583
California fly fishers
are overcome with pure happiness this weekend fourth Saturday of
April as rivers and streams open and water almost history has
returned with an El Nino vengeance! After almost five years of
drought and serious conservation the curtain has opened as
dedicated fly maniacs hit the water... Not to take the
excitement away it goes without saying almost 75% of the
weekends avid anglers will not even see a wild trout, let alone
actually catch and release these elusive creatures.. In my 60
plus years searching for wild salmon and trout four serious
common mistakes seem to haunt fly fishers either expert or brand
new. Before I lay out my thinking on catching and releasing wild
fish. Those fly fishers who partake in this complex sport for
the sole purpose of socializing may want to stop reading and hit
their Spacebook account to see who still loves them! If your
guided by strong Herd Instinct and need to stand shoulder to
shoulder with fellow anglers showing off your shiny new fly rod
and casting skills? Please stop reading this missive and go in
crowd control peace my pathetic friends.

If you see other anglers
or many parked cars fly anglers? Rule number one is keep
driving and follow that river until it gets almost impossible to
walk down and access. Now you may be close to your first stop.
If you can’t find a no human access point here are two methods
that usually work for me. Find a local Bar and start buying
drinks and asking about remote no people access to local fly
waters. Or hire a local Guide which is almost fail safe great
way to go. Because if you think you will catch any fish where
many humans are working the water? You will be dead wrong my fly
dreamer. As soon as resident trout feel, hear, since humans they
are gone or hiding. Rule number one is always fly fish as far
away from humans as possible period.
Rule number two
is much easier to learn. One must learn to think in total
stealth mode and simply wait sit and watch for as long as it
takes to understand the currents, depth and possible feeding
lanes. Never storm in and start throwing line or walk into water
you don’t know as you will scare all resident fish and wind up
with only a nice tan my man! What is your hurry anyway? Stay
back well from waters edge and learn to move slowly keeping you
shadow off the water. If resident trout feel anything unusual in
their home waters they instantly hide or swim away until your
history period! You are not going to start finding and catching
fish until you learn these first two high commandments cowboys.
When I ran fly fishing schools these first two rules were
hardest to pound into a novice brain. As mentioned in the
beginning of this treatise on catching fish. If you view this
sport as a social activity you are doomed to a life without many
hits or catches Pilgrim. Perhaps table tennis or bird watching
or staring at your cell phone may be best for you Mr. Herd
Instinct? The ancient adage, "Know thy self" applies to my
beloved sport. Why waste your time and clog up fly waters others
could enjoy? If I burst your bubble it is best you leave fly
fishing to those who desire to catch and release sports fan.

Rule Number Three.
Before I lay out golden
rules for river stream presentation a word about this era of
acute social media hypnosis... Wonderful benefits for all
mankind have arrived in a flash on smart phones. Young people I
encounter appear to be in a state of trance staring at these
so-called smart phones as if their very lives depended on them?
In the world of successful fly fishers a kind of anti socialism
rules the day. In my mind if you have not mastered the first two
mistakes I have mentioned ? This third leg to your fly fishing
success story will be meaningless waste of time. Let us imagine
you are now only seeking the most remote access points for
stream, river fly work.

After you have sat well
back from the streams edge and watched for either rising fish or
obvious feeding lanes. Then assessed boulders and the hanging
tree branches and the under edges of the stream bank. It is time
to decide either matching what hatch is visible or getting ready
to either use streamers or nymphs? If many insects are present
and the trout are not rising then here is where most fly fishers
usually fail miserably! If you decide to go with a sinking nymph
pattern. Your choices are simple because one fact will rule your
morning. Wild trout love to either hide near boulders, brush
overhangs or under ledges. They do not swim up and down the
middle water column. They always hide and save energy which is
why if your presenting a rig with a nymph as a dropper with say
a Grasshopper on top. You will throw this set up stream a few
times to test the trout population. Streamers are simple like
casting lures just throw and vary the retrieve and your good to
go. If you add split shot and vary the depth you are working
streamers properly.
Here is my personal
golden rule for all situations your nymph must get down deep
enough to fool trout. Learn the High Stick method. Let out
several feet of line with your weighted nymph and drop it
straight down near where your wading and work it slowly. If
resident trout are home you win. But, if your not getting close
to the bottom you loose. Trout hug the bottom sitting and
waiting for passing meals of bugs and worms. If you understand
how to work a mouse pattern it is almost a sure trout attractor.
Mice need to hit the bank or trees or boulders and then fall in
and swim with tails leaving nice busy wakes. If you understand
only one thing in this column it hopefully will be that trout
love to hied deep or along edges. You must go deep to catch
trout period! If you master these techniques you will catch and
release more wild fish then any of your friends ever will... One
last comment on surface dry fly work. If it is possible to not
wade and disturb resident fish? Then stand well back before
starting to throw dry flies and your success will triple. If you
see fish rising down stream rather then casting at them and
spooking them. Simply gently let out line and let your dry fly
easily float down into the rising fish. This easy gentle method
is sure fire success. Once you have caught two fish move away
from the area and let the pool get un-spooked for you have now
alerted all the other fish and probably will not catch a third
or fourth. Keep moving Pilgrim it is the way Yoda...

Big Mistake Number
If you have not taken
the time to carefully check out your equipment failure is
waiting for you! Buy new fly line every year and carefully spool
it on with no kinks. Your fly line must be cleaned after every
outing commercial kits are available. All your flies and gear
must be checked carefully and replaced if necessary.
If your not able to take
your fly reel apart and clean and oil it? Have a pro do it for
No question all your
gear has to be carefully maintained. Waders leaking, fly reels
tangling and a messy fly box will kill your chances every time.
Try and pre tie all the tippet leader set ups a head of time.
Now days it is crucial you sanitize your waders and boots after
each trip as you may be transporting living organisms from
stream, rivers to your next destination. Invasive species hot
topic fly fishers! Be careful, respectful and prepared for the
2016 season.
Good luck.
Written by Dan Fallon © 2016
For Dan
Fallon's earlier and later columns; visit the
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