Column nr. 1, 2017
life as an avid fly fisher began in the early 1950s being taught
the art by uncles who were not masters by any means... As an
over eager five year old I soaked up everything available on how
the sport actually was practiced. Few if any magazines existed
in those days. Running into people who were well versed and kind
enough to take the time and sow seeds. Which would flower into
life long obsession was the only path! First fly rod was
purchased with hard earned cash from my early morning paper
route. Took almost six months to save enough to buy that
fiberglass beauty. Long before the romance began with hand made
Bamboo it was humble fiberglass that provided many thrills.
Growing up in San Francisco California meant either long drives
into Nevada or the local trout fishery at Lake Merced. A man
made nice little lake near Daly City. Spent endless hours
working the Merced waters early and late.
By my 10th Birthday the
fly fisher life was firmly implanted and the first fiberglass
fly rod a distant memory. Like all outdoors fishing students
learning about flies and presentation and reading currents
became and endless occupation. Life and all its twists and turns
began to infringe on my precious fly fishing time. One thing was
very clear before my teens ended. Woman would come and go as
would various education and life experiences. One constant would
haunt me into my 7th decade and hopefully a little beyond? The
feel smell and thrill of uncorking and tying up one of my
beloved Bamboo rods near waters known to hold trout or salmon.
After joining the Marine Corps in 1965 then serving in Vietnam
and other far away countries all the while working one of my fly
rods whenever possible. I clearly understood my obsession would
be life long. Many of my Vietnam fly fishing adventures
mentioned in past columns. By the time I decided to work as a
Guide taking many clients into Yosemite Park and working the
mighty Merced River. The time came to begin serious writing and
establishing my fly column which has run almost continuously
since 1999. I had two fly schools for many years. One near
little town of Shingle Town upper California and one near
Yosemite Park.
Teaching fly fishing is
much like teaching five year olds Quantum Physics... For several
years I gave private lessons consisting of two long mornings
going over basics. Understanding theory, entry fly tying,
presentation, casting, safety. Followed by much dry casting work
then either river or stream time for several hours.
One fly school weekend
in the tiny upper California hamlet Shingle Town my clients were
a couple consisting of a very wealthy older man and his thirty
something girlfriend. They were full of life and anxious to
attempt learning to fly fish! It became clear quickly the young
woman was a natural. She in no time was casting easy forty,
fifty foot loops that were impressive. Her older romantic
interest slightly over weight was much slower and less agile. By
the time we began working a large pond full of trout the young
lady was easily reaching every area she threw at. The portly
fellow was struggling so I spent much time explaining little
clues like turning and watching your line fully straighten
loading and then throwing. He slowly improved while his gal
became the ideal student. At the end of two days she was well on
her way and he surely would be finding other outdoor activities.
Teaching fly fishing basics great path to getting to know
strangers quickly. Casting and presentation most difficult
hurdles to understand and learn.

Mount Shasta northern calif sunset 2012
In the few years I
taught and guided fly fishing near Yosemite National Park,
Merced River and fly waters near Mount Shasta. Many clients had
no fishing history of any kind! Soon after the movie, "River
Runs Through It" came out I had several actor and diplomatic
clients and at times their spouses or girl friends. Youngsters
16 and under and woman were my most successful students by far.
I found kids and woman understood the basics faster! The morning
theory class complete with water tank to demonstrate exactly
what flies look like to trout and salmon. Students watched how a
free drifting mosquito is pulled along and rides currents
imitating a dying insect unable to fly. Or seeing up close the
action of a deep diving nymph hugging the bottom and driving
hiding trout crazy if presented correctly. Hopefully by lunch
time before the long afternoon learning to cast and read
currents. Students understood the why and the how to replicate a
dying or distressed insect that will almost always attract a hit
and tight lines...
One afternoon while
waving goodby to a family of four who just finished my two day
fly school for beginners. A van pulled up and three orange robed
Monks approached and me and asked, "Sir, have you ever taught
Monks how to fly fish?" Those bald headed young men were the
best company! I began with the morning theory class right then
for three hours before dinner. When I told them they would have
to loose the robes when we started wading in the morning and
maybe wear ball caps. As the bright early sun would surely burn
their bare heads! They smiled. At 8am they showed up dressed
like New York Yankee’s in pin stripes and Yankee ball caps. So
much fun from then on.
We worked a large acre
farm pond full of Trout easy to catch. The Monks caught many
fish laughing and asking for help removing tiny flies carefully.
They quickly understood the magic of spending long hours
watching currents and relentless casting for positions in
feeding lanes. When I decided to give them extra joy by
introduction to working Mouse patterns near waters edge and
under trees or near weeds. They were thrilled watching me work a
tiny mouse and seeing the water explode as a nice Rainbow
smacked the little brown mouse with long tail wake.

They absorbed the
technique of moving a mouse around quickly so his tail leaves a
visible wake that attracts fish. Their eyes were huge when the
mouse caught fish after fish. That evening we worked dry flies
as the Sun went down catching and releasing many fine fish with
my own Mosquito pattern. On several occasions especially when
teaching fly fishing entry skills near Yosemite Park. Many
people would sign up for fly school not having any idea what
skills were required. I would always have a long chat with
perspective fly students and ask questions. This pre sign up
talk was crucial. Some wanna be fly fishers really had no idea
one had to learn to stay upright while wading fast dangerous
waters if they one day learned enough to attempt fast waters!
When I explained
learning to easily cast line out to 50-70 feet and hit pie
plates eight out of ten times would be intensive training and
take many years. I guess I lost many students and pay checks.
But, I never held the mystical believe fly fishing either fresh
water or salt was for everyone. Oddly the qualities I noticed
most successful students possessed were mindfulness, low blood
pressure, humor, devoted love of the outdoors. They had much
respect for the sport and they all read books often. Those
outdoorsmen with the opposite traits such as attention deficit
or easily bored or obviously hyper wired... Those who were more
often buried in their cell phones or constantly checking the
cell were doomed in understanding even the very basic fly
fishing rules of the road.
I fondly remember taking
an awfully attractive budding actress to lunch in order to
refund her fly school fee. "You young lady are so talented and
movie star attractive with a bright future in movies, plays!
Sadly it is my humble opinion fly fishing and its many
complicated demands may take away from your meteoric rise on the
big screen." She laughed and we both joked about how many extra
hours and endless teaching had less then expected results., "I
‘m going to take full blame for your frustration. I can
recommend several other fly teachers all female who may get the
job done!"
My most favorite weekend
teaching fly basics near Mount Shasta on the Fall River during
the annual Hex hatch. This annual hatch was primarily a night
A family of five, four
girls one boy all talented outdoorsmen. Their parents were both
successful happy partners who loved to laugh. I knew within a
minute a grand weekend was ahead. The youngest daughter was like
a sponge. She quickly started tying good examples of California
Mosquitos as I walked the family along a long a table filled
with Bamboo Rods, reels, flies, lines, vices, feathers from
around the world. Maps and three fly tying stations with all the
tools and feathers. The little girl confessed she had been
practicing and studying at home for weeks. It was her idea to
spend a weekend learning fly basics.

By the end of the second
late afternoon on my boat casting at night to endless Hexaginia
everywhere. Everyone had caught and released many fish asking me
if they could do it again next year... I still hear from them
after many years. The small hamlet of Shingletown near Mount
Shasta has several private and public ponds stocked every year.
Locals spend much time drowning worms. These ponds were
wonderful places to learn casting and working dry flies and
learning nymphing techniques. Picnic tables privacy during week
days made for perfect fly schools. I used to always stay at a
high class Bed and Breakfast called Angeles Bed and Breakfast.
One of my early students was only 14 now he is a dentist with
his own family and has fly fished all over the world. We speak
many times a year. Many of the woman became experts and now have
endless fly adventure tales to spin. I taught for several years
and guided many California fly venues like Mount Shasta,
Yosemite and most of the Lake Tahoe area including Carson River
one of my favorites next to the mighty Feather River. California
and Nevada are resplendent in world class fly fishing venues.
One has to simply hire a local Guide and ask questions. Guides
are always the best and most current sources. Do your self a
favor and try to hire local Guides when fly fishing new waters.
Your fly life will be much richer for it no question.
Fly fishing unlike many
outdoor sports can be practiced deep into old age. I have many
friends in their late 70s and 80s still throwing wide easy loops
and catching releasing wild trout and salmon. Of course cutting
back on raging waters wading or hiking endless miles may
occur... Love of cold clean fresh air and the thrill of catching
releasing endless wild fish is always mesmerizing centering and
highly gratifying. Reading and oil painting have remained
constants, fly fishing and all its endless surprises rule my
Written by Dan
Fallon © 2017
For Dan Fallon's
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