Column nr. 5, 2017
Shallow Slow Fly Waters

As much as I enjoy cold mornings
on fast rivers and quick currents! Many of of my best memories
were formed on very shallow slow running creeks, streams.
Spending time watching and studying before any attempt at catch
and release. Edmond Burke 1729-1797 said, "Our patience will
achieve more then our force" Lets begin with basic must have
equipment and slow shallow water rules for success! First you
will never succeed if you stand anywhere near shallow creek
edges. Stay well back and watch until you see fish moving or
hiding. The lighter fly rod the better, three or four weights
work best. Use the most invisable tippits and tie on three or
four feet. Depending on what area of the world you live? Tie on
the smallest nympth you can buy or tie. Again absolute stealth
is the number one tool to effective Catch and Release! Fly
fishing in general always requires one to adapt, improvise and
over come.
In the late 1950s I was
lucky to have uncles who had friends with large real estate
holdings in Nevada and upper California. Near the tiny town of
Placerville one summer I stayed on a 50 acre ranch with many
small streams and creeks. Every morning my uncle would take me
to a shallow creek full of small to mid size trout. Standing
well back we watched as the trout darted after mosquitos. Every
time we spooked them! We decided to climb a tree and after tying
a rope around me for safety dropped ultra small mosquitos down
to the slow shallow clear water from 12 feet above with great
success. Many years later these tactics worked in the natural
wonder Yosemite Park. Near the busy south gate a large pool
exists with a healthy Brook Trout population. Along the pool
edge tall boulders provide perfect paltforms atop these majestic
big rocks making me invisable to quick Brookies.

Fly Fishing Out Of
The Box
On many occassions in my
long life carrying fly rods world wide. One never ending mindset
has become second nature! If you limit your skills to only the
accepted methods of Catch and Release? You are doomed to a low
success rate period. I run into the non thinking do what
everybody else does gang every season. Usually dressed in shiny
new state of art waders equipped with latest gear stumbling
along rarely catching many fish. When I approach them and ask,
"Excuse me, why are you working this area full of other anglers
also not catching many if any fish?" The usual responce is a
pathetic 100 yard stare and nervous laugh... When you are lucky
to find private or no fly fisher shallow water creeks, streams.
First do not go anywhere near the waters edge! Throw you flies
far away atleast 25 feet away from water. Work the entire area
very carefully then move on. If you do catch one or two fish
leave and let the fish resume normal activity it will increase
your success.
In these congested
highly populated times one aspect of fishing in general is the
general overall need for conformity... No one wants to rock the
boat or stand out in any way! I see many examples of this insane
herd instinct in contemporary fly fishing venues. Fly fishers
bunched up right next to each other is crazy sad to witness. Do
your self a favor and seek quiet tranquil water to fly fish.
Meadows with no other humans, rivers and streams far away from
the maddening crowd are best in this sport. Fly fishing more
then any other sport is a solo activity my friends. Not a group
or gang sport!
Shallow Water
Everything you have
learned about presenting fly patterns upon fast moving rivers
and streams means very little when working slow shallow waters.
It is likely you will be either far back or high up so it can be
tricky indeed! If while your studying slow water you notice
resident insects move more slowly as they have less room you
have learned lesson one Grasshopper... Let your suface dry fly
or sinking nymph move slowly as it has no reason to move
quickly. Work from edges outward and back and forth criss
crossing. Then simply stop and make the pattern appear to be
dying. This can be done buy either spinning the fly or making
short jerky moves as if the end is near. You will be replicating
the natural movements more precisely while greatly increasing
your success my friends. Many fly fishers become habit zombies
repeating their presentation moves mindlessly over and over,
wrong! Once again think outside your fly vests and become a keen
observer as it is the only road to success period!
True masters of this
arcane complex sport have used this mindset with great success.
Perhaps this kind of thinking may spill over into other areas of
your life? One other possible helping hand can be natural
camoflage. Wear hunting camo and add sticks and branches to your
outfit making you look more like a tree. I have used a camo fly
outfit many times in waters where resident fish can easily see
you first, it always works. Many fail to understand even
hatchery raised planters have a full compliment of sharp sensory
organs from sight to smell. They can feel your heavy feet
vibrating and easily see your profile or shadow.
What Have We Learned?
Avoid any and all crowds
or group herd instinct behavoir or learn to enjoy never catching
many fish. Herd instinct is mark of fly fishing looser! Think
about climbing trees and climbing boulders for invisable
effective pattern presentation. Work flies much slower and
precisely then fast water work. If wearing camo and thinking
more creatively sounds like too much work to you? Perhaps table
tennis or golf may be your best bet Pilgrim?
Written by Dan
Fallon © 2017
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