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Updated 2003-04-05 Swedish version |
Column nr.4 2003 |
MARIN COUNTY FLY SHOW My first annual Single fly event for womans breast cancer charities was well received during our three-day information booth presence. Many brothers and sisters of the long rod stopped by to share a tender memory or sign up for the event that takes place June 26, 27, 28th 2003 at the Pit River lodge Fall River Mills Calif. www.pitriverlodge.com. It was touching to hear account after account of how this insidious disease has ravaged so many families. It was great fun to visit with the cream dela cream of professional fly fishers, tiers, guides, and equipment makers. The intelligent husband wife team of Mr. Mrs. Barry Serviente hosts these great fly shows around America for the last 12 years, contact via E-mail at www.flyfishingshow.com. Those avid fly fishers seeking the best of the best in gear and information might want to check out this annual show. A.K. Best legendary fly tier was kind enough to join our June event, as is Jay Fair another high priest of both tying and guiding. Cliff Sullivan of Tracy California and Orvis fame along with the legendary high priestess herself Fanny Krieger were most gracious as was her highness "Empress of The Northern Waters" Pudge Klienkauf The most noble and well educated Caltrout A team were my neighbors. The lovely Christine and her minions Gary Seput and Brian Stranko handed out much timely information.
I was impressed with several artists and companies like Andes Outfitters of Patagonia Argentina, they had by far the finest hand crafted wooden fly boxs I have ever seen. These little works of art are made of over 70 individual pieces of wood. This company also makes a special new innovative fly box called "The Pop Up Box". This box is so unique in that it has individual compartments that illuminate and with the push of a finger pop open. Contact at www.andesoutfitters.com. The talented art of Ronnie Holze was much appreciated as this artist has a unique three-dimensional view of beautifully colored trout leaping out of perfect waters. Those who seek outstanding fly oriented art contact Ronnie at www.ronnieholze.com The beauty of this fly show is its 100% fly fishing only angle. No booth after booth of Turkey calling and huge boats obscuring the delicate bamboo and other finely crafted gear.
DIGGER CREEK RANCH UPDATE Jim Tompkins, Duke of Digger Creek, a private year round California trout fly-fishing sanctuary has been over run with happy winter fly fishers looking to mix it up with a few of his 4/10 ten pound resident pets. Jim has cross bred several serious fighting trout such as the fabled Eagle Lake Super Footballs with more size and girth then the latest Oscar telecast had cleavage! Digger Creek Ranch, still the best sure fire "you will catch and release many big trout" private waters open year round I know of. Life is simple at Digger Creek as guests sleep till they feel guilty missing early morning action. Walk just outside to a huge encampment full of fat trout, walk three minutes to Digger Creek and work the gentle riffles of a true eastern style chalk stream habitat. The other option is the newly created meandering European style stream created with deep holes and submerged rocks creating perfect trout habitat that is full of healthy fish, many cross bred to create a new Digger Creek species peculiar to Jims private property. I wonder if Jim has thought much about naming his new wild strain cross breed? How about calling them Lassen Assassins or? An amazing place this ranch is nestled within a forgotten valley near Mt. Lassen.
Visit www.diggercreekranch.com or call The Duke of Digger Creek Jim Tompkins at (530)-242-6744 Redding California. SINGLE FLY EVENT FOR WOMANS BREAST CANCER CHARIETIES The event being sponsored by both this website and myself titled "Dan Fallons Single Fly Invitational for Womans Breast Cancer Charities" has been rapidly mushrooming into a larger event then we envisioned. Many of fly-fishings luminaries will be in attendance from ESPN Hostess Karen Graham to A.K. Best the legendary fly tying master. This three-day event will also include an auction. I urge anyone who wishs to make a donation to submit fine artwork, quality fly rods and reels or anything related to fly fishing such as international travelfly trips, weekend resort get-a-ways can contact me through www.danfallonflyfishing.com. We are very excited and hope to hear from those who might like to join us in raising funds for this worthy charity. We have had generous donations for the auction from fine fly rod builders like Randy Johnson of Hex graph fame, builder of high quality handmade Bamboo has also donated one functional art fly rod, contact Randy at (209)-296-5602. Artist such as those gracious folks at PIXAR Animation donated a grab bag of T-shirts and miniature monsters now out of production for the lucky animation enthusiast bidder.
A MOMENT IN THE CASTLE CHAPLE Life resumes much of its timelessness for the recently returned Fletcher Quill. Long smoky Northern Ireland mornings interrupted by endless satellite phone beeps as the waves crash against the mighty gray castle walls. In the castle chapel Quill and his beloved cat Timba, sit side by side in the middle of three rows of empty chairs. They are having a last private moment in memory of a lost personal friend and wonderful sports ambassador Cindy G. The Marin County Independent Journal Headline at Quills feet says it all, "Noted African Fly fisher Adventurer feared lost". Quill remembered a folio of ancient Irish tales he once read called "The Immrama" that spoke of fantastic voyages into the unknown realms of the invisible world. One of the many mystical places he remembered was "Mag Mell" or "The Plane Of Pleasure" a place where endless feasting and revelry rule every moment and all pleasures are constantly satisfied! That would be a perfect place for Cindy to have disappeared into. The long walk up the castles winding stairwell was a sad one for Timba and his master. Twenty minutes later and the fly tying room has become its usual feathers flying all about madhouse as Timba rejoices in scrambling after all the bits and pieces Quill throws as he begins tying up a batch of rare dry flies. Tied with end feather tips found embedded in the highly ornate hunters robe recently excavated in eastern Tibet. The Tibetan archeological dig has been paying rich dividends in rare feathers. Quill has a solid student contact and has been unwrapping freshly smuggled shipments all morning.
ENTER JIVE BOY The phone rings, its the one and only Jive Boy "Dude, so what a bummer about Cindy, but life moves on. So when are you going to do the Wild Turkey/Coyote shoot thing in Marin County? Oh yeah, and what the hell happened with the peace diplomat boys?" Quill responds, "Im setting up a list of volunteers for the bird/dog shoot and it looks like it will go down this spring in downtown Sausalito. They have requested it to bring back the hordes of tourists that have evaporated of late! The peace boys are meeting right now at a conclave of old school peace activists I arranged. The notorious Mayor of Oakland California Jerry "Im still not mainstream!" Brown and the Dali Lama are meeting at Ken Keseys old ranch in Oregon, Man, there cant be a more centered spiritual place on Earth". "That all sounds most heart tugging, gotta jam dude, oh by the by, ran into Sammy Hagar and Keith Richards down at the Doggy Diner on Van Ness. They were a little testy about not making the peace trip, I cooled them out, its cool dude. later". Fletcher reflects on the last months as he watches his perfectly tied #18 Mosquito dry in the vice. Endless phone calls from a new President eager to pursue peace in every possible configuration. The leaders of two sides pledged mortal enemies possibly working things out in the dim light of a fallen sister of the long rod. Much to ponder as Quill remembers a favorite poem by Emily Dickinson "My Life Closed Twice Before Its Close" My life closed twice before its close; It yet remains to see If immortality unveils a third to me. The smell of East African incense wafted up the castle walls into the fly tower as Timba somehow managed to reveal one more irritated meow at Quills long absence. The synergy around the ancient Ravens Haven was almost back to normal. The endless quest for more adventure and exotic tomfoolery was back in full swing. Suddenly a very loud cackle rang through the castles turret windows, it was two eagles locked in claw to claw wildness screaming at one another while tumbling out of a beautiful northern Irish sunset. Quill fell into the plush red window seat with Timba quickly on his chest and they lay quietly watching the Sea Eagles do their ancient wind dance among the wisps of fog drifting in on the rough Irish Coast. A dim red light flickers and the momentary bliss ends with the sound of the Cowboy "Quill, listen, son-we have almost all your old gang in the 1st Marines up to their butts in a wild west shootout and I know you wish you could get right in the middle of it!" "Well, without a whimper, Mr. President and if push comes to shove and you get down to veterans 55 plus living in foreign lands, Im your man". "Dont hold your breath, Fletch. I really called to let you know that both sides are close in the Israeli talks. I know it was that trip of yours that finally turned the tide. What a shame that girl guide of yours had to make the ultimate sacrifice". "Sir, it seems like everyone in America had better get ready for the idea of freedom not being free. When I was the boy Marine in the 60s, it was like being the lone Ranger and no one cared or wanted to hear about it. This new crew has all the networks eating and sleeping with them as the latest chow hall scuttlebutt is tossed back and forth". "That was the old Corps, Quill and those ancient memories still live in the hearts and minds of a lot of old salts like you. Now we want you to work the same magic on the diplomats in the Irish conflict, you wont even have to travel for this assignment. Ill let you know when this will be on. In the mean time, let me see if I have this right. Youre going to hold a wild turkey/coyote shoot in Sausalito, California, right smack in the middle of Hot Tubber Heaven all-my-kids-go-to-private schools Shangri-La"! "Yes sir, how about youre being a special guest and I could "Forget it, Im not that desperate for new travel itineraries yet". NIGHT WATCH AT RAVENS HAVEN Blissful stillness creeps up the castle walls as Timba and Quill come down from the fly tower into the library. Fire crackles while silent shadows welcome the night and the spirits that often rule Ravens Haven. The two best friends pause at the window seat next to the fireplace. Fletcher thanks his angels for helping him find this secluded retreat on the tip of the Irish Northern Coast. He sleeps soundly as the waves splash against the gray walls and occasional sea birds come and go. THE END Will the upcoming Sausalito shoot out come to be?
Quill, part 1
Written by Dan
Fallon © 2003 For Dan Fallon's earlier
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