In the early 1950s all was reasonably well
in North America in the eyes of the average sportsmen. This period was my formative years
in regard to fishing in general and specifically learning the endless rules of the trout
fishing hiway... My Great Uncle Dan was one of the last real San Francisco working
cowboys. He would saddle up in the foggy early mornings and move the cities soon to be
hamburgers from train cattle car to corral. He was to say the least an authentic wild
character in every imaginable use of the word. He would come home to my Fathers and
Grandfathers home in the upper Mission District of the city smelling like and often acting
like the noble steeds he rode all day! Uncle Dan loved to fish and hunt as much as any man
I ever knew. He was the first fountain of knowledge and overall outdoors gatekeeper for
me. Before I was seven he would take me to the stock yards and teach me about horses and
livestock.On his off time which could be quite often in his later years when old injuries
began to haunt him. He would take me duck hunting or surf fishing for the mighty Pacific
Striped Bass that were numerous in those innocent days. One day he sat me down in his
kitchen with naked woman calendars all over the walls. "Daniel, its time to open your
young eyes to the most hair pullin, patience drainin fishin I know." Thus my
introduction to the world of trout fishing began. That is trout takin by a seven year old
worm dangler, salmon egg drifting, bait dispenser...
The first trip we took was to Lake Tahoe
California circa 1955. On the way to the lake, Uncle Dan thanks to the half empty bottle
of Jack Daniels between his spindly cowboy legs was overflowing with timely advise on my
future beloved sport. "First thing you gotta understand Daniel, is these little trout
critters are about as cagey as any damn varmit I ever knowed - hell we might spend two
whole days and never even see one - let alone catch em !" These sage words would echo
in my mind thousands of times over the years. On that first trip I recall sitting for
hours and waiting for my little worm to attract any interest. Uncle Dan was dead on about
the patience needed to lake fish. Through the years I have fished many lakes all over
California and America. It still amazes me when I hear anyone bragging about great lake
fishing? If that person actually had solid action and caught fish after fish. I will
instinctively begin to wonder if he fly fished in the following manner. There are few ways
to catch lake fish in my opinion. If a fly fisher stays on shore and throws sink tip line
in the early to mid afternoon hours, it is almost certain few fish will be caught. Yes, of
course a hungry opportunist straggler who is not holding deep and waiting for colder last
light or a hatch, might hit your nymph. But, as a rule you will only get a nice tan my man
and little to do but kick the can! The tried and true methods for catching lake trout are
trolling slowly and deep with different type streamers. Throwing local well tied hatch
matchers at early dawn or late afternoon is of course deadly and tried and true. Lastly my
favorite sure fire and most fun lake activity is "Headhunting Rising-Rings". If
you wait until last light and with a boat or a belly - boat slowly sneak up on rising
trout, too much fun can be had. Your casting skills will rapidly improve headhunting.
I must clarify one aspect of this little
tale in regard to the most beautiful lake in the world. Lake Tahoe California and Nevada.
I had the wonderful fortune to live, fish and hunt this breath taking lake for 11 years. I
wrote the Twenty-Five year Silver Anniversary History of this magical place published in
1990. I may dislike fly fishing upon most lakes. But, that is not to say anything negative
about this sweet place which I will always love...
Lake fishing last thoughts and reflections
can be easily concluded. By stating the undeniable difference between lake fly fishing and
its many restrictive aspects such as time of day and depth of fish etc.. A day spent on
medium to fast stream or river water in which you can wade and hide along rocky hot spots,
while throwing at different ranges to fish you can often see. The sounds and smells of
this quicker environment are invigorating and much more conducive to the real thrill of
outwitting and capturing one of these noble beasts of the deep. The movement and thrill of
hearing songbirds mix a rhapsody with running water and wind gusts and numerous exotic
smells, like wild garlic and grass and various berries. This symphony of sight and sound
is different on lakes. It is usually more sedate and tranquil. less busy and frenetic.
Though I have had many exciting moments in lakes where the incoming fast streams meet the
placid lake waters. In general my most memorable fly fishing expeditions have been to
remote streams many miles into back - country. One would be foolish not to mention the
excitement to be found on waters much smaller then the average lake. In the High Sierras
many small acreage pond /puddles exist which are at times great fun to fish. These tiny
several acre holding areas are worth the two or three day hike needed to sample their
Of course many of these prime trout fly
fishing holding tanks are kept secret. By virtue of this being a monthly fly fishing
column, I would be remiss in not mentioning a wading jacket full of my personal favorite
activities, like throwing at risings rings from boats or from shore depending on the
terrain. If I can find natural springs or any water fall or drop off or fast water. I have
the most fun and challenges to dream up and conquer. One easy often related rule is always
setup your line and tippet to either float on top for a moment then slowly sink, or if its
a sinking setup use a combo that lets the fly float for a moment then rapidly sink. If one
uses only the tried and true sink line & tippet fly all hit the water and sink at once
method in respect to nymph fishing for instance. One most always will get a more realistic
presentation if the fly floats for an instant first. The reverse is true of dry fly
fishing, I have caught more feeding trout on dry flies rigged to sink in 35 seconds
instead of only floating. Then I ever have with only floating flies gunked up to stay on
top period. By no means do I take any credit for these methods as my personal discoveries.
Many noted fly fishers have been on to this kind of presentation thinking for many years.
I love this sport because you can depend on having to change flies, lines, position and
presentation at the sound of a heart beat. This constant ability to change in concert with
a streams natural ebb and flow, shadows, shallows, rock hiding zones, etc. What other
ethereal water based sport offers all the fare at our table ? Perhaps scuba diving and
surfing come closest to fly fishing in total immersion possibilities. The novice fly
fisher can look forward to many levels of understanding and blending into new natural
environments. This is the real joy and heady magnetism of my beloved sport.
California is home to an avid accomplished fly fisher with an impeccable fly fishing
history including; world wide expeditions, fly casting championships, and teaching. It is
with great pleasure I introduce to the world sports community a lady who has chased Blue
Fin Tuna, hunted Permit fish in Casa Blanca, felt the spray of fabled Alaska Silver
Salmon, and spends time teaching others how to do it right. Lois Kilburn is one of the
more dedicated within the confines of fly fishing. . On occasion one begins to hear alot
of positive vibrations about a dedicated and skilled practitioner. |

Lois Kilburn holding a Steelhead, at river in
Washington State. |
When asked how she describes her position in the sport Lois
replies "I do not think of myself as a woman fly fisher - but as a fishermen..."
MS. Kilburn worked as an instructor at Mel Kreigers public clinic at San Francisco's famed
Golden Gate Angling & Casting Club nestled in Golden Gate Park. Among her many
credits: Instructed at World famous Henrys Fork Lodge, graduated from Joan
Wulffs Instructor Clinic, worked closely with another well known lady fly fisher
Lisa Cutter. It would appear Lois has completely immersed into the fly fishing under world
like some monthly columnists I know. When Lois is not busy winning awards for her casting
or teaching others the fine art, she is fishing. A very simple easy to understand life
style which I recommend for no one except perhaps Lois, myself and afew thousand others?
It is quite comforting to know fly fishing has one more extremely dedicated individual
among our blissfully addicted ranks. |
Ms. Kilburn has fished New Zealands fabled South island and many exotic
waters. Exactly how deep into this sport is she, "I have fished from Newfoundland to
Ascension Bay and from New Zealand to Alaska. I was early in the waters when woman were
definitely not appreciated". Thankfully those prehistoric days are long gone. I know
many excellent lady fly fishers who excel where many males come up short in mastering the
air ballet. Today woman fly fishers are not only accepted as equals, they are well
entrenched in every aspect of the sport. (Please look up "Butterfly & The
Trout" in this
webzine contents page) |

Lois Kilburn at her fly tying table |
If you pay strict attention to your
position within any stream or lakes atmospheric order. That is if you are acutely aware of
becoming for the brief moment a dues paying member of that ecological environment.This
haunting quicksilver no gravity zone comes on quickly and leaves without warning. In that
instant its as if you become a tree limb attached to a line made of fine spider web which
has an insect replicant looking very tasty. I have watched for hours as resident big trout
move slowly in and out of hiding areas and feeding zones. When fly fishing high mountain
streams which require one to wait and cover each area carefully not disrupting. When I
have crept slowly into a new area and watched from afar for any signs of active residents
or any signs of deep water holding zones. I already know the six most popular flies for
the area. In the High Sierra everything from midges to wooly buggers, mosquitoes, several
terrestrials and a few attractors and your set. I wait for the atmosphere to envelope me
and make me momentarily a functioning connected part.I always wait and try and actually
catch and examine whatever is flying around. Then tie or have tied size 16s or smaller to
get started, tippets are thin and long at least four feet depending on water depth and
time of season. If I can throw easily well back from the water without even getting near
the edge its the number one stealth rule. I'm certain I have caught many more fish by not
walking straight into the water. If you only fly fish areas near roads where the general
public can come and go. This information may not be as timely. Well fished areas take
another set of tactics which I may address in later columns. After I have quickly spotted
the current and rock situation , underlying ledges and other less obvious hide outs. I
begin throwing to closest areas first , no matter how close these areas may hold fish who
are resting in these holes. I slowly work out in a wide circle each cast further and in a
different area of the wide circle in front of me. When I have finished with this simple
method I feel as if I have completely explored all possible feeding lanes. What is a
feeding lane? It is an area usually at the end or the side of moving water where fish have
learned to wait and collect bugs.. Once you begin to understand not only how to cast, rig
your outfit, identify bugs, find the trout , master the art of current understanding. You
will be able to begin to see the need to perfectly blend in to whatever atmosphere your
about to fly fish in. After many years one day you will find for a split second you have
ceased to be human, you are a member of the local natural order waiting in line to capture
your supper and of course release it. This moment of sublime oneness is the whole Zen like
mystique in a nut shell. After awhile it gets easier to find this magic moment. That is
time you become hooked on the sport Next months update will feature more adventures in fly
fishing, keep those tippets spider thin and under two pounds.
Written by Dan Fallon, October 1999 ©
Read his biography
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