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Updated 2007-10-30 Swedish version |
Column nr. 11 2007 |
Shorter Days Longer Casts End of fly fishing on streams and rivers here in California is a splendid time to cement memories and count blessings... Water levels down, Fall colors blazing reds and orange forming the final natural Opera before Winter’s white robes close the door. Time for extra long quiet casting and total stealth as trout are now weary and tired of rubber boots in their face! Streamers, nymphs, caddis, attractors and the always deadly humble Mosquito rule the waters now that hatches are scarce. Best news for those void of Herd Instinct, rivers and streams suffer far less human contact and waters are often abandoned until next year...
Nymphs usually are built much smaller then my new patterns size 14 or larger sumptuous in good wing structure and full underbody, a stone killer my friends. Resident trout are so curious of these steroid pumped creatures that they hit them out of pure meanness! Extra care must be taken building these patterns strong and tight, wings ought to be tied and glued. If the effort is put forth and one studies real Caddis observing how they often gently flap back and forth drying in the sun, results can be inspiring. I have attempted to replicate this natural easy movement with line jerks and pulls as it takes some practice. Be advised not to be too influenced by throwing and seeking only established regional patterns. Your local trout have already seen everything your friends have thrown at them. Why not pick four or five most used patterns and redo them? Why not try slightly different color or size or feathers or? Adopt the habit of taking many scoops with your hands or net under rocks and along stream edges, then take the material home and let it dry out before identifying the insects; larvae, spent casings, any evidence of resident bugs? Take the material to your tying bench and under a magnifying glass study the most whole complete specimens. You will quickly notice almost always the bugs or larvae are dressed in muted browns, black and darker colors. Rarely are vivid colors displayed ( exceptions exist ) found in the sludge? Because most loud colors are found on mature insects not in the emerging or larval stage. ( natural protection like spots on fawns) Soon you will with study and maybe a bit of reading understand exactly what real world insects look like and act like. I like to unload my extensive fly box’s on a new stream or river and find out how many of my patterns are close to the real thing. It is common for new fly fishers to rely too much on what has been created before their arrival. The pure joy of this esoteric activity must be the impulse to invent and reinvent as you adventure. It takes time and it takes much patience to solve these mysteries my friends... If you really truly wish to sink deep into the minutia at the core... Not enough is mentioned in regard to exactly how complex, difficult this sport can be for all of us. In my outdoor life many so called experts have come and gone. In my mind no one will ever master this sport in totality, no one! Because every stream, river, lake has its own characteristics usually known only to locals. You may have complete understanding of every aspect of fly fishing, fly tying, presentation of your offering, water currents, and on and on. Matters not my friends how deep your skill bank, you will be humbled and bowed. Perhaps world class chess, yachting come close in detail, complexity, nuance. This sport is not easy on the high end, if one first afford to spend 100 plus days on the water, travel, hotels, equipment very expensive way to roll Pilgrims. I would not trade one minute of my life on the water for anything man has created period! Endless moments becoming a small part of the natural order has become my religion... Its Our House Pilgrim’s If all of us begin to understand how easily foreign mollusks, bacteria, even alien fish can be transplanted to waters they don’t belong in! Perhaps we can address a serious issue for all outdoors men in this century, alien species introduction is the next big thing! Upon arriving home one must carefully clean boats, waders, boots, anything that gets in the water has to be cleaned before your next trip! Easy to grasp this scenario sportsfans, all that dried mud on your boots, boat is a perfect place for any alien creatures to hide and wait for your next fly trip, their new home. It would seem absolute minimum mandatory for every boat owner to be extra careful when washing boat, engines, trailers, especially under boats and trailers backed into rivers, streams to be released. Boats and boots and waders are top offenders in the foreign specie forced introduction game!
Himalayan Outback Fly Fishing Adventure On my short list of world class exotic fly fishing in true pristene ancient waters, Master Guide Misty Dillon’s operation based in the Himalayan outback is quite the challenge fearless fly fishers! A piscatorial genetic cousin to the African Barbell, North American cat fish, African Barbell, the Mighty Mahseer (BarbusTor Putitora, world record 75 lbs) is one of the main targets. Misty has tied mice offerings that drive these boys crazy. Trips of 6, 10, 14 days can be arranged with the fly angler in mind. For instance a 14 day trip down one of the many rivers with short hiking side trips keep the most experinced discriminate angler very happy and into wild fish contantly! I have known about this operation for many years and highly recommend it. In 2008 I will be hosting with Misty guiding several trips which will become major feature articles in this column and elsewhere.
If your interested in the real thing my friends, exotic, true adventure and you will become a character in one of the many fishy tales waiting to be experienced as Misty and I get real fly fishy. Join us for a trip no one can offer in this game, no one! Dates are February through May, September Through November 2008. All transportation from New Delhi Airport and back to New Delhi International Airport. You want fly fishing adventure stories for the boys Cowboy? Saddle up and ride with Mr. Wolf as we get busy in India’s still wild wilderness! Contact Misty Dhillon > www.himalayanoutback.com
WOLF CADILLAC CADDIS BABY! Hook: Dry Fly Barbless #8 - #18 * Evolution of this pattern a complete mystery to me? Mr. Wolf November 2007
"ADVENTURES OF FLETCHER QUILL" Our almost fat Elvisied protagonist Fletcher Quill and his running mate world renowned hard rocking Glimmer Twin Keith Richards have just left Golden Gate Park San Francisco after ingesting much purple Bear type brain food and spending three days in Abbott Sammy Kinnison’s incredible underground faire world.. Quill’s Italian bred F1 is being wrung out on the back streets headed for O’Farrel St. The much acclaimed porn emporium, " Mitchell Bros". It’s early morning Tuesday night no traffic and the Prodigal Fool lets his heavy foot have its way..... "Quill, this thing is a beast! We are going to catch a cop if you keep!" (Quill’s heavy foot pushing 40mph/160 every chance he gets...) (Running Brotherhood Way, Cliffhouse, Back Streets) "Dude, we got red lights and two of San Francisco’s finest female police officers who look large and in charge." Near Lake Merced long deserted empty stretch near fabled Ocean Beach, Great Highway Baby....... "Ok boys, been drinking and partying have we?" "No more usual Mam, here is my license, registration and by the way nice Handle Bar Mustache." Two comely police officers smile when they see Quill’s special new diplomatic immunity license in it’s cool red leather case.. (two crisp 100 dollar bills tucked in just right!) "Oh my we have very important diplomats on a secret mission hey big spenders? You two take your monopoly money and we won’t arrest you for attempted cuteness with tooo much license." "Secret mission indeed, headed for the Mitchell Bros. in fact anything else ladies?" "Are you the Fletcher Quill the fly fishing Master? One more thing Mr. Esoteric flyman, if you keep rolling through my fu--ing jungle at extreme speeds, we will shut you down roadblock with nails that inflict about three grand in tire wheel damage ace. Your cute and a known player with J.Y.D Junk yard dog tendencies says the computer read out. Look awfully docile to me sweety." "You two absolute dream boats ought drop 140 lbs or so shave that beard, loose the deep voice and who knows midnight to 4am shifts at Mitchell Bros. Working that special lap dance crowd, hell you two Paris & Nicky could yank down 15, 20 bucks a shift hey Keith?" "Hey you wonderful police birds he is just pulling your chain abit girls ok now, we have so much to do and the Italian beast is heating up...." "How about an autograph Mr. Fly Fishing?" "Princess you unbutton those 38GG’s your hiding and old Quilly will write a friggin novel on that right one sugar.... Keith we are needing a little booster Matey? Ta Ta girls." ( Quill lights up the pavement with 600 Italian screaming horses tearing up Frisco blacktop baby!) "Dude they were both cute, I would do the one with the Full Balcony for sure. Try and tune my bad ass local FM radio boys Lamont & Tenneli Featuring Super Producer Sully the Tasmanian Mad Man on 107.7 The Bone. Love those fools in the morning, the only full on rock radio left my man." As the cherry red F1 pulls into the Mitchell Bros porn palace parking lot and ugly paint spattered green Pacer slams into the front left side at a high rate of speed. The damage is bad and our hero is about to go ballistic! "What the, listen young woman..." (Mutha Superior Serena looking in on one of her many Fallen Angels is a vision herself. Blond from one end to the other about five foot four around 110 pounds of absolute heartbreaker! "Oh Dear such language a man your age with an expensive car ought not to be frequenting den’s of inequity Sir!" "You gotta be the finest Nun I ever came across Sista, where is thy flock may I query" "Point Lobos Nunnery, Winery And School For Unwed Mothers or PLNWASFUM nestled on the backside of Lands End near the fabled Cliff House Restaurant, I’m certain you gentlemen have not crossed our paths." "Tow truck is on the way Sista, I will take rap for this which will go about 50 big ones atleast! Give me all your info and maybe Santa will surprise the girls Xmas." "Very sorry Mr. Quill, lovely little car. What can I do to make up for this awful afternoon my good man?" "Prey for my friend and I to stay safe or go out in ablaze of glory would be nice. Your way to attractive Sista, makes me kind of nervous talking to you in this infamous parking lot where many nasty deeds have been done dirt cheap ..." (Thanks Angus, ACDC.) "Remember Mr. Quill these girls all come from families and have mothers and fathers. They are actually human beings in case you have not noticed Sir?" "Stay in touch Mutha’ Superia’, we have much social work and giving for your girls my Dear." Mitchell Bros Theater is almost
unchanged from Quill’s last visit circa 1995. The boys head straight for
the upstairs stage manager booth on the catwalk. The place where Hunter
S Thompson held court just above the stage. Various awfully attractive
young woman come and go with much subdued fanfare. The smells and sounds
are classic old school burlesque minus baggy pants comics.
"Ok girls hit it, "We love you Fletcher Quill, shoot to thrill, too many woman, too many still! Miss that face, miss that Bad Ass laugh that come with the wad of cash. No ones & fives from Mr. San Francisco, all Benjies folded neat and pretty. Our panty’s miss you, our hearts miss you, our libidos crave you. Like Elvis said, "I ain’t’ asking much of you, just a big hunk of love will do." lets get this party started yall! Too much conversation, lets get to it!" (Massive lap dancing ensues...) "Lordy, lordy, Quilly this is nice and sweet! Better take a little booster my boy, one more killer Orange barrel from our Mr. Bear and its go time Mr. Song writer.. How did that new tune go, " Stealin Time from the empty gold mine, living on stolin time..." (No Viagra for these boys thank you!) "Dude, Hunter Gonzo Thompson was deep into this scene, befriended many of the ladies and studied it with a writers eye. Boys from around the world have sat in these cush chairs and let Mom nature have her wild ways. Which reminds me of the North American Indian concept of sex, "That which makes you crazy!" This place is a sanctuary for those whose Eros quotient is rare and exotic and limitless. Another San Francisco gift to humanity no strings attached buddy." "Too true , this lovely little jewel of a port city is so magical, easy to see why artists of all persuasions might like to camp here. Whenever the Stones hit San Fran it’s a party with sweet old friends from before Bill Graham ripped us off for some serious cash by hiding seats at a Candlestick Concert (Whole back row went to uncle Bill). We dug uncle Bill, but common knowledge he was crafty as the Beasty Boys like say, "Girl was Crafty". No hard feelings after we caught old Bill he opted right to it all street like which I loved." (Hard reality, can be proven! Eye witness’s) Show Time "You boys wish refreshments while we change the girls, now feel free to pick your favorites as its your night Prodigal madman. We have closed the doors, private party with 25 of the most smoking hot young ladies you ever put your filthy paws on. Now lets get this thing kickin and bring out our little Blue eyed dirty girl from the great state of Idaho Ms. Frosty Cones all 36-24-34 inches of pure lust my friends dancing to a short nasty medley of your personal favorite Mr. San Francisco, " Girls Got Rhythm ACDC, at full volume enjoy, Kid Rocks new killer hit " Toooo Hot " , " Love Stinks" Jake Isll’s band featuring singer named Mr. Wolf." This atmosphere continues until the wee hours as the endless drugs and sex begin to wear our boys down, Quill’s cell phone comes alive its la Sharon calling from Quill’s Northern Ireland Castle Ravens’ Haven... (Quill’s long time movie star main squeeze now baby sitting Paris Hilton, convicted criminal who rarely wears Panties...) More Wet Panty References "Sooooo Mr. San Francisco I can smell the wet Panties from here! Have we just about exhausted our pathetic selves lover boy? You better have save some ammo for the Castle sunshine? When are you getting your ass castle bound fool? Oh yeah Paris says hi and loves Timba your cat, remember your cat, your international star girlfriend?" (Panties mentioned numerous times of course! Always caitalized.) "Love my star girlfriend and my cat, miss you both. We leave here in the morning after I Pow Wow with General Parker, we activate on the Carrier Group in ten days." "Keith lets rap this scene up Buddy, gotta get to the Zoo and the grizzly exhibit meet with Duke Parker." Personal Quietude Exploration While heading quietly across town and out to Ocean Beach where the ZOO resides both friends now exploring the sanctity of their own personal quietude....... Not as much fun as jamming in the mighty F1. San Francisco Zoo recently revamped with a world class wild bear habitat built from donations including the grand old highly respected newspaper family the Hearsts. The Grizzly habitat as its called is open space a running creek and rocks vaguely like the wide open spaces the two bear sisters might have lived and thrived had it not been for its worst and only enemy man. "Duke, what up Homey?" "Quill, Kieth love these big hairy ladies man, got to love that Hearst family such generosity boys!" "So my friend are you ready for the big show? We plant our ancient butts on that Carrier Group in ten days and then its go time General. The Cowboy said you have my orders, I have your secret code names and all incripted code breaking CD’s. We blow out of here for Northern Ireland Raven’s Haven this afternoon." "Outstanding Marine. Can’t wait to get this thing on. We take the main cities in three days affirmative!" *This months episode dedicated to Mad max, Thanks Mel, you will always rock Dude!!!!!! **Mutha Superia Serena will be a regular character, welcome aboard S.S. How Bad You Gotta Be? Prodigal Fool Castle Bound Baby...
Read about Fletcher Quill in earlier chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Written by Dan Fallon © 2007 For Dan Fallon's
articles; visit the table of contents