Swedish version

Patterns and tying descriptions
The swedish version contain additional flies

This page 4 contain flies from P - Ö

You are welcome to send in your own contribution. It can be a presentation of a flypattern, new or classical flies A click on the page size statement will get you to the page you want to explore. Observe that some pages can take a while to download.
Name Type Originator Size
P.A. Emerging Emerging May fly or caddi imitation Gianluca Nocetini 57kB
Paddy Shri Transformer Hair wing, Salmon fly, tube fly Jurij Shumakov, Terence Dunlop 97kB
Palmer lightweight Dry flies Agostino Roncallo 401kB
Palomino (Red, Brown) Dry fly Agostino Roncallo 131kB
Parachute flies by Agostino Roncallo Dry flies Agostino Roncallo 201kB
Parachute Midge Dry fly, midge imitation Presented by Kjell S. Rakkenes Link
Parapoly Sedge Sedge/Caddi imitation Hans van Klinken Link
Peacock Stonefly Stonefly Nymph imitation Pres. by Dan Fallon 37kB
Pearl Black Halfincher Hair wing, Salmon fly, tube fly Jurij Shumakov 97kB
Pearl Blue Salmon fly, hair wing (Russian fly) Jurij Shumakov 134kb
(Matthews' Peccadillo)
Caddi imitation (hydropsyche),  Presented by James Matthews 42kb
Penka variant Salmon fly, hair wing tube fly (Russian fly) Aleksander Ostapenko. Presented by Jurij Shumakov 134kb
Pike flies Streamers Anders Isberg 372kB
Pink katjica CdC emerger Presented by Danjel Radetic 77kB
Pink Toy Hair wing, Salmon fly, tube fly Jurij Shumakov 102kB
Pinocchio (Buratino) Hair wing, Salmon fly, tube fly Jurij Shumakov 42kB
PMC Variant Trout and grayling, hatching insect Ginaluca Nocentini 88kB
Polar Down Salmon, sea trout Alexander Ryzhkov 31kB
Polar Star Salmon fly, hair winged tube fly (Russian fly) Aleksander Ryzhkov Presented by Jurij Shumakov 138 kb
Polish Woven Nymph Nymph imitation A generic design originated in Polen. 36kB
Pompero Dry Fly for Salmon Heikki Anttonen 26kB
Prince Nymph Nymph imitation Pres. Erling Olsen 30kB
PT Stone Stone fly imitation (Dry) Jason Akl 130kB
Purple Haze Steelhead fly Presented by Jack Cook 85kB
Purple Overtaker Hair wing, Salmon fly, tube fly Jurij Shumakov 102kB
Purple Red Coneheader Hair wing, Salmon fly, tube fly Jurij Shumakov 102kB
Purple Stranger Hair wing, Salmon fly, tube fly Jurij Shumakov 102kB
Queen Tamara Salmon fly, hair winged tube fly (Russian fly) Aleksander Ryzhkov Presented by Jurij Shumakov 138 kb
Rabid Prince Nymph imitation Jason Akl 81kB
Rackelhanen Caddi imitation Kenneth Boström 100kB
Rackelhanen Variant Trout and grayling. Caddi imitation. Ginaluca Nocentini 88kB
Radiant Orange Spey (Long range) Hair wing, Salmon fly, tube fly Jurij Shumakov 99kB
Rado’s stimulator Dry fly Presented by Danjel Radetic 77kB
Red & Green Hot Chilli Pepper Shrimp Salmon, sea trout Petru Dima 32kB
Red & White Pencil Popper Popper for Bass Jason Akl 96kB
Red Head variant Salmon fly, hair winged tube fly (Russian fly) Aleksander Ostapenko. Presented by Jurij Shumakov 134kb
Red Hot Brassie     50kB
Red Palomino Dry fly Agostino Roncallo 131kB
Red Tailed Emerger Emerger imitation, chironomid Sean Andrews 58kB
Red Tummel Hair wing, Salmon fly, tube fly Jurij Shumakov 121kB
Refracta Fly Mayfly imitation By Agostino Roncallo 180kB
RM-Artfur Sculpin Streamer Roman Moser 145kb
R Nimph Dry fly, CDC fly, Emerger By Agostino Roncallo 106kB
Roncallo Special Dry fly, CDC fly By Agostino Roncallo 130kB
Royal Humpy Dry fly Jack Dennis, presented by Sean Andrews 36kB
RS 2 Nymph imitation   50kB
Rubber Legs Nymph imitation Sean Andrews 31kB
Rumen Mini Streamer Presented by Danjel Radetic 77kB
Russian Bullet Hair wing, Salmon fly, Conehead fly Jurij Shumakov 33kB
Rusty 03 Hair wing, Salmon fly, tube fly Jurij Shumakov 97kB
Rusty Chopter Hair wing, Salmon fly, tube fly Jurij Shumakov 97kB
Rusty Nasty Salar Salmon fly, hair wing (Russian fly) Jurij Shumakov 134 kb
Rusty Rat (Variant) Salmon/Sea trout fly Variant by Scotty Howell
(Original by J C Arseneault)
RWU Dun - Right Way Up Hook Dun Mayfly imitation L. T. Threadgold 55kB
Sail Wing Dun   André Brun 49kB
Sand Eels Sand Eel, Sand Lance and Lance-fish imitations Fox Statler 72kB
San Juan Worm Worm imitation   50kB
Scagit Sunrise Steelhead fly Presented by Jack Cook 85kB
Scagit Sunset Steelhead fly Presented by Jack Cook 85kB
Scarlet Midge Midge imitation Presented by Dan Fallon 72kB
Scotty's Cackle Berry Salmon/steelhead "Egg fly" Scotty Howell 72kB
Shonguj (Long range) Hair wing, Salmon fly, tube fly Jurij Shumakov 99kB
Shonguj (half-inch tube of "Long range" type) Hair wing, Salmon fly, tube fly Jurij Shumakov 72kB
Shuttlecock (CDC BWO , The Emerger) Dry fly, BWO emerger imitation Goran Grubic Link
Sili Skin Scud Scud imitation Jason Akl 60kB
Silver Caddis Nymph imitation Hans van Klinken 132kB
Silver Doctor,
(hair winged variant)
Hair wing, Salmon fly Original: James Wright
Variant: Ismo Saastamoinen
Silver Grey Hair wing, Salmon fly, tube fly Jurij Shumakov 187kB
Silver Grey Mudbug Crawfish imitation Fox Statler 27kB
Skinny Nelson Nymph imitation Tracy Peterson 25kB
Snoqualmie Sapphire Steelhead fly Presented by Jack Cook 85kB
Snowshoe Puh (Snösko Puh) Dry fly, Caddi fly Simo Lumme 37kB
Snowshoe Sparkle Dun Imitation av Mayfly Martin Westbeek 320kB
Sowbug Olive Mudbug Crawfish imitation Fox Statler 27kB
Spinner'd Minners Minnow imitation, with spinning spoon Fox Statler 140kB
Spring on Höje Sea trout, tube fly Jurij Shumakov 46kB
Squirell & Claret Sea Trout Hairwing variant Hair winged sea trout fly Erling Olsen Link
Squirell & Claret Sea trout fly Erling Olsen Link
Steelhead Caddis
Steelhead fly, caddi nymph imitation Jason Akl 142kB
Steely #1 Hair wing, Salmon fly, tube fly Jurij Shumakov 102kB
Stewart Black Spider Wet fly W.C. Stewart (James Ballie) 169kB
Streaking Caddis Caddi imitation, dry fly Lennart Bergqvist and Kenneth Boström 136kB
Stream Fly (Strujnaja) Salmon fly (Russian fly) Yuri Lobanov. Presented by Jurij Shumakov 144kB
Stonefly nymph, type heavy Stone fly imitation Johan Sjunnestad 97kB
Swinger Cranefly imitation Jason Akl 94kB
Sunny Day Hair wing, Salmon fly, Conehead fly Jurij Shumakov 38kB
Super Bunny Streamer Jason Akl 132kB
Surna Light Hair wing, Salmon fly, tube fly Jurij Shumakov 121kB
Caddi imitation Kjell Sømme
Pres. by Pål Krogvold
Tan Mudbug Crawfish imitation Fox Statler 26kB
Telemarkskongen - "The King of Telemark" Classic wet fly Pres. by Erling Olsen 40kB
Terry's Favourite Hair wing, Salmon fly, tube fly Jurij Shumakov 121kB
The Avon Salmon fly, hair winged Presented by Scotty Howell 70kB
The Boss Salmon, hair winged tube fly Presented by Bob Kenly 43kB
The Blair Mouse Project Mouse imitation Presented by Bob Kenly 295kB
The Culard Emergerfly, Caddis, Cul de Canard Hans van Klinken 191kB
The Emerger, Shuttlecock, CDC BWO Dry fly, BWO emerger imitation Goran Grubic Link
The Green Fly (Zelenaja) Salmon hair winged fly (Russian fly) Yurij Lobanov. Presented by Jurij Shumakov 134kB
The Grey (Sedaja) Salmon hair wing fly (Russian fly) Aleksey Dushatin. Presented by Jurij Shumakov 134kB
(The Krejica) CDC No Hackle BWO Dry fly, BWO Dun imitation Goran Grubic Link
The L.T Spinner (L.T. series no 13) Dry fly, with organza wings. Spinner imitation Hans van Klinken Link
The Rajah (Plum Variant) Salmon/steelhead "Egg fly" Presented by Scotty Howell 72kB
The Remerger Flymph, emerger, nymph Hans van Klinken 211kB
The Royster Doyster Dry fly Niklas Dahlin 90kB
The Scurr Heptagenid / Stoneclinger imitation James Matthews 54kB
The Toad (Zhaba) Salmon hair wing fly (Russian fly) Andrey Sokolov. Presented by Jurij Shumakov 134kB
The Toddler Caddi nymph imit. Hans van Klinken 36kB
Third Waterfall (Tretij Vodopad) Salmon fly (Russian fly) Yuri Lobanov. Presented by Jurij Shumakov 144kB
Thorax Dun Dry fly, (Mayfly imitation) Presented by Gianluca Nocentini 65kB
Tiny BWO Dry fly, (Mayfly imitation), emerger Goran Grubic 248kB
Tony's First Choice Hair wing, Salmon fly Hans van Klinken 46kB
Topol M Hair wing, Salmon fly, tube fly Jurij Shumakov 41kB
T-Rex Fly (Long range) Hair wing, Salmon fly, tube fly Jurij Shumakov 99kB
"True Man" hook Balancing a tube fly Jurij Shumakov 46kB
Tube Bodiz Dry (Michigan Mayfly) Mayfly imitation Ralph Graves 31kB
Turbo Shrimp Spinner fly Bob Kenly 150kb
Twisted Palmer Attractor fly Agostino Roncallo 502kb
Universal Fly (Universal'naja)
(The Western Litza Universal Fly)
Salmon hair winged fly (Russian fly) Yuri Lobanov. Presented by Jurij Shumakov 144kB
Unnamed 001
(Aleksey Lenivcev)
Salmon hair wing fly (Russian fly) Aleksey Lenivcev. Presented by Jurij Shumakov 138 kb
Unnamed 002
(Roman Kozhin)
Salmon hair wing fly (Russian fly) Roman Kozhin. Presented by Jurij Shumakov 138 kb
Unnamed 003
(Andrey Chernishov)
Salmon hair wing fly (Russian fly) Andrey Chernishov. Presented by Jurij Shumakov 138 kb
Unnamed 004 (PH Fly, Pearl harbour Fly) (Andrey Chernishov) Salmon hair wing fly (Russian fly) Andrey Chernishov. Presented by Jurij Shumakov 138 kb
Unnamed 005 (Andrey Chernishov) Salmon hair winged fly (Russian fly) Andrey Chernishov. Presented by Jurij Shumakov 138 kb
Upset hackle fly May fly imitation Agostino Rancallo 560kB
WD 40 Nymph imitation   50kB
Welsh Body Salmon fly, hair wing (Russian fly) Jurij Shumakov 134 kb
Vesterelva (The LE Sedge Pupa) Sedge pupa imitation Leif Ehnström 94kB
White Akroyd Salmon fly Presented by Jonas Andersson
Originator of the Akroyd fly: Charles Akroyd
Willie Gunned LR Hair wing, Salmon fly, tube fly Jurij Shumakov 121kB
Winged Ant Ant imitation Ginaluca Nocentini 45kB
Winter Wren Steehead fly Jason Akl 190kB
Violetly Happy Hair wing, Salmon fly, tube fly Jurij Shumakov 102kB
Witch Sword Hair wing, Salmon fly, tube fly Jurij Shumakov 97kB
Yallerhammer Attractor fly Pres. by Bruce E. Harang 97 kb
Yuri's Shrimp (Variant) Hair wing, Salmon fly, tube fly Jurij Shumakov 121kB




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Mats Sjöstrand, Sweden

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