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Updated 2008-03-31 Swedish version |
Column nr. 4 2008 |
HEART OF TROUT COUNTRY Those fortunate souls who relish watching pure green waters moving in near pristine mountain rivers, streams can enjoy the best of California trout habitat in it’s northern quadrant.... legendary Hat Creek always the same temperature, a complete trout higher university! These wild trout are so educated they probably have your number before you get out of the truck sportsfan. The Pitt River run’s near by and provides serious dry fly action when the flows are just right. Shasta lake full of salmon, stripers, trout, bass. Fabled Mt. Shasta is the central figure in this landscape because it’s snow dusted peaks are clearly visible from many miles in all directions! Dunsmuir, McCloud, Lake Siskiyou, and more wild wide open space then most city dwellers can comprehend...
Fly fishers have so many venues within 50 miles it would take a life time to carefully work all the waters. Families can rejoice as every comfort can be met in Redding hub city. Moving due east toward all the productive waters many hamlets exist touting Bed & Breakfast, wine vineyards, tasting rooms.When one finally comes to the tiny metropolis of Shingletown some 30 miles east of Redding. Not far from town the Wild Horse Sanctuary consisting of 5 thousand acres reserved to protect mustangs from the meat grinders. One tale in particular caught me, the harrowing journey of Phantom a white wild stallion has taken up residence with his few mares after an incredible survival story details at www.wildhorsesanctuary.org or www.paulharmonphotography.com or www.phantomstallion.com Westonhouse B&B Westonhouse Bed & Breakfast hosted by the exceedingly bright and lovely Angela Weston is the perfect sleeping, viewing place for those who cherish romantic private get aways. The Wild horse Sanctuary can be seen from the back porch pool area. I highly recommend Westonhouse because host Angela knows every rock, and all the players in this mountain paradise. I will be hosting many fly fishing excursions based from Westonhouse this summer, those interested contact Westonhouse at www.westonhouse.com. Phone (530)-474-3738. Savvy investors FYI, Angela may put the property on the market. (Gorgeous!)
One last word on this town of Shingletown and it’s unique position almost in the middle of wild trout country. If one used this place as a base camp. (I do) Each few days can be completely different. Simply take out a California map and see for your self. Trout heaven in all directions including the legendary Fall River where I lived for a summer, splendid indeed. This summer I will be based at Westonhouse, gourmet dinners, wonderful view of the still wild greets travelers. A place of sublime peace this country estate will impress the most jaded, seasoned traveler fly fisher! Special arrangements for group or one on one fly excursions with Mr. Wolf can be arranged by contacting Westonhouse. Looking for serious fly fishing options? Wading, small boats, whatever your fly flavor this area will easily accommodate. I look forward to throwing bugs with old friends and new characters this summer. Tiny Shingletown the California northern Trout Headquarters for fly fishers. A Community In Metamorphosis! Shingletown is awakening and regenerating it’s rivers’s, stream’s and over worked pastures. Years of neglect, hardship, have left many small private ranches in need of loving care! Fortunate for the citizens of this mountain community Reverge Anselmo and his industrious right hand Mrs. Anselmo (Chicken) have begun transforming, clearing, replanting pastures and of major interest to this flyfisher restoring nonproductive streams, creeks creating wonderful postive change most welcome! 7 Hill’s Land & Cattle Company On a recent visit I was given the grand tour of this property and spent some time listening and asking questions. The amount of pure sweat that has brought about this regeneration most impressive indeed! Those around the world who are considering serious river, creek, stream regeneration would be well served to take a look at this before and after story of waters reborn. In fact I’m so moved the 2008 " Blanco Clean Water Cup " Nominee will be Mr. Anselmo new steward of Inwood Valley. You earned it Marine, local fly fisher’s, insects, trout, birds, mammals all benifit. A new vinyard nurtures tasty libations to be sampled at the tasting room under construction. 7 Hill’s Land & Cattle Company has in only a few years altered the landscape for the greater good...
Wolf Midge Hook: Dry fly barbless, size
your choice? ** This fly pattern dedicated to my friend Gordy Gracey up on the legendary Olympic Pinninsula. Feel better, raise hell soon old friend....
"ADVENTURES OF FLETCHER QUILL" Fletcher Quill’s northern Ireland castle retreat Raven’s Haven is saddened as servants feverishly work the local phones connected to villages many miles away begging for a Doctor! It appears Mutha Superior Serena has been exhausted and spent by the non stop animalistic sex performed to the finest hard rockin tunes ala " Rock Jesus " Kid Rock, Kenny Wayne Shepard, Muddy Waters" Can’t get No!!!!" etc....... Efforts to awake the spent fallen Nun have failed and General’s Parker and Quill commensurate in the tying room waiting for the emergency chopper to move toward the castle. "Dam old man! You rode that young thing pretty rough Huh? So now the whole innocent aspect is like history Jarhead, If she was innocent her education curve has obviously been pushed hard Cowboy! So guess you better saddle up, no Peace Temple jive now pacifist Marine General. In two days we go down town with those kids watching your ancient eyes and mine. Looks like hand of fate to me Marine!" "This sucks, let little Fletch & The Twins run the show instead of Hat Rack. Serena is awfully hot and very smart, may give Sharon a run may not. If she dies here of extreme sexual activity my mythology will get a welcome boost Cowboy? Hell think how that headline will look, " Noted Outdoor Madman -ucks young woman to death!" Now that is cool my friend, excellent....." "Working that mythology again Marine, I hear choppers must be the opposing General’s blowing in Dude. You better work this carefully with or without the fallen Nun." "Yep, fallen she is Laddy, sweetness is my weakness... After squaring away these rag head General’s. Better saddle up, we are now officially active USMC. Our Pick up chopper ETA 3am in the morning. We will be assembling junior officers, Non Com’s on board the carrier. Its go time Jarhead." "I know it, shame all the energy spent on Peace Temple wasted! Dam, why did she have to tempt me like that?" Staff rush’s into Fletcher’s private suite two local doctor’s in tow. Quill and Parker pace the floor watching each others eyes as the doctors voices whisper!", "Mr. Quill this is the most unusual case! This young woman appears in excellent health other then the recent extreme stress on her reproductive regions. She is in state of suspended animation while her body recoups it’s balance so to speak. Please man, I beg you for her sake no more of this non stop intercourse it could kill her Sir!" "OK, Ok Doc we get your diagnosis. Looks like she will be out of it for a while hey Doc?" "One week strict bed rest imperative Sir. Would you mind terribly signing an old Bamboo Fly Rod I keep in the Chopper?" Staff announces welcoming buffet breakfast for opposing General’s about to begin, the Master’s presence is requested. "Fine day to speak about World Peace gentlemen, a morning toast to the arch of the Angel’s Of Peace. My new Peace Temple was erected special for this moment. After we feast we adjourn to the Tower and together perhaps we can stop the blood and carnage, maybe?" "You Yankee’s love to build and build and build.... This Temple feels peaceful enough. So now what General Fletcher Quill? Are we all going to sing camp songs or get down and dirty?" "Ok Gentlemen, we are five frigging years into this ugly stalemate! Our country was lied to and mislead, you guys have been beating an almost dead horse that is each other for centuries. So how much more national blood and treasure do we each continue to squander with no return? As you must all know this shoot out is about to go to the next gruesome level. My feeling is this classic cultural clash meets religious extremists in bed with everyone who hates Yankee’s syndrome is going nowhere fast!I propose ten of your senior officers and ten of our’s spend a week getting to know each other with no agenda of any kind. Perhaps we can at least agree on what route to consider other then continued carnage!" "Oh I see Yankee Doodle Dandy, you think we share bread, wine, and tell jokes this mess will dry up and go away? 10.000 years of religous fanatacism is not easily removed with a Red, White, Blue, magic wand General Quill. General Parker are you the same Duke Parker who worked the roof in Saigon on the last day of that ugly stalemate? You the legendary 2000 yard shooter Sir?" "Yes, that is I Boys. If General Quill believes this Pow Wow might save young lives? I’m for it. Of course like you I been waiting a long time to end this thing one way or another. As I have stated to the press and Marine Corps on several occassions these relgious based conflicts are eternal in nature. Do not see any realistic way to stop this war or the worst armgeddon’s about to unwind. Nature of man is to scrap period, it ain’t goin to change in my head!" "General Parker and I have dodged as much hot lead as any of you and I’m in sync with much of what he just said. Except I’m tired of killing and sending fresh faces into harm’s way. Have seen enough, tasted enough, enough is enough." The most pensive quiet of the attending Mid east generals’ stands and walks over to Quill & Parkers side of the table and extends his hand. "Your efforts in stopping this endless blood bath are honorable Sir, I will stay and see what happens, can’t speak for the others as they like me have been getting prepared for the last great Yankee bang bang offensive. If this interlude is a first step to meaningful exchanges and peace talks instead of IED’s and screaming jets? What can any of us loose by trying?" "Here we go, General Hasier has been mesmerized by this Peace Temple Bull–it! Not I Yankee, this General has much work to do preparing for your last hurrah. If any others want to join me on the chopper ride out of here? I’m history!" Silence then chairs moving and footsteps followed by deep laughter disolves high hopes for tranquil end to the madness.. Quill and Parker look at each other speechless watching the opposing general’s climb back into the eggbeater. "Marine, thought you wanted a little piece of the big mouth that killed your peace talks? Saw that twitch of your’s start up." "Parker, how long has it been since you and I led morning run’s on a carrier deck Jarhead? Better get those sea legs rocking old friend, we got one more date with hand of fate and he ain’t exactly smiling Marine!" As the Marine Green Chopper hovers over the carrier deck, Quill and Parker can’t wipe the broad ass smile off their weathered faces. The young 30 year old pilots crank up the Arrowsmith classic, "Back In The Saddle Again" A full battle dress formation awaits the two Marine legends, Quill’s old gang 3rd Force Recon all jump school, scuba, weapons, combat hardened with atleast two tours including house to house, sniper work, 2 and 3 man extractions of key opponents, over 200 yrs of battle tested no shit takers with strong junk yard dog tendencies hooked up to hair triggers... America’s real heavey lifter’s with tear’s in their eye’s as they gaze upon the ten rows of ribbon’s each general packs. The reunion lasts about one hour and they strip down for a five mile before lunch run and weapon’s inspection conducted by the two new grey haired Commanding officers. Hand of fate won’t be late! Go time for the day trippers?
Read about Fletcher Quill in earlier chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Written by Dan Fallon © 2008 For Dan Fallon's earlier
and later columns;