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Updated 2009-05-07 Swedish version |
Column nr. 5 2009 |
His spirit tempered by the smell of ancient peat bogs stroked by single malt whiskey makers, cold north winds and unlimited sea food opportunities have provided New Zealand Chef, fly fishing guide Craig Summerville a magnificent classroom indeed! Those who have sampled this raw visceral climate, abundant natural resources including all that the sea has left to give collectively agree modern New Zealand remains a sportsmens, fly fisher paradise with a complete menu not the least of which world class restaurants featuring seafood entree’s expertly executed with fine whiskeys and the freshest ingredients. Mr. Summerville’s interests are exactly in line with my own, first fly fishing and savoring what’s left of contemporary wild rivers still actually running wild (look out California- Dos Terminator wants more Dams!!!)
Recently exiled from Scotland to the tiny hamlet of Wananka on South Island New Zealand. Craig originally from Dryman loch lomond aside from fly fishing talents has a fine working Chef history including time in respected kitchens such as Cromlix House, Isle oF Eriska, then on to becoming head Chef at the acclaimed East Haugh House Hotel in Pitlochry. As these photos illuminate New Zealand is well suited for fly fishers who enjoy wild salmon. The area Wanaka/Queenstown is highly regarded by international fly fishers see www.castabroad.com . Mr. Summerville will take care of all your needs including arranging hotel, food, and expert guide service. No crowds to worry about fly fishing in New Zealand as the land mass and coastline are resplendent in wonderful fly opportunities.
Fly fishers world wide share love of well prepared food and the call of the wild, my new friend Mr. Summerville walks the walk. Check out his website, perhaps New Zealand is calling you Pilgrim?
Mini Stone Hook: Barbless # 14 *This reduced size stone is very effective and easy to work.
"ADVENTURES OF FLETCHER QUILL" Varieties of angelic and demonic entities interact with Humans in myth and scriptures world wide.... Dakinis Assist yogic aspirants in transforming their sexual energy Into spiritual energy! Encyclopedia Of Angels 1996 Our Cupid struck pathetic love sick fool Fly fishing master/USMC General/ almost healed from his near death coma episode followed by long healing periods at both Frank Sinatra’s old New York Penthouse and Graceland crib of the King....... Secret orders were cut along with meetings with Angelic beings in which Fletcher agreed to watch, pursue and in time assassinate Russia’s’s latest ten cent wannabe (now broke!!!) Mr. Putin. Quill and his crew of dead and alive American Blues artists, old Pal’s Keith Richards, Semi dead spirit 666 (Alasdair Crowley), His Holiness Dali Lama and a host of worthless supporting characters have been partying and creating a yearly Blues city wide music event designed to save Paris and its cafe’s! After a successful launch of the annual Parisian Blues Music Festival a nasty twist of fate has Fletcher now sexually involved with a very hot young Nurse from The Farm in Calfifornacation land..... The love / lust wounded couple have been frequently fornicating in and out of the Shiny new 2009 Polar White Lamborghini General Quill pilots these days in France. Nurse Caron (Hour Glass/ The Body!!!) is a Russian double agent sent by Putin to take our love sick hero down and out. Nurse Caron has agreed to spend a month with Fletcher at the Pepeeeeee Lepeeeeew Fly Fishing estate in the northeaster French countryside. After a four hour drive on bucolic wild flower strewn back roads the long low fast Lambo approaches the lepeeew Fly Fishing sanctuary just before dark. "Are we alone on this estate Quill? How big is this ranch?" "Just you and me and lots of hungry fat wild trout, how nice is that! I play with these aquatic pets our boy Lepeeew spoils with tender loving care. He keeps his streams, river access in perfect condition all year round. I’m told insect hatch’s are impressive because he keeps restoring stream side edges with natural grass’s and tends his waters mindful of drastic changes that might effect trout. He knows how much I respect his work , we have been in contact for many years. His main house is complete with huge kitchen, fireplace, everything we will need for one month." "I’m feeling weird about this with you and Sharon still officially together..." "Sharon is an international rapidly aging movie star with serious difficult daily drama’s perhaps equal to your own Nurse Caron, drama in heaping mountains seem to follow all the Blond goddess’s I have played with.... It comes in your basic Care & Feeding of your Blond volume three which I authored some time ago. The newly emancipated woman of north America are truly delusional in surmising the world and all its glory revolve around only them! " (Fletcher Quill authored six best selling how to tombs titled Care & Feeding Your First Blond Parts one to six.)
"While we are on the subject of delusions Mr. Quill (Know it all Irish foooooL!!) Would it be a surreal dream to imagine the world won’t find the famous American General/Fly Master ensconced in this male fly fisher paradise? Think I better call my dear old Pal still working (sort of ?) back on The Farm in Californication, I need some supplies pronto! Where is Nurse Jerry’s cell number. "Jerry it’s me Caron, I’m still in Paris and I need you to send me three pregnancy test kits, four vial’s of Hepron, a bunch of loaded IV’s; Lasex, dramamine, Bulls Sperm/ Junk yard Dog testacle concentrate and maybe a mess antibiotics. My new crazy Irish fly fisher maniac is about to get very busy my friend. How are things on the farm?" "All your nurse Pal’s have been reading your new man’s fiction on the web! I hear he and Al Gore hang out? Listen does he know I was a military Chiropractor back in the day? Sounds like an old San Fran hippie Dude to me Caron? He is a DIRTY OLD MAN! No question..." "Jerry he is whacked for sure... I’ll keep you posted. Have you heard anything about the new magic EAR listening device installed at my old nursing Station? " (All hospital 12 to 6am Nurses party hard from midnight till the day shows- usually set IV’s on auto drip and start doing their nails and bullshiting hard core...) "No time Caron to explain that, this call is costing me time away from my knife collection. My new Jim Bowie original has just arrived, later world traveler, stay safe..." Quill’s ear perk up at the sound of a distant screaming Turbo Porsche throwing up big dust clouds... Suddenly a phone call from Washington, America’s trying awfully hard new leader wants to Pow Wow..... Welcome to the brand new Socialists States Of America Dudes..... "General Fletcher Quill USMC retired, your new Commander & Chief has a real mess to sort out with these torture memo’s flying around like Phil Spector at his first prison choir practice Dude? The X =VP was so far into the Dark Side I can’t find all the dirt quite yet. Look like he even had a special assassination squad that reported to him only during his 8 black years! Word is he whacked around 200 that pissed him off! Seems the Cowboy never knew or turned his dumb ass head. Hell congress and a few of the old guard want his ass on a platter Son!!!" "Torture, man...... Now what about my young Marine’s when captured? Sets a very bad precedence. Geneva conventions does not apply? The world court? The Haige won’t look at this? Makes America look like third world despots. He claims his methods saved lives and stopped new attacks? Prove it to me Bosss??? You gonna lock up the Captain of the Dark Side Team or not Dude?" "So what about the super hot Nurse from the farm? You two actually getting any sleep Cowboy? How about a few digital shots of your new squeeze Pilgrim, man that rack? 36DD"s ? " Gotta jam your high holy blackness. Think the nurse and I have uninvited visitors. Next time give me an update on the special Olympics vegy garden project? God bless what’s left of America...." Up rolls the Black on Black shiny new dual turbo German screamer piloted by Glimmer Twin Keith Richards, riding shotgun Bonn Scott holding a large bottle of Jack Daniels. Behind them a black van pulls up and out falls five of the worlds premier DOA and alive Tin sandwich, Mississippi saxophone, harp, mouth organ players all looking for San Francisco’s prodigal bad boy harp playing General ! They have come to play and they mean bidnessss!!!!" "Bonn, Keith, Dudes could have called man, I have this hot nurse and ahhhh. Look here better introduce these gentlemen my friends." "Relax Quilly, we can only stay two or three days... thought you might go crazy playing with some of the best of the best Blues harp players DOA or not, these boys blow lean clean mean all the time. Now then let me introduce Mr. Junior Wells, Mr. Carey Bell, Mr. Mad Dog Davenport, Mr. Little Walter and last no way least Mr. Alfred Blues King Harris. They all packin complete set of M. Hohner’s finest gold made in Germany harmonica’s in all keys especially key of C. Now then what say we get this thang on Quilly, You ready????" "Man, Nurse Caron ain’t going to dig this priority reshuffle at all Glimmer Twin.. The new arrivals head for the mansion as Quill begins investigating the many streams and creeks that crisscross this green lush estate stocked with Brown trout, Brookies, and highbred tiger trout.. The waters are meticulously cared for, all edges resplendent in natural grass’s with a full compliment of resident insects. A true fly fisher nirvana. Quill has his favorite 6 weight Bamboo fly rod in hand, one of his own grasshopper/weighted nymph dropper patterns tied and is working a stream near the mansion........ While Quill is busy chasing trout his new squeeze Nurse Caron is busy preparing one of her favorite ancient sacrificial rituals designed to pay homage to the Egyptian God Aton the Sun God. First she bathes in emulsified Tibetan Yack Butter (special summer sale Mac - Killer Cosmetics!) After bathing incense is lit and special yoga breast swinging movements are performed in order to engorge her perfect nipples..... Astronomically speaking Caron’s timing could not be better Venus and Mercury are camping out in Quill’s love house. The boy is ready for picking, kicking, and sticking baby...... "Oh Nurse Caron, I’m home my sweet.... I found wild chestnuts, mushrooms and black truffles near the stream I threw flies on just over there, look see that big rock by the little foot bridge/ trout have all meals catered right there it appears, and ahhhhh.... My you do look rather tempting young woman. Lets see now, is it Doggy, Reverse Cowgirl, Helicopter, Missionary, Back Door, Astronaut, Cuban Mistletoe, Brittany Fears in your Ears, In your face Ace, legs in hanging spinning basket, Wall Slam, Hawaiian Fruit Salad, Thailand Hardway, Frisco Popsicle, or what Biooooch?????? Man, I can hear old DOA Bonn Scott and Keith getting busy with that insipid little ditty, Back Door Man..... Very seminal nastiness hey Nurse Caron? Where exactly is the friggin Farm again sweetness? " "Quill how nasty, naughty, kinky, is it that San Francisco fog Cowboy? You know in Bali when one is about to eyeball the Pearly Gates an elaborate funeral pyre complete with an ornate gold encrusted paper mache bull goes up in spectacular flames and sparks... Kinda like I feel after experiencing that still functional ancient unit of your’s...." "Stop it your obviously a Soviet double agent sent to squish the fly master hey sweety pie? ( As he grabs the uber hot Blond Goddess and once again navigates every inch of her terribly dangerous curves) "Charming love, delicious power, Worshiped from my earliest hour, Thou who life on all dost shower, Love! By life thou dost devour!" Tristan & Isode, King Arthur & His Knights Sounds of screaming old school Chicago Blues harps crawl into Quill’s half awake brain as he quickly realizes his Pal’s are playing a medley of Junior Well’s, Buddy Guy, Ko Ko Taylor, and Elmo James classic’s. "Sweety I must hang with me homies downstairs, you freshen up
and I ‘ll stop at Lepeews barely adequate fly tying room and see what he
has feather wise ? Those two 4 weight Bamboo fly rods I used all day
have to dry out in a special rack Lepeew said he had in the tying room?
Must make a note to have my feather inventory at Raven’s Haven
evaluated? Been awhile since I walked the grounds of Raven’s Haven, far
too long! Was it Longfellow or Becket who illuminated, "I’ll catch up with you after I take a tour of this estate I’m kidnaped in Mr. Flyman.... Can I wear my new skin tight Be Be black sequined top with my tailored Stella Mc Cartney cigar slacks and no panties of course! Lets see you have a breast, panty, fetish sir?" "Love the way you dress like a nurse/pole dancer my sweet, firm believer hot chesty blonds must display, display ola" Dazed & confused in Blondness ? Time is short for old school player?
Read about Fletcher Quill in earlier chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Written by Dan Fallon © 2009 For Dan Fallon's earlier
and later columns;