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Updated 2009-07-01 Swedish version |
Column nr. 7 2009 |
International fly fishers world travelers Alaska is still the only fly venue in the world that is a must go adventure! Now that the global economy is beyond understanding many exciting deals are on the table! Alaska is one of the true canarys in the coal mine when it comes to global weather changes. Historic salmon runs have been adversely affected as many rivers are reporting lower numbers of migrating salmon. The great news is several tried and true river systems are in fine shape with King salmon runs that need to be witnessed......... One must be sure and careful when planning Alaska fly trips. Near the coastal cities like Anchorage and in the national parks the fly action is acceptable and can be accomplished without guides or huge ATM debits? Those who can afford and appreciate the work of seasoned guides relax. Here are two contacts that are well established and will put you exactly where your pocket book and expertise will be comfortable. Paul Hanson long time Alaskan fly expert has trips for group and single’s with deep discounts right now! www.akrainbows.com Local guides report outstanding Rainbow action.
Fabled Alaskan rivers like the Alagnak, Togiak, Moraine, Kokuli, Styuhok, Chilikadrotna, great action in the Bristol Bay area right now! King Salmon showing on the little Sue. The Kenai opened June 11th with serious King & Sockeye runs to be savored. If your thinking not quite wild enough for me Mr. Wolf?
My good friends the legendary Wilson brothers masters Lake Marie fishing/hunting lodge located 100 miles from Anchorage right smack in the middle of Grizzly Bear world! I have spent much quality fly time on this exclusive homestead and highly recommend it to serious fly fishers. These men know Alaska and they are expert at putting you on more giant King’s then anyone I know. This is serious adventure Pilgrims, take a look. www.lakemarie.com CALIFORNIA Most of middle upper California is experiencing changeable weather as summer 2009 gets underway... Those interested in quality guide service and the latest fly action can begin with contacting www.sierradrifters.com Or Phone: 760-935-4250. Most lakes and streams are ready for fly fishers. Crowley lake a stillwater fly venue where float tubes midges, bloodworms, and stillwater nymphing produce fat healthy trout! Bridgeport Reservoir another stillwater nymphing destination is ripe for big Grass hoppers, black ants, terrestrials. One can contact the folks at Socal Fly Fishing www.socalflyfishing.net experts in fly adventures down south. Up north lake Tahoe and the mighty Truckee River are running clear and worth a look if you seek solitude and early season morning chills... One of my favorites the noble Feather River is about perfect for excellent fly action and wonderful scenic eye candy.. I just heard news in regard to the American and the Carson Rivers both almost ripe for fly fishers. It is time to get your maps out and get busy brothers and sisters of the long rod ! Have you planned your summer 2009 fly adventures yet? Why not start right now, these contacts are tried and true Cowboy! Where the hell did you put those old waders?
Iranian Freedom Streamer Hook: 2 / 6 Barbless * This streamer dedicated to the 2009 Iranian freedom fighters
"ADVENTURES OF FLETCHER QUILL" "A shout that tore hell’s concave, And beyond frighted the reign of chaos And old night...." Milton, Paradise Lost Fresh cut wild flowers accompany the special late breakfast prepared by Quill for his new Queen Nurse Caron who just opend her languid brown eyes and brushed the glowing blond hair across her perfect face. Rare white truffle and caviar on toast steeped in organic French honey awaken Temptress as her first cup of blue hills coffee announces a new day in paradise.............. "My dark prince please don’t shave this morning until after we do our little naked ballet, please rough up my neck skin you knockle dragging Irish lover boy." "I kept two of the fattest brook trout from this morning, lunch will be almond trout and wild rice my sweetness. If the Hohner Harp Company sent me all those new Tin Sandwhich’s I’ll be able to record with me DOA & Alive Blues brothers before they evaporate again. Did you see my Ancient magic portfolio? I have a bunch of streamer flies that need a special touch! Love Peepee lepeeews fly estate, its been grand this month with you and I and not too many of my semi worthless Pal’s..." Fletcher Quill’s Top Secret Fleet Marine Corps Active hotline starts screaming and breaks Cupids soft touch.... It’s Quill’s life long hard chargin heart breakin life takin recon Marine best friend! Non other then the bad to the bone General Duke Parker calling from a nuclear submarine stationed approx 1000 miles from North Korea. The boat is locked and cocked with 200 mid range laser guided nuclear tipped missles and drones. The entire activated arsonel calledl Sherwood Forest aimed at all strategic targets nuclear installations... Five special warp laser fire eater class nulear drones are aimed at Kim Fong Thrillls three pampered son’s and their palaces and personel playgrounds. Our new very hip no shit taking fearless leader is about to turn North Korea into a charcoal barbecue pit...... 100 of the absolute baddest of the bad Recon Marines, all expert in arms, house to house, all snipers, all seasoned six tour killers with serious hard on’s for Kimmy that puppy dog eating bad haircut wearing son of a bitch. Its almost go time and the boys are getting anxious as their leader General Duke Parker decides to put the fanmous Frisco Marine Legend on the Sub’s speaker and let her rip!!!!! "Duke Parker you old horse fucker, where the hell are you boy?" "I got your eqestrian fornacation right here Jarhead, so how’s it hanging there granpa? Still tappin that 30 year old hotty nurse from the Farm hey Cowboy?" "Duke, where the hell are you, what you doing ground pounder" Kimmy you Puppy Dog Eating Bad Haircut Wearing Son Of A Bitch "Your on the sub’s speaker now San Francisco bad boy General. Me and 100 of your Green Machine brothers are sitting and getting real tense waiting for Bammmarammma to pull the trigger so we can go clean up the mess! Thought you might have a few words to die by before these monsters and I get busy? "Very considerate General Parker, I have one small request. When you get your hands on that puppy dog munching fool, bring him back to Californication land and I’ll personally dress is 4foot one inch fat ass in my finest Hawaii shirt with matching extra large white shorts and let him work the Saturday shifts at Disney land as a child greeter till he dies....." "Nice, can’t say these animals will take any prisoners, all my boys want is blood and Kimmy up against the wall son, we ain’t playing. Been sitting in this hot tiny ass submarine for five days, its time to boogy Marine." "I wish you all a fine day when the whistle blows and it will! Do what you do best and remember U.S. Marines are in the killing and dying bidness and gentleman bidness is good....." Another call comes through as our awfully patient Nurse Caron wearing one of her Pole Dancer specials:Ten inch high heels shiny black, nylons, no panties, very short black skirt, bright red sequined satin top three sizes smaller then the 36 Double D insane twosome she carries with great pride and expertise........... It’s non other then Quill’s old school Dirty Harrish San Francisco Police Detective Gary Hunter ( former front man Gary Hunter Blues Band). He has red hot Intel for the old Fly Fishing fool.... "Listen carefully Fly Maniac try and keep that unit quiet whilst I educate your dumb Irish Ass! Your way toooo rich Buddy Italy’s Prime Cut Premier Belliscouni( age 70+ ) with the over active adolescent taste buds has gone and done it son! You’re my first fucking phone call. I’m looking at a well done unedited digital movie taken three days ago at San Francisco’s best Hotel the Mark Hopkins. Your rich Italian Stallion is taking a super fine just turned 18 year old with the most sculpted ass I have ever seen to Eros School and she is most willing..." "Nice G man, so send me a copy for my next dinner party. How is the train wreck Pelose implosion doing these days? "Like many of your early flies Quill , falling apart quickly! Her and our almost pres sec of state Hellery have been pretending to be pissed at the Chinc’s? A joke as they both wine dine and get expertly dildoed into the wee wee Forbidden City late hour’s... Oh yeah like watching two drunken just escaped Nun’s running wild and lying on the fly.... Thelma & Louise ride again Pilgrim!" "Love that, gotta roll Dirty Harry, time to suit up and fool these fat trout while the French sun bites its last croissant, mon amie, adieu Capt Trips. " Quill is wading in a perfect four foot deep slightly ripply chalk stream running 200 yards from the main house. He is throwing tiny nymths weighted and bright gold in color. Every cast a hit or hook up..... Nurse Caron gets an unforgettable phone call! "Excuse me is this General Quill’s personel cell? Sharon Stone here?" "Yes Ms. Stone this his private Nurse, my name is Caron and its such a thrill to....." "Pardon me dear. Oh yes the smoking hot Blond Temptress man thief I have heard so much about! Before we start discussing the pro’s and con’s of every day life with the fly legend. If your banging him and I’m sure you are or he has lost his mind. Remember sweety his unit, his heart, his testicles and his beloved cat Timba live here at Raven’s Haven. Keep those 36 Double D’s corked and your panty’s on. He is missing his Irish castle and his cat?" "My goodness your every bit as self possessed and aging spoiled entitled Blond Bitchy as I imagined. If you were treating his magnificent unit correctly I would not be pinch hitting girl friend. By the by he is the new Sports spokesmen for Mac Cosmetics, I’ll send you a crate of anti aging sweety...." "I see why your pinch hitting dear, trailor park meets Florence Nightingale no wonder the old general is fasinated, just keep up that personel hygien and send him back like I sent him off, have him call me, ta ta sweety.... " Fletcher Quill feeling in sync with life and his never failing Irish luck prepares an Almond Trout/Wild Rice & fresh avocado, white truffle ice cream with frankincense incense wafting through out the kitchen.The Black Masiah breaks the domesticity with an supposed urgent Pow Wow? "Frisco Bad Boy, look here Fly man I know your old Pal General Parker contaced you from one of the Submarines I have standing by! Sooo here is where we stand with Kimmy and his spoiled rotten snot nosed fat son he is handing power to. You know this little prick is going to take a shot at Hawaii. Son we are going to DefCon six, have no choice but to roast this fool and much of his military. Going to get ugly fast, might need you and all retired back in the saddle Cowboy?" "Already figured that out. If you want I’ll helicopter on to Duke Parker’s Sub and go in with those boys right now! Maybe I better drop into that punk actor John Voights house and chat hey Chief??" "Do not go there, no we can’t go there, real tired of Chaney/ Voight can kiss my in charge Irish Ass..." Mound Of Hostages Tara! Home Of The God’s Fletcher and the fat French resident house cat (reminding him Timba is back at Raven’s Haven?) walk to the other side of the expansive country estate in search of afternoon bug hatches. In a quiet storm of day dreams they come upon a large green moss covered mound? Quill quickly realises it is Tara the legendary entrence to the underground home of the Kings and Gods.... Here one does not find cute cuddly winged creatures bent on endlesss spreading of happiness. Creatures capable of almost anything from shape shifting to time bending use this portal. These beings are known as fairies and they are not nice........ "Stop my new furry friend we have come upon sacred place where time and reason mean nothing, I can feel the sultry magic all around, smell of sulfer and amber tree sap mixed with frankinsense can only mean one of my old spirit friends is near...." "Healing general do remember the way you felt when you first saw the secret forest where fairies play long ago when you were young and innocent? We have decided to warn you once again this young nurse may have to fulfill her destiny and kill you soon. Your lost in lust and true love as your preposed to be... I will give you this salve to rub in your eyes each morning, it will give you the power to see the inner thoughts of Nurse Caron. When she decides to act, you will know. Good luck old healing general. If you solve this deadly riddle of love and fate, its is possible you two will live to enjoy the girl child she is now carrying..." "Before you go please identify your self? Which order of the Triadic Heirarchy do you belong? The first order Seraphim? (those who see most clearly) or perhaps the 2nd order Cherubim (those full of knowledge ) then again you may be from the third order Thrones? (power of judgement)". "You are close you nasty old man, I’m from the 2nd hiearchy 5th order Virtues (movement of heavenly bodies ) I have permission from the 1st order boss Michael the Arch Angel to warn you!" Quill remembers a black cold December circa 1968 in the back room VIP room of the famed Chicago Pump Room blowing pretty good dirty white boy Harp with Lightening Hopkins running his big hit " Mojo Hand into the wee ice cold Chicago hours. In creeps non other then T Bone Walker yelling and testifying behind his signature slow rolling " No Worries Blues " Whenever General (junk yard dog !!!) Quill gets itchy for more life and less paranoia concerning Nurse Caron’s ugly job description (assassin my Irish ass)............ Quill thinks back to the early San Francisco hours in the Fillmore West green room smoking the most sublime Afghani hashish with John Lee Hooker and his best Pal Little Walter (I’m the motherrfucking mouth harp- mMississppi trombone-tin sandwich King bitch!!!)....... Both these blues giants laughed and tried to teach Quill how to play the blues harp........ Behind thick exotic hookah smoke and the most soulful playing hippy/fairy/town ever knew........... "Hi sweety just finished listening to the latest Farm news with my best Nurse buddy Jerry, sad news I’m afraid.... The incident in the dirty linen closet was the last straw! He was given one more chance to redeem his perverted ways! Unfortunately duty in the Ward For Unwed Mothers did not work out as planned! During his first midnight to seven shift he was caught in his words testing the temperature via oral manipulation of several young lactating mothers..... Very nasty affair his record is not pretty! Other farm news equally troubling as the shrinking economy has meant less elective surgery’s hence less income. Administrators are contemplating turning empty wards into shelters for the homeless Doctors a new phenomena caused by the Socialist States Of America suddenly not needing ten billion way over paid specialists. Specialists and their death grip monopoly has single handedly driven health costs into insane heights along with clogging the whole system. It is these pampered over paid entitled doctors and their stranglehold that has killed the current system no question!" Quill on the Supream Court? Irish health reform Indeed!
Read about Fletcher Quill in earlier chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Written by Dan Fallon © 2009 For Dan Fallon's earlier
and later columns;