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Updated 2010-01-30 Swedish version |
Column nr. 2 2010 |
Slovenia True world class fly fishing for Brown Trout, Rainbow, Brook, Danube Salmon, and the mysterious Marble Trout. Slovenia fly action exists in the North West area of the Julian Alps where fly fishing is a year round activity. Anglers can relax if this exotic fly venue sounds great for experts? Regardless of one’s expertise either slow drifting sight work, wading shallow rivers or throwing long loops! Rok Lustruk and his seasoned guide team have worked with fly fishers no matter what level of experience.
You Looking For Varied Fly Waters Cowboy? Rok is a most fortunate world class guide because Slovenia is almost a complete education in serious fly fishing wet and dry, streamer, you name it Rok has it on the menu’. The Kokra River a tributary that connects the River Sava near Krang. Spectacular fighting wild Browns and big Rainbows with the added attraction of Greylings you can brag about! How about a Chalk Stream that could easily fit anywhere in New England? The Kirka special nursery smaller stream where big Browns live unmolested, Rainbows cruise surface hatches and Danube Salmon wonder like submarines, ahhh Chalk stream dry fly my favorite of all. Among the many kinds of waters available Trziska Bistrica tributary of River Sava that cascades from the Karavaanke Mountains perfect small and full of native Brown Trout! No matter what your taste Rok and his seasoned team can easily accommodate. Contacts: www.lustrik.com
"ADVENTURES OF FLETCHER QUILL" "And the wheel turns,nothing shall stop it nor destroy it, we Are bound on the wheel. We and the stars and the seas..." Winged Rock, Robinson Jeffers N ewly ordained United Socialist States Supreme Court Justice Fletcher Quill and his best friend (Absynian Cat) Timba are carefully edging their way out of the castle fly tower because long time Queen of the castle Sharon Stone and Quill’s personal Nurse Caron are well into a territorial hair yank, ghetto smack speak, cat fight!Quill picks up three of his favorite 4 weight Bamboo fly rods and a hand full of flies and out the door he and Timba go. Less then a mile from Raven’s Haven three small creeks home to fat Brook Trout glisten in the morning sun. Every cast either a hit or hook up, Timba is fascinated and sniffs every Brookie Quill releases. They both stop and lay on the grass while Quill fires a SuperMan Spliff sent to him by San Francisco Homies. Tonight the feasting/ whoring begins in ernest! The Irish first full moon of the new decade is just entering its final waxing phase at 11pm this evening. Staff have been alerted to introduce magic schrooms, Owsley Brain Juice and the psychedelic African Black Truffles. Special cautions have been built in to protect the very sensitive Dali Lama from too much artifical organic stimulation, He will have his own personal medicen men near him at all times. Quill throws a sweet long lazy loop that gently plops where rising Brook Trout are surface feeding... Fletcher watches his oldest most trusted man butler walking slowly toward him with his usual crisp white towel over his arm and three cell phones demanding attention. "Excuse me Sir, hate to disturb you while fly fishing! Prince Charles used to detest anyone even the Queen getting in the way of his fly rod. It appears the Dali Lama and the Chronic Whang Bros are practicing some kind of song and dance number for this evening? Fly Tower is still rocking and rolling with extreme Blondness gone ballistic! Keith Richards and Slash are jamming and wondering where your off to?" "How many years have you been with me?" "Lets see, after Prince Charles 18 years, then 6 years with wonderful old Jimmy Steward. You and I began on my 45th birthday, now were both in our mid 60s. Does that resonate Master Quill?" "You are more important to me then any of the spoiled, entitled greedy Bitches I’m condemned to keep company..... Timba me oldest Pal and you Drake are my two North Stars. Hope Nurse Caron and Sharon do not destroy my temple of peace and rare feathers. Better check on them?" Enter Snoop Dog!!!! "This crib kicks serious booty flymaster, Blond Magnet. Triple Doggy pounderific! Here toke down on this Monster Cush Bush I brought just for you stoner Supreme Court black clad all bad. Gotta catch a break from Tommy Gun Thomas, can’t get him high enough! I’m trippin on these tiny littel people you have crawling and ballin! Feel like po Whitney after Bobby fed her too many right hands. Feel like that punk ass white boy Mark McGuire lied again that fool. Man white boys can’t lie fo shit, have you noticed. Least Tiger spit it out and moved on. How long will it take to teach and old street dawg how to fly fish master?" "In your case Snoop not long, maybe five or six years and your ready for anything that swims! Now you know you got no time for nature. By the time you crawl out that Bentley and take one last ride through Jack n Box its 5am uh huh. So get your mind back in time and don’t drop no dime in the river of tears where fly rods rule every pool..." "Dirty Whiteboy makes good flymaster. Been reading about your adventures from time I was a boy! You more famous then any dogs in my kennel old man. How you do what you do any who, collecting these highly damaged Blonds just busting with intitelment complexes. They all look great on the outside. It’s the just under the skin creepy stuff that real Snnoop can detect. That manipulating cause I’m so fine I deserve it thang ain’t it dirty white boy? You playing these High Maintence Airport Baggage Bitches! (HMABB) for too .many years. You must have insane healing, grounding, improvising, adapting, overcoming tools San Francisco homey?" "Ain’t it a dam shame one man had to catch soo many psycho damaged unrepariable bitches in one fucking life time. On the other testicle me friend! What the fuck else did I have to do? Fight afew wars, catch and release a lot of fine fish, play in all the rivers. I understand what few men will ever perceive. In all cases men are liars and woman manipulators. The game is always rigged with one having more power, money, beauty whatever. You hetero male were born to loose or wonder aimlessly. I chose neither families,brats or any semblance of normality as normality is spirt soul death for boys that live on the edge of the swamp." "Celabrate your victory With funeral rites For your slain illusions. Wear some black at your wedding...." Timothy Leary, Psychedelic Prayers Staff have sorted out the most interesting, funny, engaging notes, telegrams, arriving from around this little Azure Blue Marble. Quill is back in his fly tower none the worse after several hours of Blond on Blond in yo faceness! Fletcher has yet to see either ultra hot heart breaker emerge from wound licking, ego reingorgment exercises known only to 10+ Blonds... Salutes & Salutations "Dear Supream Court Justice Fletcher Quill congrats on the cool black robe gig Dude! Looks like you can now throw those pathetic examples of your flies anywhere son. How bout we hook up on the Cowboys ranch in Texasss, he do miss you son. Get back to me when your head stops swelling fly fool???? Bubba, The only truley living X President "Quillly, my my you do get around sweety. Now that your calling all the shots for everyone. How about throwing an girlfriend a meatless bone Dawg! I still have that nasty video we made cuty pie, better call me.... Martha Steward "Alrighty then, was not enough to wear Marine Corps General Stars,Secratary Of The Interior, Fly master, Blues harp playing maniac! Not quite enough on that plate hey Laddy? I’ll meet you in San Francisco Tommy’s Joint Van Ness 12 noon July 10th. Be there Jarhead." Sierra Club Man of the year 2009 "I just looked out side? It ain’t raining rare baby blue glowing frogs from Madagasger! Hellery ain’t President, Joe Biden is actually dealing in the truth???? Yet, say it ain’t so, in the wavering collapsing lost and found of my current hooka induced clarity- You have become a frigging Supream Court Justice? How the fuck is that happening exactly? Mastery Gunnery Sargent William Fallon USMC "In sustained uber state of shock and awe! This ain’t Kansas is it Dorothy? When I can form words and expell them will contact, can’t seem to get my head around this at all?" Pope Paul, Vatican City "Ok Mr. Everything, fucking king of the world ya de ya da...... I’m still your San Fran acid main man fly fool? Just checking, I sent you eight vials of my latest batch cooked up with Bobby Weir eating baked brownies and tripping at the Fillmore West. San Fran going crazy with killer music Dude!!!!! ACDC plays Vegas in a few weeks, you want to go Blues man? Call me." Bear Owsley, Bearmeister Bitch’s "Can I suck it NOWWWWW!!!!!" Madonna "Flyman, Dude, You know your perfect for a huge late night TV show Baby?? Are you fucking kidding me, the cheap menssnarehouse suits would build another castle in the sky to get your wild Irish Supream Court ass, hey Quillmeister! I get 30 mllion and exit FOX News Baby!!!!!! I wannna do a thing like Johhny Steward, serious whacked shit. Say Homey are you going ask any real serious question how the fuck your fellow smudges could decide that Presidentail election Bullshit?" Tight Lines, Conan O’Brian "Soo how many interns do I send you for an invite to a just you and Ruthy ( party starter not! ) Ginsberg bonging away and crusiing in one of your Turbo Porsche’s?" David Letterman "Flyman, Jimmy Kimmel just left me a tape of Conan, Paul Shaffer, Dave, all liqured up and dressed like each other, its hysterical.... Can you send po Jimmy another case of that excellent Marine Corps Black shoe polish? His hair is loosing that looser black hole nuance." Jay Leno "Flyman, Irish Bad Ass- So Marine are you fucking kidding me over here!!!! Do your fellow black clads understand the motherfucking beast about to enter those chambers? I.m in the Blue Room Fillmore West ten fucking blocks from your Penthouse. Carlos Santana, Steve Miller, and your old Buddy from the early Stones Mick Taylor. Just finished two hours of many of your best riffs fly fool.... No one here can get this Supream Court deal streight Dude, so your not going to blow that killer harp anymore El General??" George Thourogood, The Destroyer Party Time Raven’s Haven be Rockin Tumblin Fumblin - Tony Baby Relax here Come The Judge Baby! Read about Fletcher Quill in earlier chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Written by Dan Fallon © 2010 For Dan Fallon's earlier
and later columns;