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Updated 2011-07-02 Swedish version |
Column nr. 7 2011 |
Twenty One Wisemen
Late June 2011 deep in remote Alaska where Grizzly Bears’s own the right away and King Salmon rule the rivers. A group comprised of seasoned world class fly fishers assembled at Lake Marie Lodge. Over the course of seven days while plying the abundant waters, ate breakfast and dinner together. Much like 21 aging Alpha Tigers sharing the same watering hole, sizing each other up with only one thing in common! They all ate meat and were unequivocally Brothers of the long Rod...... Lake Marie fly fishing lodge located 100 miles north west from Anchorage is as remote as it gets. Clients are flown in for one week of eight, nine hour days chasing Rainbows, Dolly Varden, Arctic Char, and all the Salmon species including the elusive King Salmon which can reach near 60 plus pounds of pure street fighter!
Over the course of fourteen meals spent together often laughing so hard eating was near impossible! Personalities emerged while fly fishing stories flew around the long table like the ancient Knights of the Round Table. It was on baby. Only one thing mattered from the start of this Brothers Of The Long Rod love fest. Who would successfully with out help catch, play and land the most and largest King Salmon. Simple rules, no tricks, you and your ten weight fly rod and a bit of feathers.
Among the seasoned veterans were several son’s including Brett Zane Jessen, Son of Dr. F. Zane Jessen. This quiet soft spoken young man took 21 Wise men to school while catching and working a 60 pound plus King over the course of 45 minutes twice falling and swimming back to his feet ala, "River Run’s Through It ". The photos don’t do this giant King Salmon justice, it is a beast of piscatorial splendor! Then the next day he caught another in the 50pound class! Brett Zane Jessen, you are the Man!
Lesson In Good Sportsmenship Tom Paszkiewicz did not get a hit or fish in the entire 7 days and nights! Tom an accomplished fly fisher encountered a serious hard run of luck that appeared to follow him no matter what he tried. Tom a member of the Minnesota contingent never failed to smile and joke as the other anglers spoke of catching and landing King Salmon and Rainbows.... A tough place for anyone to feel comfortable. Then in the last two hours of the last morning Tom caught and landed a nice King, the curse lifted in the last 2 hours. Congratulations Tom. A lesson well learned for all 21 Wise Men. Each day all clients moved to new beats and new situations to ponder as the big Kings moved into rivers and streams.
Ten weight fly rods armed with flies tied at the lodge split into two categories. Small Rainbow patterns and large King Salmon flies tied on number two hooks gaudy and loud in color as the Kings are not actually hungry at this time. They are hitting anything resembling red roes out of reflex or annoyance involuntary reflex. Anyone capable of successfully hooking and wrestling these wild beasts that can reach 70 plus pounds with light fly rods has arrived at the top of this sport. Taking Bone Fish with light gear or salt water Marlin action another set of hard rules to follow. Chasing Kings with fly rods on the top shelf of all fly fishers dream trips no question!
The usual mistakes made are trying to muscle in the fish before its tired. All Kings are lost within ten minutes of the hook up because either the fly fisher could not set the hook firmly on the first strike or could not understand the fish has to run often many times taking all the fly line each time down to the backing line is common. One is excited after casting over and over sometimes for hours before a fish hits the fly. A daunting exercise for the most accomplished fly fisher. www.lakemarie.com has all the equipment and fly tying material needed, a full service lodge with excellent food and quality rods and reels. The guides know the sport well and take care of clients carefully. Highly recommend this remote fly fishery complete full service operation with years of experience. The Wilson family starting with Mother Marie and John and David created a special fly venue deep in Alaska’s still wild Grizzly Bear occupied heartland. A must go trip for any serious fly fisher.
Two remote H D Radio shows were recorded and can be accessed via the web www.outdoortrailsnetwork.com. Hosted by Jim Ferguson. John Wilson is interviewed on the first show and Brett Jessen on the second . Many thanks to both the Wilson family and Jim Ferguson for a wonderful trip again into Alaska’s true last remote wilderness, a trip of a life time indeed... Part Two my near drowning incident! Working the ubiquitous Mouse on top of crystal clear waters with Mouse Expert and Head Guide Mat Amundson. Bear sightings, Eagles, Moose, Trumpeter Swans, and evenings spent enjoying Prime Rib and Mom’s home made Apple Pie served by a very tolerant Angel named Darlene... End
Written by Dan Fallon © 2011
"ADVENTURES OF FLETCHER QUILL" "The beaten road which those poor slaves with
wearyfootsteps tread. After two more mid ocean refuels the Marine chopper piloted by General Duke Parker gently brings the green bird to a stop at the private jet landing area at San Francisco International Airport. A long trip ends with Supreme Court Justice Fletcher Quill and his life long Marine Pal finding Drake his man servant sitting and rolling huge Blunts in the passenger seat of Quill’s shiny new $300,000 F12 Ferrari. The sound of the 800 H.P. Italian speed monster chills the bones of the two old Jarheads. Home sweet home Baby!!!!!!! "Drake, is this monster full of gas Buddy? Sounds wonderful like a bucket full of Bolts trying to kill each other! Hand me that new cell phone it’s the fucking Glimmer Twin looking for Wolf trouble Son.." "Keith, what up Dawg? You did the back stage hand slap with Bono and his crew couple weeks ago at the Oakland Coliseum. So how did my Irish rocker mad man do Pally?" "Dude, Lenny Kravitze killed em big time. That kid is so locked into his funky sound man, a pleasure to watch that tight ass band do, " American Woman " just fucking killed, then came the Irish Bad Boys - Humanitarian.. Bono started great with high energy and tight sounds. Then about into the 10th tune he started preaching world peace and the stands began to empty. First no one, not even the old Stones or Led Zepp makes San Francisco wait an hour and a half. Ain’t going to fly in 2011 Son!" "Listen me and Parker are headed out to my Beach Penthouse for refueling, Hashish, and pick up my Gold Harmonica’s, then its over to the Fillmore West for a late night Blues Jam, see you there. Have to blow by and see 666 who wants to hang. We have much to catch up on my friend." "Listen Keith just got abuzz from my old Pal who runs the Steinhardt Aquarium in Golden Gate Park. He wants to give me a shit load of ancient feathers he saved from the last Amazon bird extinction exhibition. Lets see what this $300.000 rocket ship is really worth Cowboy!!!" Home boy Fletcher (Skateboarding Fooool!!!!) Fast Boy, Hard Drivin Man has arranged for the entire Great Hiway which runs next to the Ocean Beach hood where Quill’s view penthouse dwells to be closed for two hours. Time to see what $300,000 will buy in 2011 to ease ones Fast Boy syndrome baby. Quill hits the top of the hill next to the famed Cliff house Seafood Restraint and lets first gear wind out to nearly 60 in two seconds he grabs second gear and is near 100MPH and before he grabs third its 130 and moving quickly.... By the time he runs all ten red lights about two miles of arrow straightness the Red Stallion is 225 and climbing nicely... Good to be home as he shuts off and listens to the dual turbos wind down as the Pacific Ocean gives up another killer Sunset. Its Wolf time, he is home in the house and looking for trouble Baby!!! "Man, Dude we had to be pulling 4 G’s easy on that last hard left on Sloat Blvd going by the Zoo Buddy! Woke up those po mistreated lions my main formula One fool.. Sooo lets hit the museum and do another bowl of the Popes Hashish. We gotta call the Pope and get another six pounds hey Dali. Dali you been real quiet back there in the plush leather soul saver spirit advisor. How is my spirit doing this morn Buddy?" "I have never moved so quickly and gone nowhere in my mortal life! This car has created a new philosophy for me. NEEEED FOR SPEEEEED!!!!" "Welcome to the Mayor of Man town’s Private Office Holy Man. You have come so far quickly hanging with me. I get you a big paying side gig dealing Hashish with the Pope and as an added bonus you get a hard core opiate habit and become my personal Spiritual Advisor in as much as you is technically uninfuckingployed my man..." "Yes, yes, don’t remind me of my long fall from grace Cowboy! Feel like your new Pal Congressmen Weiner." "That boy already ancient history, man even the Sperminator is quiet, what bout Charley Scream’s road show to nowhere? No worries another exploding American glass icon will implode on his cell phone sending photos of his junk by accident to his Mom and Rabi baby! Ok, act almost normal boys its time to converse with the ultra normal straight arrow Museum Curator types Pilgrims, lets bounce." "Home boy Harp playing Marine, Supreme Court Justice takes time from Brain work to come hang with his oldest San Francisco Homey in residence..." "Of course Fast Freddy, meet my main men His Highest Holiness Dali Lama, General Duke Parker and last of course least Keith ( get no satisfaction!! ) Richards... We are so stoked to put hands on these ancient feathers my friend. What is the history, are they all extinct? And how far back are we talking here?" "I could be fired and loose my IRA over this Frisco Wolf! You take with you six pounds of the rarest red and bright purple circles of florescent glow in pitch dark Amazonian raised circa 5 million years ago we estimate. This giant Harlequin like river living bird was about fifty pounds with twenty foot wing span that glowed in the dark. You and only you mad man fly man can imagine what these feathers could help you create?" "I’m speechless over here Freddy... This pile is worth a fortune. You still smoke a bowl of the Kind once in awhile my man? Dali sweety leave my man a pound of your best Moroccan Black Hashish. Freddy I’m headed for a Chicago Blues Blow out at the Fillmore start time 3am. You flash this card, Drake give Freddy my card." "Quill , enough of this nerd Bullshit Dude. Lets hit old 666's Golden Gate Park underground control center Cowboy?" "Steller idea, we take the F12 for a stroll in the Park Home dawgs...." Cell phone screams please pick me up Cowboy!!! Its Non other then the long lost never forgotten Home Dawggy of all Canineundomesticus Grateful Dead Crypt Keeper Jerry Garcia, & his main side kick Pigpin Baby..... Jerry Garcia "How long you be in town Jarhead? Cannot believe the fucking Dali Lama is selling dope and hanging with the likes of you Player Man? You got that Gold Harp in your pocket don’t ya. Think you play pretty good don’t ya Tripper Man? Soo Fillmore West 3am me, Pigpin here and you with a few surprise guests of course. Its South Side Chicago Pony Room. Pump Room, Shays Back DOOR, Foxys Henhouse circa 1935 Son." "Quill Dawg Pigpin yellin at ya Son. Thinking its time for you to get back to yo real mortal roots. We told Buddy Guy and Muddy Waters, to spread the word. Could have members of the early Iron Butterfly or Blue Cheer come hang late tonight. WE located 200 hits of Orange Sunshine in cool little Barrels just for you General Sir. Jerry has a pocket full of killer Schrooms. WE know you have the Hashish covered with the Pope connection. You know the world court is going to hang Mr. Enabler number one, he is done Dude!" "Drake better get my cat Timba on the Horn Buddy" "Timba, my best of all best friends, How is my favorite and only cat?" "Meow, meow, meow, meow, meoooooooow..." "Take care my furry friend, back at my castle in one month, meowwwwww" "How long have you spokin fluent cat Mr. Blues Harp playing Home Boy?" "Oh yeah he knows he is toast Boys. Gotta jam , things to do before the Fillmore." "So Drake , Your out first Dude. Get my fly vices cranked up with number two barbless salmon hooks ready. Think I’ll start with some new streamer patterns. Miss the " Cats, Blonds, fly fishing, harmonicas, skateboards. That’s bout all I ever do around here Boys. Secretary Of The Interior was nice. Years in the Marine Corp great adventure. Supreme Court gig so far so good. But Skateboards in the fog riding fast and loose down tough San Francisco hills or taking Alaskan King Salmon on the fly or playing Blues Harp with great players like John Lee Hooker and Little Walter the best. Ahhhh a long life lived well indeed hey Boys. Some men are born to die- Some born to live." "Excuse me Sir, it’s a Congressmen Wenny he says its urgent to speak to the Mayor Of Man Town!" "Tell him I can’t be disturbed Drake." (Blues legends assemble Fillmore West- The West Is the Best!)
Read about Fletcher Quill in earlier chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Written by Dan Fallon © 2011 For Dan
Fallon's earlier and later columns;